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[Pages 101–116] 101 |
At one time the population of Persia exceeded fifty
millions. This has been dissipated partly through civil
wars, but predominantly because of the lack of an adequate
system of government and the despotism and
unbridled authority of provincial and local governors.
With the passage of time, not one-fifth of the population
has survived, for the governors would select any
victim they cared to, however innocent, and vent their
wrath on him and destroy him. Or, for a whim, they
would make a pet out of some proven mass murderer.
Not a soul could speak out, because the governor was
in absolute control. Can we say that these things were
in conformity with justice or with the laws of God?
Can we maintain that it is contrary to the fundamentals
of the Faith to encourage the acquisition of useful
arts and of general knowledge, to inform oneself as to
the truths of such physical sciences as are beneficial to
man, and to widen the scope of industry and increase
the products of commerce and multiply the nation’s
avenues of wealth? Would it conflict with the worship
of God to establish law and order in the cities and organize
the rural districts, to repair the roads and build
railroads and facilitate transportation and travel and
thus increase the people’s well-being? Would it be inconsistent
with the Divine commands and prohibitions
if we were to work the abandoned mines which are the
greatest source of the nation’s wealth, and to build factories,
from which come the entire people’s comfort,
security and affluence? Or to stimulate the creation of
new industries and to promote improvements in our
domestic products?
By the All-Glorious! I am astonished to find what a
veil has fallen across their eyes, and how it blinds them
even to such obvious necessities as these. And there is
no doubt whatever that when conclusive arguments
and proofs of this sort are advanced, they will answer,
out of a thousand hidden spites and prejudices: “On
the Day of Judgment, when men stand before their
Lord, they will not be questioned as to their education
and the degree of their culture—rather will they be examined
as to their good deeds.” Let us grant this and
assume that man will not be asked as to his culture and
education; even so, on that great Day of Reckoning,
will not the leaders be called to account? Will it not
be said to them: “O chiefs and leaders! Why did ye
cause this mighty nation to fall from the heights of its
former glory, to pass from its place at the heart and
center of the civilized world? Ye were well able to take
hold of such measures as would lead to the high honor
of this people. This ye failed to do, and ye even went
on to deprive them of the common benefits enjoyed by
all. Did not this people once shine out like stars in an
auspicious heaven? How have ye dared to quench their
light in darkness! Ye could have lit the lamp of temporal
and eternal glory for them; why did ye fail to
strive for this with all your hearts? And when by God’s
grace a flaming Light flared up, why did ye fail to
shelter it in the glass of your valor, from the winds that
beat against it? Why did ye rise up in all your might
to put it out?”
“And every man’s fate have We fastened about his
neck: and on the Day of Resurrection will We bring
it forth to him a book which shall be proffered to him
wide open.”
Again, is there any deed in the world that would be
nobler than service to the common good? Is there any
greater blessing conceivable for a man, than that he
should become the cause of the education, the development,
the prosperity and honor of his fellow-creatures?
No, by the Lord God! The highest righteousness of all
is for blessed souls to take hold of the hands of the helpless
and deliver them out of their ignorance and abasement
and poverty, and with pure motives, and only for
the sake of God, to arise and energetically devote themselves
to the service of the masses, forgetting their own
worldly advantage and working only to serve the general
good. “They prefer them before themselves, though
poverty be their own lot.”
“The best of men are those
who serve the people; the worst of men are those who
harm the people.”
Glory be to God! What an extraordinary situation
now obtains, when no one, hearing a claim advanced,
asks himself what the speaker’s real motive might be,
and what selfish purpose he might not have hidden behind
the mask of words. You find, for example, that an
individual seeking to further his own petty and personal
concerns, will block the advancement of an entire
people. To turn his own water mill, he will let
the farms and fields of all the others parch and wither.
To maintain his own leadership, he will everlastingly
direct the masses toward that prejudice and fanaticism
which subvert the very base of civilization.
Such a man, at the same moment that he is perpetrating
actions which are anathema in the sight of God
and detested by all the Prophets and Holy Ones, if he
sees a person who has just finished eating wash his
hands with soap—an article the inventor of which was
‘Abdu’lláh Buní, a Muslim—will, because this unfortunate
does not instead wipe his hands up and down
the front of his robe and on his beard, set up a hue
and cry to the effect that the religious law has been
overthrown, and the manners and customs of heathen
nations are being introduced into ours. Utterly disregarding
the evil of his own ways, he considers the very
cause of cleanliness and refinement as wicked and
O People of Persia! Open your eyes! Pay heed! Release
yourselves from this blind following of the bigots,
this senseless imitation which is the principal reason
why men fall away into paths of ignorance and degradation.
