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Paragraphs 41–80 |
41 |
In this station the truth of the unity
of God and of the signs of His sanctity is established. Thou shalt
indeed see them all rising above the bosom of God’s might and embraced
in the arms of His mercy; nor can any distinction be made between His
bosom and His arms. To speak of change or transformation in this plane
would be sheer blasphemy and utter impiety, for this is the station
wherein the light of divine unity shineth forth, and the truth of His
oneness is expressed, and the splendours of the everlasting Morn are
reflected in lofty and faithful mirrors. By God! Were I to reveal the
full measure of that which He hath ordained for this station, the
souls of men would depart from their bodies, the inner realities of
all things would be shaken in their foundations, they that
dwell within the realms of creation would be dumbfounded, and those
who move in the lands of allusion would fade into utter nothingness.
42 |
Hast thou not heard: “No change is
there in God’s creation”?
Hast thou not read: “No change canst thou find
in God’s mode of dealing”?
Hast thou not borne witness to the truth: “No
difference wilt thou see in the creation of the God of Mercy”?
Yea, by My Lord! They that dwell
within this Ocean, they that ride upon this Ark, witness no change in
the creation of God and behold no differences upon His earth. And if
God’s creation be not prone to change and alteration, how then could
they who are the Manifestations of His own Being be subject to it?
Immeasurably exalted is God above all that we may conceive of the
Revealers of His Cause, and immensely glorified is He beyond all that
they may mention in His regard!
43 |
Great God! This sea had laid up lustrous pearls in store; |
44 |
If thou be of the inmates of this city
within the ocean of divine unity, thou wilt view all the Prophets and
Messengers of God as one soul and one body, as one light and one
spirit, in such wise that the first among them would be last and the
last would be first. For they have all arisen to proclaim His Cause
and have established the laws of divine wisdom. They are, one and all,
the Manifestations of His Self, the Repositories of His might, the
Treasuries of His Revelation, the Dawning-Places of His splendour, and
the Daysprings of His light. Through them are manifested the signs of
sanctity in the realities of all things and the tokens of oneness in
the essences of all beings. Through them are revealed the elements of
glorification in the heavenly realities and the exponents of praise in
the eternal essences. From them hath all creation proceeded and unto
them shall return all that hath been mentioned. And since in their
inmost Beings they are the same Luminaries and the self-same
Mysteries, thou shouldst view their outward conditions in the same
light, that thou mayest
recognize them all as one Being, nay, find them united in their words,
speech, and utterance.
45 |
Wert thou to consider in this station
the last of them to be the first, or conversely, thou wouldst indeed
be speaking the truth, as hath been ordained by Him Who is the
Wellspring of Divinity and the Source of Lordship: “Say: Call
upon God or call upon the All-Merciful: by whichsoever name ye will,
invoke him, for He hath most excellent names.”
For they are all the Manifestations of the name of
God, the Dawning-Places of His attributes, the Repositories of His
might, and the Focal Points of His sovereignty, whilst
God—magnified be His might and glory—is in His Essence
sanctified above all names and exalted beyond even the loftiest
attributes. Consider likewise the evidences of divine omnipotence both
in their Souls and in their human Temples, that thine heart may be
assured and that thou mayest be of them that speed through the realms
of His nearness.
46 |
I shall restate here My theme, that
perchance this may assist thee in recognizing thy Creator. Know thou
that God—exalted and glorified be He—doth in no wise
manifest His inmost
Essence and Reality. From time immemorial He hath been veiled in the
eternity of His Essence and concealed in the infinitude of His own
Being. And when He purposed to manifest His beauty in the kingdom of
names and to reveal His glory in the realm of attributes, He brought
forth His Prophets from the invisible plane to the visible, that His
name “the Manifest” might be distinguished from “the
Hidden” and His name “the Last” might be discerned from
“the First”, and that there may be fulfilled the words:
“He is the First and the Last; the Seen and the Hidden; and He
knoweth all things!”
hath He revealed these most excellent names and most exalted words in
the Manifestations of His Self and the Mirrors of His Being.
