A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
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Introduction |
The decade-long exile of Bahá’u’lláh in
‘Iráq began under the harshest of conditions and at the
lowest ebb in the fortunes of the Bábí Faith. It
witnessed, however, the gradual crystallization of those potent
spiritual forces which were to culminate in the declaration of His
world-embracing mission in 1863. In the course of these years, and
from the city of Baghdád, there radiated, Shoghi Effendi
writes, “wave after wave, a power, a radiance and a glory which
insensibly reanimated a languishing Faith, sorely-stricken, sinking
into obscurity, threatened with oblivion. From it were diffused, day
and night, and with ever-increasing energy, the first emanations of a
Revelation which, in its scope, its copiousness, its driving force and
the volume and variety of its literature, was destined to excel that
of the Báb Himself.”
Among these early effusions of the Pen of Glory is a lengthy Arabic
epistle known as the Javáhiru’l-Asrár, meaning literally
the “gems” or “essences” of mysteries. A number of
themes it enunciates are also elaborated in Persian—through
different revelatory modes—in the Seven Valleys and the Book of
Certitude, those two immortal volumes which Shoghi Effendi has
characterized, respectively, as Bahá’u’lláh’s greatest
mystical composition and His pre-eminent doctrinal work. Undoubtedly
the Gems of Divine Mysteries figures among those “Tablets
revealed in the Arabic tongue” which were referred to in the
latter volume.
This treatise was written in reply to a seeker who had asked how
the promised Mihdí could have become transformed into
‘Alí-Muḥammad (the Báb). The opportunity provided
by this question was
seized to elaborate on a number of subjects, all of which are of use
and benefit both to them that seek and to those who have attained,
could ye perceive with the eye of divine virtue.
A number of other important themes are addressed in this work as
well: the cause of the rejection of the Prophets of the past; the
danger of a literal reading of scripture; the meaning of the signs and
portents of the Bible concerning the advent of the new Manifestation;
the continuity of divine revelation; intimations of
Bahá’u’lláh’s own approaching declaration; the
significance of such symbolic terms as “the Day of
Judgement”, “the Resurrection”, “attainment to the
Divine Presence”, and “life and death”; and the stages
of the spiritual quest through “the Garden of Search”,
“the City of Love and Rapture”, “the City of Divine
Unity”, “the Garden of Wonderment”, “the City of
Absolute Nothingness”, “the City of Immortality”, and
“the City that hath no name or description”.
The publication of Gems of Divine Mysteries is one of the
projects undertaken in fulfilment of the Five Year Plan goal,
announced in April 2001, of “enriching the translations into
English from the Holy Texts”. The volume will further deepen the
Western reader’s appreciation of a period infused with potentiality
and described by Shoghi Effendi as “the vernal years of
Bahá’u’lláh’s ministry”, and assist the students of
His Revelation in gaining a more profound insight into its gradual
1. |
Shoghi Effendi, God Passes By (Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1974), p. 110.
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2. |
Bahá’u’lláh, The Kitáb-i-Íqán (Wilmette: Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1994), p. 26.
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