See the true state of things. Rise up; seize hold
of such means as will bring you life and happiness and
greatness and glory among all the nations of the world.
The winds of the true springtide are passing over
you; adorn yourselves with blossoms like trees in the
scented garden. Spring clouds are streaming; then turn
you fresh and verdant like the sweet eternal fields. The
dawn star is shining, set your feet on the true path. The
sea of might is swelling, hasten to the shores of high
resolve and fortune. The pure water of life is welling
up, why wear away your days in a desert of thirst? Aim
high, choose noble ends; how long this lethargy, how
long this negligence! Despair, both here and hereafter,
is all you will gain from self-indulgence; abomination
and misery are all you will harvest from fanaticism,
from believing the foolish and the mindless. The confirmations
of God are supporting you, the succor of
God is at hand: why do you not cry out and exult with
all your heart, and strive with all your soul!
Among those matters which require thorough revision
and reform is the method of studying the
various branches of knowledge and the organization
of the academic curriculum. From lack of
organization, education has become haphazard and confused.
Trifling subjects which should not call for
elaboration receive undue attention, to such an extent
that students, over long periods of time, waste their
minds and their energies on material that is pure supposition,
in no way susceptible of proof, such study consisting
in going deep into statements and concepts
which careful examination would establish as not even
unlikely, but rather as unalloyed superstition, and representing
the investigation of useless conceits and the
chasing of absurdities. There can be no doubt that to
concern oneself with such illusions, to examine into
and lengthily debate such idle propositions, is nothing
but a waste of time and a marring of the days of one’s
life. Not only this, but it also prevents the individual
from undertaking the study of those arts and sciences
of which society stands in dire need. The individual
should, prior to engaging in the study of any subject,
ask himself what its uses are and what fruit and result
will derive from it. If it is a useful branch of knowledge,
that is, if society will gain important benefits from it,
then he should certainly pursue it with all his heart.
If not, if it consists in empty, profitless debates and in
a vain concatenation of imaginings that lead to no result
except acrimony, why devote one’s life to such
useless hairsplittings and disputes.
Because this matter requires further elucidation and
a thorough hearing, so that it can be fully established
that some of the subjects which today are neglected are
extremely valuable, while the nation has no need whatever
of various other, superfluous studies, the point
will, God willing, be developed in a second volume.
Our hope is that a reading of this first volume will produce
fundamental changes in the thinking and the behavior
of society, for We have undertaken the work
with a sincere intent and purely for the sake of God.
Although in this world individuals who are able to distinguish
between sincere intentions and false words
are as rare as the philosopher’s stone, yet We fix Our
hopes on the measureless bounties of the Lord.
To resume: As for that group who maintains that in
effecting these necessary reforms we must proceed with
deliberation, exercise patience and gain the objectives
one at a time, just what do they mean by this? If by
deliberation they are referring to that circumspection
which the science of government requires, their
thought is timely and appropriate. It is certain that
momentous undertakings cannot be brought to a successful
conclusion in haste; that in such cases haste
would only make waste.
The world of politics is like the world of man; he is
seed at first, and then passes by degrees to the condition
of embryo and foetus, acquiring a bone structure,
being clothed with flesh, taking on his own special
form, until at last he reaches the plane where he can
befittingly fulfill the words: “the most excellent of
Just as this is a requirement of creation and
is based on the universal Wisdom, the political world
in the same way cannot instantaneously evolve from
the nadir of defectiveness to the zenith of rightness and
perfection. Rather, qualified individuals must strive by
day and by night, using all those means which will conduce
to progress, until the government and the people
develop along every line from day to day and even from
moment to moment.
When, through the Divine bestowals, three things
appear on earth, this world of dust will come alive, and
stand forth wondrously adorned and full of grace.
These are first, the fruitful winds of spring; second, the
welling plenty of spring clouds; and third, the heat of
the bright sun. When, out of the endless bounty of
God, these three have been vouchsafed, then slowly,
by His leave, dry trees and branches turn fresh and
green again, and array themselves with many kinds of
blossoms and fruits. It is the same when the pure intentions
and the justice of the ruler, the wisdom and
consummate skill and statecraft of the governing authorities,
and the determination and unstinted efforts
of the people, are all combined; then day by day the
effects of the advancement, of the far-reaching reforms,
of the pride and prosperity of government and people
alike, will become clearly manifest.