47 |
It is therefore established that all
names and attributes return unto these sublime and sanctified
Luminaries. Indeed, all names are to be found in their names, and all
attributes can be seen in their attributes. Viewed in this light, if
thou wert to call them by all the names of God, this would be true, as
all these names are one and the same as their own Being. Comprehend
then the intent of these words, and guard it within the tabernacle of
thy heart, that thou
mayest recognize the implications of thine inquiry, fulfil them
according to that which God hath ordained for thee, and thus be
numbered with those who have attained unto His purpose.
48 |
All that thou hast heard regarding
Muḥammad the son of Ḥasan
—may the souls of all that are immersed in the
oceans of the spirit be offered up for His sake—is true beyond
the shadow of a doubt, and we all verily bear allegiance unto Him. But
the Imáms of the Faith have fixed His abode in the city of
they have depicted in strange and marvellous signs. To interpret this
city according to the literal meaning of the tradition would indeed
prove impossible, nor can such a city ever be found. Wert thou to
search the uttermost corners of the earth, nay probe its length and
breadth for as long as God’s eternity hath lasted and His sovereignty
will endure, thou wouldst never find a city such as they have
described, for the entirety of the earth could neither contain nor
encompass it. If thou wouldst lead Me unto this city, I could
assuredly lead thee unto this holy Being, Whom the people have
conceived according to what they possess and not to that which
pertaineth unto Him! Since
this is not in thy power, thou hast no recourse but to interpret
symbolically the accounts and traditions that have been reported from
these luminous souls. And, as such an interpretation is needed for the
traditions pertaining to the aforementioned city, so too is it
required for this holy Being. When thou hast understood this
interpretation, thou shalt no longer stand in need of
“transformation” or aught else.
49 |
Know then that, inasmuch as all the
Prophets are but one and the same soul, spirit, name, and attribute,
thou must likewise see them all as bearing the name Muḥammad and as
being the son of Ḥasan, as having appeared from the
Jábulqá of God’s power and from the
Jábulsá of His mercy. For by Jábulqá is
meant none other than the treasure-houses of eternity in the
all-highest heaven and the cities of the unseen in the supernal
realm. We bear witness that Muḥammad, the son of Ḥasan, was indeed in
Jábulqá and appeared therefrom. Likewise, He Whom God
shall make manifest abideth in that city until such time as God will
have established Him upon the seat of His sovereignty. We, verily,
acknowledge this truth and bear allegiance unto each and every one of
them. We have chosen
here to be brief in our elucidation of the meanings of
Jábulqá, but if thou be of them that truly believe, thou
shalt indeed comprehend all the true meanings of the mysteries
enshrined within these Tablets.
50 |
But as to Him Who appeared in the year
sixty, He standeth in need of neither transformation nor
interpretation, for His name was Muḥammad, and He was a descendent of
the Imáms of the Faith. Thus it can be truly said of Him that
He was the son of Ḥasan, as is undoubtedly clear and evident unto
thine eminence. Nay, He it is Who fashioned that name and created it
for Himself, were ye to observe with the eye of God.
51 |
It is Our wish at this juncture to
digress from Our theme to recount that which befell the Point of the
and to extol His
remembrance, that perchance thou mayest gain into all things an
insight born of Him Who is the Almighty, the Incomparable.
52 |
Consider and reflect upon His days, when
God raised Him up to promote His Cause and to stand as the
representative of His own Self. Witness how He was assailed, denied,
and denounced by all; how, when He set foot in the streets and
marketplaces, the people derided
Him, wagged their heads at Him, and laughed Him to scorn; how at every
moment they sought to slay Him. Such were their doings that the earth
in all its vastness was straitened for Him, the Concourse on High
bewailed His plight, the foundations of existence were reduced to
nothingness, and the eyes of the well-favoured denizens of His Kingdom
wept sore over Him. Indeed, so grievous were the afflictions which the
infidels and the wicked showered upon Him that no faithful soul can
bear to hear them.
53 |
If these wayward souls had indeed paused
to reflect upon their conduct, recognized the sweet melodies of that
Mystic Dove singing upon the twigs of this snow-white Tree, embraced
that which God had revealed unto and bestowed upon them, and
discovered the fruits of the Tree of God upon its branches, wherefore
then did they reject and denounce Him? Had they not lifted their heads
to the heavens to implore His appearance? Had they not besought God at
every moment to honour them with His Beauty and sustain them through
His presence?
