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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas

  • Author:
  • ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
  • Pages:
  • 730
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Pages 499-501

“O thou who are firm in the Covenant!…”

O thou who are firm in the Covenant!
Thou has written regarding the articles and papers which are written by the believers of God and the forwarding of them to this land for correction. This servant, on account of the multitude of works and occupations, hath no time whatever to attend to this matter. If this articles are read in the spiritual assembly of each city in America and the printing and spreading of them is advised and approved by the assembly, it is acceptable. This permission is granted so that those souls do not become disappointed and may be engaged in the composition and printing of instructive papers. 500 Mr. … will arrive here and we will discuss with him regarding this matter.
Say to Mr. …: “If he writeth any article and the spiritual assembly of Washington doth approve its circulation, the spreading will be of good results.”
His honor … hath not displayed the slightest shortcoming or omission in forwarding the letters and papers to this land. Know ye this for a certainty. Some of the letters have been received, but there hath not yet been time to answer them; while on the other hand some of them are lost in the mail. Whatever hath been received, its answer dependeth upon time and opportunity.
But regarding the articles: These articles must be revised and corrected by those souls who know the history of the Cause. If they approve their circulation undoubtedly it will lead to the rapid promotion of the Cause. For this servant hath no time whatever (to revise those articles).
Regarding the receipt of letters and their early acknowledgment: A new and complete system is organized. God willing, it will become perfected and put into execution.
O thou who are firm in the Covenant! Convey the longing greeting of this servant to his honor Professor …. The association which he hath organized is acceptable and beloved. God willing, he will become assisted and the confirmations of the Kingdom of Abha will descend. Today any soul who is planted, like a tree, along the steam of this divine rose-garden, will grow and develop through the infinite outpourings. For the rays of the Sun of Truth will shine forth, the Divine 501 Husbandman will irrigate and the soul-refreshing breeze will waft from the direction of grace. Consequently, that tree will find the utmost freshness and delicacy, producing delicious fruits. Deliver to him the enclosed Tablet.
Thou hast written regarding his honor Mr. …. This personage is a believer and assured; he is attracted, enkindled and of the utmost sincerity. The believers of God must have the utmost consideration toward him; they must not avoid him; they must seek his companionship in a cheerful manner,. For this servant (Abdul-Baha) is intoxicated with the wine of servitude and he is happy and joyful in the thralldom of God. Therefore, all must declare and do whatever is the wish of his heart and soul. The point is there: The believers must associate with Mr. … with joy and love.
Thou hast written regarding the reception at the Persian Legation and the presence of the people of intelligence, His Excellency the Turkish Minister, and the conversation of the attracted maid-servants of God, … and …. This news imparted the greatest joy and happiness.