If, however, by delay and postponement they mean
this, that in each generation only one minute section
of the necessary reforms should be attended to, this is
nothing but lethargy and inertia, and no results would
be forthcoming from such a procedure, except the endless
repetition of idle words. If haste is harmful, inertness
and indolence are a thousand times worse. A middle
course is best, as it is written: “It is incumbent upon
you to do good between the two evils,” this referring
to the mean between the two extremes. “And let not
thy hand be tied up to thy neck; nor yet open it with
all openness … but between these follow a middle
The primary, the most urgent requirement is the promotion
of education. It is inconceivable that any nation
should achieve prosperity and success unless this paramount,
this fundamental concern is carried forward.
The principal reason for the decline and fall of peoples
is ignorance. Today the mass of the people are uninformed
even as to ordinary affairs, how much less do
they grasp the core of the important problems and complex
needs of the time.
It is therefore urgent that beneficial articles and books
be written, clearly and definitely establishing what the
present-day requirements of the people are, and what
will conduce to the happiness and advancement of society.
These should be published and spread throughout
the nation, so that at least the leaders among the
people should become, to some degree, awakened, and
arise to exert themselves along those lines which will
lead to their abiding honor. The publication of high
thoughts is the dynamic power in the arteries of life;
it is the very soul of the world. Thoughts are a boundless
sea, and the effects and varying conditions of existence
are as the separate forms and individual limits
of the waves; not until the sea boils up will the waves
rise and scatter their pearls of knowledge on the shore
of life.
Public opinion must be directed toward whatever is
worthy of this day, and this is impossible except
through the use of adequate arguments and the adducing
of clear, comprehensive and conclusive proofs. For
the helpless masses know nothing of the world, and
while there is no doubt that they seek and long for
their own happiness, yet ignorance like a heavy veil
shuts them away from it.
Observe to what a degree the lack of education will
weaken and degrade a people. Today [1875] from the
standpoint of population the greatest nation in the
world is China, which has something over four hundred
million inhabitants. On this account, its government
should be the most distinguished on earth, its
people the most acclaimed. And yet on the contrary,
because of its lack of education in cultural and material
civilization, it is the feeblest and the most helpless of
all weak nations. Not long ago, a small contingent of
English and French troops went to war with China
and defeated that country so decisively that they took
over its capital Peking. Had the Chinese government
and people been abreast of the advanced sciences of
the day, had they been skilled in the arts of civilization,
then if all the nations on earth had marched against
them the attack would still have failed, and the attackers
would have returned defeated whence they
had come.
Stranger even than this episode is the fact that the
government of Japan was in the beginning subject to
and under the protection of China, and that now for
some years, Japan has opened its eyes and adopted the
techniques of contemporary progress and civilization,
promoting sciences and industries of use to the public,
and striving to the utmost of their power and competence
until public opinion was focused on reform.
This government has currently advanced to such a
point that, although its population is only one-sixth, or
even one-tenth, that of China, it has recently challenged
the latter government, and China has finally
been forced to come to terms. Observe carefully how
education and the arts of civilization bring honor, prosperity,
independence and freedom to a government
and its people.
It is, furthermore, a vital necessity to establish schools
throughout Persia, even in the smallest country towns
and villages, and to encourage the people in every possible
way to have their children learn to read and write.
If necessary, education should even be made compulsory.
Until the nerves and arteries of the nation stir into
life, every measure that is attempted will prove vain; for
the people are as the human body, and determination
and the will to struggle are as the soul, and a soulless
body does not move. This dynamic power is present to
a superlative degree in the very nature of the Persian
people, and the spread of education will release it.
As to that element who believe that it is neither
necessary nor appropriate to borrow the principles
of civilization, the fundamentals of
progress toward high levels of social happiness in the
material world, the laws which effect thorough reforms,
the methods which extend the scope of culture—and
that it is far more suitable that Persia and the Persians
reflect over the situation and then create their own
techniques of progress.
It is certain that if the vigorous intelligence and superior
skill of the nation’s great, and the energy and
resolve of the most eminent men at the imperial court,
and the determined efforts of those who have knowledge
and capacity, and are well versed in the great
laws of political life, should all be combined, and all
should exert every effort and examine and reflect over
every detail as well as on the main currents of affairs,
there is every likelihood that because of the effective
plans they would evolve, some situations would be
thoroughly reformed. In the majority of cases, however,
they would still be obliged to borrow; because,
throughout the many-centuried past, hundreds of
thousands of persons have devoted their entire lives to
putting these things to the test until they were able to
bring about these substantial developments. If all that
is to be ignored and an effort is made to re-create those
agencies in our own country and in our own way, and
thus effect the hoped-for advancement, many generations
would pass by and still the goal would not be
reached. Observe for instance that in other countries
they persevered over a long period until finally they
discovered the power of steam and by means of it were
enabled easily to perform the heavy tasks which were
once beyond human strength. How many centuries it
would take if we were to abandon the use of this power
and instead strain every nerve to invent a substitute.