54 |
But as they failed to recognize the
accents of God and the divine mysteries and holy allusions
enshrined in that which flowed from the tongue of Muḥammad, and as
they neglected to examine the matter in their own hearts, and followed
instead those priests of error who have hindered the progress of the
people in past dispensations and who will continue to do so in future
cycles, they were thus veiled from the divine purpose, failed to quaff
from the celestial streams, and deprived themselves of the presence of
God, the Manifestation of His Essence, and the Dayspring of His
eternity. Thus did they wander in the paths of delusion and the ways
of heedlessness, and return to their abode in that fire which feedeth
on their own souls. These, verily, are numbered with the infidels
whose names have been inscribed by the Pen of God in His holy
Book. Nor have they ever found, or will ever find, a friend or helper.
55 |
Had these souls but clung steadfastly to
the Handle of God manifested in the Person of Muḥammad, had they
turned wholly unto God and cast aside all that they had learned from
their divines, He would assuredly have guided them through His grace
and acquainted them with the sacred truths that are enshrined within
His imperishable utterances. For far be
it from His greatness and His glory that He should turn away a seeker
at His door, cast aside from His Threshold one who hath set his hopes
on Him, reject one who hath sought the shelter of His shade, deprive
one who hath held fast to the hem of His mercy, or condemn to
remoteness the poor one who hath found the river of His riches. But as
these people failed to turn wholly unto God, and to hold fast to the
hem of His all-pervading mercy at the appearance of the Daystar of
Truth, they passed out from under the shadow of guidance and entered
the city of error. Thus did they become corrupt and corrupt the
people. Thus did they err and lead the people into error. And thus
were they recorded among the oppressors in the books of heaven.
56 |
Now that this evanescent One hath
reached this exalted point in the exposition of the inner mysteries,
the reason for the denial of these uncouth souls will be described
briefly, that it may serve as a testimony unto them that are endued
with understanding and insight, and be a token of My favour unto the
concourse of the faithful.
57 |
Know then that when Muḥammad, the Point
of the Qur’án and the Light of the All-Glorious,
came with perspicuous verses and luminous proofs manifested in such
signs as are beyond the power of all existence to produce, He bade all
men follow this lofty and outstretched Path in accordance with the
precepts that He had brought from God. Whoso acknowledged Him,
recognized the signs of God in His inmost Being, and saw in His beauty
the changeless beauty of God, the decree of “resurrection”,
“ingathering”, “life”, and “paradise”
was passed upon him. For he who had believed in God and in the
Manifestation of His beauty was raised from the grave of heedlessness,
gathered together in the sacred ground of the heart, quickened to the
life of faith and certitude, and admitted into the paradise of the
divine presence. What paradise can be loftier than this, what
ingathering mightier, and what resurrection greater? Indeed, should a
soul be acquainted with these mysteries, he would grasp that which
none other hath fathomed.
58 |
Know then that the paradise that
appeareth in the day of God surpasseth every other paradise and
excelleth the realities of Heaven. For when God—blessed and
glorified is He—sealed the station of prophethood in the person
of Him Who was His Friend, His Chosen One,
and His Treasure amongst His creatures, as hath been revealed from the
Kingdom of glory: “but He is the Apostle of God and the Seal of
the Prophets”,
He promised
all men that they shall attain unto His own presence in the Day of
Resurrection. In this He meant to emphasize the greatness of the
Revelation to come, as it hath indeed been manifested through the
power of truth. And there is of a certainty no paradise greater than
this, nor station higher, should ye reflect upon the verses of the
Qur’án. Blessed be he who knoweth of a certainty that he shall
attain unto the presence of God on that day when His Beauty shall be
made manifest.
59 |
Were I to recount all the verses that
have been revealed in connection with this exalted theme, it would
weary the reader and divert Us from Our purpose. The following verse
shall therefore suffice Us; may thine eyes be solaced therewith, and
mayest thou attain unto that which hath been treasured and concealed
therein: “It is God who hath reared the heavens without pillars
thou canst behold; then mounted His throne, and imposed laws on the
sun and moon: each travelleth to its appointed goal. He ordereth all
things. He maketh His signs clear,
that ye may have firm faith in the presence of your Lord.”
