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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas

  • Author:
  • ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
  • Pages:
  • 730
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Pages 681-683

“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…”

O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!
Verily, thy coming, at this time, unto this shining, blessed Holy Land is not consistent with wisdom, but when the (proper) time cometh, we shall give thee permission to come to this Spot of Light. Thank thou God for that the love of God hath pervaded thee and seized the reins from thy hands. This spiritual love shall surely pervade all regions.
As to the human souls (or individuals): Unless they acquire the light, they are unable to shine upon other individuals. But when a man ariseth to expound the arguments of God and invite people to enter in the religion of God, and when he uttereth those arguments and advanceth consummate proofs concerning the appearance of the great Kingdom, then intense love shall 682 become manifest in his heart. This love causeth the development of this spirit by the grace of the beneficent Lord. Consider, O maid-servant of God, the bearer who brought the garment of Joseph to Jacob. That messenger was the bearer of the garment, but he could not inhale the fragrance of Joseph. But Jacob, whose nostrils were pure, inhaled the fragrances of Joseph from a long distance.
It may be that man can guide a blessed, holy soul into the Kingdom of God while he, himself, is deprived therof. Consider Judas Iscariot: He invited others, while he, himself, was deprived of the Kingdom of God. But in spiritual training (or development) it is impossible for an imperfect one to perfect another or train another unless he first conquers his own self and desire and becomes purified from selfish impurities in order to become capable of merciful splendors. When he acquires divine bounties, then he is able to train another. An ignorant man hath no power to teach a seeker (of knowledge) and a poor man hath no power to succor a needy one. Consequently, be thou assured that, verily, man needs to wish for eternal life and then confer the same upon another. These human perfections and merciful bounties are that peace which was promised and spoken of by Christ.
Then know thou that, verily, the people of Baha’ must need be distinguished from others in all respects, until they become the lamps of the True One among the creatures and the stars of guidance shining from the Supreme Concourse.
Then know thou, verily, that Luminous Man, the lights of whose Face dazzle the eyes and before whom 683 thou knelt down when thou sawest His light, is the Greatest Name, the Ancient Light, the Honorable Temple!