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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas

  • Author:
  • ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
  • Pages:
  • 730
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Pages 596-599

“O thou who art attracted by the brilliant lights of the…”

O thou who art attracted by the brilliant lights of the Merciful One, shining from the Supreme Kingdom!
I opened thy letter with the greatest happiness and considered the meaning of thine address; but sadness became most intense within me when I learned about the dissensions among the brethren 1 in those countries. By the life of God! “This is a wonderful thing!”
Verily, the mission of all the prophets, the relation of all the scriptures, the diffusion of the instructions of God and the descent of His law, were all in order to establish agreement and union and to strengthen love and harmony among nations of different customs and thoughts, of diverse beliefs, doctrines, rites and habits; of various classes, tribes and races. So likewise, as thou seest in this beautiful religion, verily, men of different beliefs, creeds and religions, of contrary ideas and thoughts, of various races, languages and natal 597 lands—whether from East, West, North or South—all have entered under the shade of this Blessed Tree, planted, grown and reared in the midst of Paradise, and are formed into a single nation and religion in mutual union and agreement, ready to sacrifice their souls and bodies, each to the other. This harmony is not effected but through the influence of the Word of God and is circulated and spread in all directions among the believers of God, who are firm in the Covenant.
The dissensions prevailing in those parts (America) is altogether too surprising and strange; and I entreat God to purge it out through thy power of unity and oneness and unite the congregations and gather together the dispersed multitude. Verily, He is powerful in all things!
But for thee, leave such matters and disturbances and withdraw from those districts and places and turn thy face sincerely to God; take His instructions and be expanded through the breaths of god. The Spirit of God shall assist thee and His angels will confirm thee; the life of holiness of God will be breathed into thy mouth and thou wilt find thyself in a position free from these ideas and thoughts resulting from worldly grades. (Verily, these are disgraces to all who are in the habit of reading the verses of unity in the assemblies of existence!) Seize the opportunity, use every effort and depend not upon circumstances which produce no fruits. Spend thy days, with all joy and fragrance, in speaking to the praise of God, being gladdened through His good tidings, in rejoicing through His graces and in spreading His breaths. Then thou shalt, with the eye of joy, see the banners of the Covenant fluttering above 598 all stately mansions. Verily, God effecteth that which He pleaseth; naught can annul His Covenant; naught can obstruct His favor nor oppose His Cause! He doeth with His will that which pleaseth Him and He is powerful over all things! At that time thou wilt find the waverers in manifest loss.
As for the instructions: They will be revealed to thee and spread all through all those regions by the translation of the divine verses.
As for the symbol of the cross, appointed in former times: Know verily, that the cross form is a wonderful figure and consists of two right lines placed crosswise—one perpendicular to the other—and this figure exists in all things.
Meditate upon these words and pay attention to the tissue in all existing substances, either plant, animal or man, and thou wilt see that they all are formed of the cross figure or two crosswise lines. Consider this intently with true meditation. Then thou wilt be taught by the Holy Ghost that it is for this reason that God hath chosen this symbol to be displayed as the token of sacrifice in all periods of the ages.
I will explain to thee, in future time, the mystery of sacrifice. There is nothing more beautiful than this tree united with the cross. Verily, this tree is a type of the Tree of Life inconjunction with the cross; in this, the mystery of sacrifice.
As for the crescent: It hath reference to the beginning of the religion of God which shall grow to be a full moon.
As for the stars: They are types of the guides; for, verily, the star is a guide to people, even in the 599 most gloomy darkness, on both land and sea. In former centuries, people were aided by the pole-star in whatever direction they went.
Verily, I supplicate God to raise the instrument of sacrifice in those regions and to reveal there the mystery of sacrifice; to cause the crescent of the religion of God to rise until it groweth into a shining full moon; to brighten the stars of guidance and guide all through it; and I beseech Him to assist those brethren to promote His Word in those most distant places, cause them to be servants to His precious olive-garden, keepers of His inaccessible fortress and guides to his straight path!
May glory be unto thee and unto them!
1. During the year 1899.   [ Back To Reference]