60 |
Ponder then, O My friend, the words
“firm faith” that have been mentioned in this verse. It
saith that the heavens and the earth, the throne, the sun and the
moon, all have been created to the end that His servants may have
unswerving faith in His presence in His days. By the righteousness of
God! Contemplate, O My brother, the greatness of this station, and
behold the condition of the people in these days, fleeing from the
Countenance of God and His Beauty “as though they were affrighted
Wert thou to
reflect upon that which We have revealed unto thee, thou wouldst
undoubtedly grasp Our purpose in this utterance and discover that
which We have desired to impart unto thee within this
paradise. Perchance thine eyes may rejoice in beholding it, thine ears
take delight in hearing that which is recited therein, thy soul be
enthralled by recognizing it, thy heart illumined by comprehending it,
and thy spirit gladdened by the fragrant breezes that waft
therefrom. Haply thou mayest attain unto the pinnacle of divine grace
and abide within the Riḍván of transcendent holiness.
61 |
He, however, who denied God in His
Truth, who turned his back upon Him and rebelled, who disbelieved and
made mischief, the verdict of “impiety”,
“blasphemy”, “death”, and “fire” was
passed upon him. For, what blasphemy is greater than to turn unto the
manifestations of Satan, to follow the doctors of oblivion and the
people of rebellion? What impiety is more grievous than to deny the
Lord on the day when faith itself is renewed and regenerated by God,
the Almighty, the Beneficent? What death is more wretched than to flee
from the Source of everlasting life? What fire is fiercer on the Day
of Reckoning than that of remoteness from the divine Beauty and the
celestial Glory?
62 |
These were the very words and utterances
used by the pagan Arabs living in the days of Muḥammad to dispute with
and pronounce judgement against Him. They said: “Those who
believed in Muḥammad dwelt in our midst and associated with us day and
night. When did they die and when were they raised again to
life?” Hearken unto that which was revealed in reply: “If
ever thou dost marvel, marvellous surely is their saying, ‘What!
When we have become dust and mouldering bones, shall we be restored in
new creation?’”
And in
another passage: “And if thou shouldst say, ‘After death ye
shall surely be raised again’, the infidels will certainly exclaim,
‘This is naught but palpable sorcery.’”
did they mock and deride Him, for they had read in their Books and
heard from their divines the terms “life” and
“death”, and understood them as this elemental life and
physical death, and hence when they found not that which their vain
imaginings and their false and wicked minds had conceived, they
hoisted the banners of discord and the standards of sedition and
kindled the flame of war. God, however, quenched it through the power
of His might, as thou seest again in this day with these infidels and
63 |
At this hour, when the sweet savours of
attraction have wafted over Me from the everlasting city, when
transports of yearning have seized Me from the land of splendours at
the dawning of the Daystar of the worlds above the horizon of
‘Iráq, and the sweet melodies of Ḥijáz have
brought to Mine ears the mysteries of separation, I have purposed to
relate unto thine eminence a portion of that which the Mystic Dove
hath warbled in the midmost heart of
Paradise as to the true meaning of life and death, though the task be
impossible. For were I to interpret these words for thee as it hath
been inscribed in the Guarded Tablets, all the books and pages of the
world could not contain it, nor could the souls of men bear its
weight. I shall nonetheless mention that which beseemeth this day and
age, that it might serve as a guidance unto whosoever desireth to gain
admittance into the retreats of glory in the realms above, to hearken
unto the melodies of the spirit intoned by this divine and mystic
bird, and to be numbered with those who have severed themselves from
all save God and who in this day rejoice in the presence of their
64 |
Know then that “life” hath a
twofold meaning. The first pertaineth to the appearance of man in an
elemental body, and is as manifest to thine eminence and to others as
the midday sun. This life cometh to an end with physical death, which
is a God-ordained and inescapable reality. That life, however, which
is mentioned in the Books of the Prophets and the Chosen Ones of God
is the life of knowledge; that is to say, the servant’s recognition of
the sign of the splendours wherewith He Who is the Source of all
splendour hath Himself invested him, and his certitude of attaining
unto the presence of God through the Manifestations of His Cause. This
is that blessed and everlasting life that perisheth not: whosoever is
quickened thereby shall never die, but will endure as long as His Lord
and Creator will endure.