It is therefore preferable to keep on with the use of
steam and at the same time continuously to examine
into the possibility of there being a far greater force
available. One should regard the other technological
advances, sciences, arts and political formulae of proven
usefulness in the same light—i.e., those procedures
which, down the ages, have time and again been put
to the test and whose many uses and advantages have
demonstrably resulted in the glory and greatness of the
state, and the well-being and progress of the people.
Should all these be abandoned, for no valid reason, and
other methods of reform be attempted, by the time
such reforms might eventuate, and their advantages
might be put to proof, many years would go by, and
many lives. Meanwhile, “we are still at the first bend
in the road.”
The superiority of the present in relation to the past
consists in this, that the present can take over and
adopt as a model many things which have been tried
and tested and the great benefits of which have been
demonstrated in the past, and that it can make its own
new discoveries and by these augment its valuable inheritance.
It is clear, then, that the accomplishment
and experience of the past are known and available to
the present, while the discoveries peculiar to the present
were unknown to the past. This presupposes that
the later generation is made up of persons of ability;
otherwise, how many a later generation has lacked even
so much as a drop out of the boundless ocean of knowledge
that was its forbears’.
Reflect a little: let us suppose that, through the
power of God, certain individuals are placed on earth;
these obviously stand in need of many things, to provide
for their human dignity, their happiness and ease.
Now is it more practicable for them to acquire these
things from their contemporaries, or should they, in
each successive generation, borrow nothing, but instead
independently create one or another of the instrumentalities
which are necessary to human existence?
Should some maintain that those laws, principles and
fundamentals of progress on the highest levels of a
fully developed society, which are current in other
countries, are not suited to the condition and the traditional
needs of Persia’s people, and that on this account
it is necessary that within Írán, the nations’
planners should exert their utmost efforts to bring about
reforms appropriate to Persia—let them first explain
what harm could come from such foreign importations.
If the country were built up, the roads repaired, the
lot of the helpless improved by various means, the poor
rehabilitated, the masses set on the path to progress,
the avenues of public wealth increased, the scope of
education widened, the government properly organized,
and the free exercise of the individual’s rights, and the
security of his person and property, his dignity and good
name, assured—would all this be at odds with the character
of the Persian people? Whatever is in conflict
with these measures has already been proved injurious,
in every country, and does not concern one locality
more than another.
These superstitions result in their entirety from lack
of wisdom and understanding, and insufficient observation
and analysis. Indeed, the majority of the reactionaries
and the procrastinators are only concealing their
own selfish interests under a barrage of idle words, and
confusing the minds of the helpless masses with public
statements which bear no relation to their well-concealed
O people of Persia! The heart is a divine trust;
cleanse it from the stain of self-love, adorn it with the
coronal of pure intent, until the sacred honor, the abiding
greatness of this illustrious nation may shine out
like the true morning in an auspicious heaven. This
handful of days on earth will slip away like shadows
and be over. Strive then that God may shed His grace
upon you, that you may leave a favorable remembrance
in the hearts and on the lips of those to come. “And
grant that I be spoken of with honor by posterity.”
Happy the soul that shall forget his own good, and
like the chosen ones of God, vie with his fellows in
service to the good of all; until, strengthened by the
blessings and perpetual confirmations of God, he shall
be empowered to raise this mighty nation up to its
ancient pinnacles of glory, and restore this withered
land to sweet new life, and as a spiritual springtime,
array those trees which are the lives of men with the
fresh leaves, the blossoms and fruits of consecrated joy.
1. |
Qur’án 17:14.
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2. |
Qur’án 59:9.
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3. |
Qur’án 23:14: “Blessed therefore be God, the most excellent of Makers.”
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4. |
Qur’án 17:31; 110.
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5. |
Rúmí, The Mathnaví, II 2:277. The next line is: A garden close, if that thought be a rose,[ ![]() |
6. |
From the lines: “Aṭṭár has passed through the seven cities of love, and we are still at the first bend in the road.”
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7. |
Qur’án 26:84.
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