65 |
The first life, which pertaineth to the
elemental body, will come to an end, as hath been revealed by God:
“Every soul shall taste of death.”
But the second life, which ariseth from the
knowledge of God, knoweth no death, as hath been revealed aforetime:
“Him will We surely quicken to a blessed life.”
And in another passage concerning
the martyrs: “Nay, they are alive and sustained by their
And from the
Traditions: “He who is a true believer liveth both in this world
and in the world to come.”
Numerous examples of similar words are to be found
in the Books of God and of the Embodiments of His justice. For the
sake of brevity, however, We have contented Ourself with the above
66 |
O My brother! Forsake thine own desires,
turn thy face unto thy Lord, and walk not in the footsteps of those
who have taken their corrupt
inclinations for their god, that perchance thou mayest find shelter in
the heart of existence, beneath the redeeming shadow of Him Who
traineth all names and attributes. For they who turn away from their
Lord in this day are in truth accounted amongst the dead, though to
outward seeming they may walk upon the earth, amongst the deaf, though
they may hear, and amongst the blind, though they may see, as hath
been clearly stated by Him Who is the Lord of the Day of Reckoning:
“Hearts have they with which they understand not, and eyes have
they with which they see not….”
They walk the edge of a treacherous bank and tread
the brink of a fiery abyss.
They partake not of the billows of this surging and
treasure-laden Ocean, but disport themselves with their own idle
67 |
In this connection We will relate unto
thee that which was revealed of old concerning “life”, that
perchance it may turn thee away from the promptings of self, deliver
thee from the narrow confines of thy prison in this gloomy plane, and
aid thee to become of them that are guided aright in the darkness of
this world.
68 |
He saith, and He, verily, speaketh the
truth: “Shall the dead whom We have quickened, and
for whom We have ordained a light whereby he may walk amongst men, be
like him whose likeness is in the darkness, whence he will not come
This verse was
revealed with respect to Ḥamzih and Abú-Jahl, the former of
whom was a believer whilst the latter disbelieved. Most of the pagan
leaders mocked and derided it, were agitated, and clamoured: “How
did Ḥamzih die? And how was he restored to his former life?” Were
ye to examine carefully the verses of God, ye would find many such
statements recorded in the Book.
69 |
Would that pure and stainless hearts
could be found, that I might impart unto them a sprinkling from the
oceans of knowledge which My Lord hath bestowed upon Me, so that they
may soar in the heavens even as they walk upon the earth and speed
over the waters even as they course the land, and that they may take
up their souls in their hands and lay them down in the path of their
Creator. Howbeit, leave hath not been granted to divulge this mighty
secret. Indeed, it hath been from everlasting a mystery enshrined
within the treasuries of His power and a secret concealed within the
repositories of His might, lest His faithful servants forsake their
own lives in the hope of attaining this most great station in the
realms of eternity. Nor shall they who wander in this oppressive
darkness ever attain unto it.
70 |
O My brother! At every juncture We have
restated Our theme, that all that hath been recorded in these verses
may, by the leave of God, be made clear unto thee, and that thou
mayest become independent of those who are plunged in the darkness of
self and who tread the valley of arrogance and pride, and be of them
that move within the paradise of everlasting life.
71 |
Say: O people! The Tree of Life hath
verily been planted in the heart of the heavenly paradise and
bestoweth life in every direction. How can ye fail to perceive and
recognize it? It will in truth aid thee to grasp all that this
well-assured Soul hath disclosed unto thee of the essence of the
divine mysteries. The Dove of holiness warbleth in the heaven of
immortality and admonisheth thee to array thyself with a new vesture,
wrought of steel to shield thee from the shafts of doubt concealed in
the allusions of men, saying: “Except a man be born of water and
of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of
God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born
of the Spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be
born again.”
72 |
Wing then thy flight unto this divine
Tree and partake of its fruits. Gather up that which hath fallen
therefrom and guard it faithfully. Meditate then upon the utterance of
one of the Prophets as He intimated to the souls of men, through
veiled allusions and hidden symbols, the glad-tidings of the One Who
was to come after Him, that thou mayest know of a certainty that their
words are inscrutable to all save those who are endued with an
understanding heart. He saith: “His eyes were as a flame of
fire”, and “brass-like were His feet”, and “out of
His mouth goeth a two-edged sword”.
How could these words be literally interpreted?
Were anyone to appear with all these signs, he would assuredly not be
human. And how could any soul seek his company? Nay, should he appear
in one city, even the inhabitants of the next would flee from him, nor
would any soul dare approach him! Yet, shouldst thou reflect upon
these statements, thou wouldst find them to be of such surpassing
eloquence and clarity as to mark the loftiest heights of
utterance and the epitome of wisdom. Methinks it is from them that the
suns of eloquence have appeared and the stars of clarity have dawned
forth and shone resplendent.
73 |
Behold, then, the foolish ones of bygone
times and those who, in this day, await the advent of such a being!
Nor would they ever bear allegiance unto him except that he appear in
the aforementioned form. And as such a being will never appear, so too
will they never believe. Such indeed is the measure of the
understanding of these perverse and ungodly souls! How could those who
fail to understand the most evident of the evident and the most
manifest of the manifest ever apprehend the abstruse realities of the
divine precepts and the essence of the mysteries of His everlasting
74 |
I shall now briefly explain the true
meaning of this utterance, that thou mayest discover its hidden
mysteries and be of them that perceive. Examine then and judge aright
that which We shall reveal unto thee, that haply thou mayest be
accounted in the sight of God amongst those who are fair-minded in
these matters.
75 |
Know then that He who uttered these
words in the realms of glory meant to describe the
attributes of the One Who is to come in such veiled and enigmatic
terms as to elude the understanding of the people of error. Now, when
He saith: “His eyes were as a flame of fire”, He alludeth
but to the keenness of sight and acuteness of vision of the Promised
One, Who with His eyes burneth away every veil and covering, maketh
known the eternal mysteries in the contingent world, and
distinguisheth the faces that are obscured with the dust of hell from
those that shine with the light of paradise.
Were His eyes not made of the blazing fire of God, how could He
consume every veil and burn away all that the people possess? How
could He behold the signs of God in the Kingdom of His names and in
the world of creation? How could He see all things with the
all-perceiving eye of God? Thus have we conferred upon Him a
penetrating vision in this day. Would that ye believe in the verses of
God! For, indeed, what fire is fiercer than this flame that shineth in
the Sinai of His eyes, whereby He consumeth all that hath veiled the
peoples of the world? Immeasurably exalted shall God remain above all
that hath been revealed in His unerring Tablets concerning the
mysteries of the beginning and the end
until that day when the Crier will cry out, the day whereon we shall
all return unto Him.
76 |
As to the words “brass-like were
His feet”, by this is meant His constancy upon hearing the call
of God that commandeth Him: “Be thou steadfast as thou hast been
He shall so
persevere in the Cause of God, and evince such firmness in the path of
His might, that even if all the powers of earth and heaven were to
deny Him, He would not waver in the proclamation of His Cause, nor
flee from His command in the promulgation of His Laws. Nay rather, He
will stand as firm as the highest mountains and the loftiest peaks. He
will remain immovable in His obedience to God and steadfast in
revealing His Cause and proclaiming His Word. No obstacle will hinder
Him, nor will the censure of the froward deter Him or the repudiation
of the infidels cause Him to waver. All the hatred, the rejection, the
iniquity, and the unbelief that He witnesseth serve but to strengthen
His love for God, to augment the yearning of His heart, to heighten
the exultation of His soul, and to fill His breast with passionate
devotion. Hast thou ever seen in this world brass stronger, or blade
sharper, or mountain more unyielding than this?
He shall verily stand upon His feet to confront all the inhabitants of
the earth, and will fear no one, notwithstanding that which, as thou
well knowest, the people are wont to commit. Glory be to God, Who
hath established Him and called Him forth! Potent is God to do what He
pleaseth. He, in truth, is the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.
77 |
And further He saith: “Out of his
mouth goeth a two-edged sword.” Know thou that since the sword is
an instrument that divideth and cleaveth asunder, and since there
proceedeth from the mouth of the Prophets and the Chosen Ones of God
that which separateth the believer from the infidel and the lover from
the beloved, this term hath been so employed, and apart from this
dividing and separating no other meaning is intended. Thus, when He
Who is the Primal Point and the eternal Sun desireth, by the leave of
God, to gather together all creation, to raise them up from the graves
of their own selves, and to divide them one from another, He shall
pronounce but one verse from Him, and this verse will distinguish
truth from error from this day unto the Day of Resurrection. What
sword is sharper than this heavenly sword, what blade
more trenchant than this incorruptible steel that severeth every tie
and separateth thereby the believer from the infidel, father from son,
brother from sister, and lover from beloved?
For whoso
believeth in that which hath been revealed unto him is a true believer
and whoso turneth away is an infidel, and such an irrevocable
separation occurreth between them that they will cease to consort and
associate with each other in this world. And so it is between father
and son, for should the son believe and the father deny, they will be
severed and forever dissociated from each other. Nay rather, thou
witnesseth how the son slayeth the father and the father the
son. Consider in the same light all that We have explained and related
unto thee.
78 |
Wert thou to behold all things with the
eye of discernment, thou wouldst indeed see that this divine sword
doth cleave asunder generations. Would that ye could understand it!
All this is by virtue of the word of separation that is manifested on
the Day of Judgement and Separation, were the people to take heed in
the days of their Lord. Nay, couldst thou but sharpen thy sight and
refine thy heart, thou wouldst witness that all the material swords
which in every day and
age have slain the infidels and waged war against the impious proceed
from this divine and invisible sword. Open then thine eyes, that thou
mayest behold all that We have revealed to thee and attain unto that
which none other hath attained. We verily exclaim: “Praise be to
God, He Who is the Lord of the Day of Reckoning!”
79 |
Yea, inasmuch as these people have
failed to acquire true knowledge from its source and wellspring, and
from the ocean of fresh and soft-flowing waters that stream, by the
leave of God, through hearts that are pure and stainless, they have
been veiled from that which God hath intended by those words and
allusions and have remained confined within the prison of their own
80 |
We render thanks unto God for that which
He hath bestowed upon us of His grace. He it is Who hath caused us to
be assured of the truth of His Faith—a Faith which the combined
forces of earth and heaven are powerless to resist. He it is Who hath
enabled us to acknowledge Him in the day of His presence, to testify
unto Him Whom God shall make manifest in the latter Resurrection, and
to be among them that have believed in Him ere His appearance, that
His favour may be made complete unto us and unto all mankind.
1. |
Qur’án 30:30.
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2. |
Qur’án 48:23.
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3. |
Qur’án 67:3.
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4. |
Qur’án 17:110.
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5. |
Qur’án 57:3.
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6. |
The twelfth Imám, Muḥammad al-Mahdí, the son of Ḥasan al-‘Askarí.
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7. |
According to Shí’ih traditions, the twin cities of Jábulqá and Jábulsá are the dwelling place of the Hidden Imám (the Promised One), whence He will appear on the Day of Resurrection.
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8. |
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9. |
Qur’án 33:40.
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10. |
Qur’án 13:2.
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11. |
Qur’án 74:50.
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12. |
cf. Qur’án 13:5.
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13. |
Qur’án 11:7.
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14. |
Qur’án 3:185.
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15. |
Qur’án 16:97.
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16. |
Qur’án 3:169.
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17. |
From a Hadíth.
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18. |
Qur’án 7:179.
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19. |
cf. Qur’án 9:109; 3:103.
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20. |
Qur’án 6:122.
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21. |
John 3:5–7.
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22. |
cf. Rev. 1:14–16; 2:18; 19:15.
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23. |
cf. Qur’án 80:41; 83:24.
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24. |
Qur’án 11:112.
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25. |
cf. Luke 12:53.
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26. |
cf. Qur’án 1:4.
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