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4. QUESTION: Should a man go on a journey without
specifying a time for his return—without indicating, in
other words, the expected period of his absence—and
should no word be heard of him thereafter, and all trace
of him be lost, what course should be followed by his
ANSWER: Should he have omitted to fix a time for
his return despite being aware of the stipulation of
the Kitáb-i-Aqdas in this regard, his wife should
wait for one full year, after which she shall be free
either to adopt the course that is praiseworthy, or
to choose for herself another husband. If, however,
he be unaware of this stipulation, she should abide
in patience until such time as God shall please to
disclose to her his fate. By the course that is
praiseworthy in this connection is meant the
exercise of patience.
ANSWER: According to the Book of God, the
estate of the deceased is divided into 2,520 shares,
which number is the lowest common multiple of
all integers up to nine, and these shares are then
distributed into seven portions, each of which is
allocated, as mentioned in the Book, to a
particular category of heirs. The children, for
example, are allotted nine blocks of 60 shares,
comprising 540 shares in all. The meaning of the
statement “We doubled their share” is thus that
the children receive a further nine blocks of 60
shares, entitling them to a total of 18 blocks all
told. The extra shares that they receive are
deducted from the portions of the other categories
of heirs, so that, although it is revealed, for
instance, that the spouse is entitled to “eight parts
comprising four hundred and eighty shares”,
which is the equivalent of eight blocks of 60
shares, now, by virtue of this rearrangement, one
and a half blocks of shares, comprising 90 shares in
all, have been subtracted from the spouse’s portion
and reallocated to the children, and similarly in
the case of the others. The result is that the total
amount subtracted is equivalent to the nine extra
blocks of shares allotted to the children.
ANSWER: If the brother be descended from the
father he shall receive his share of the inheritance
in the prescribed measure recorded in the Book;
but if he be descended from the mother, he shall
receive only two thirds of his entitlement, the
remaining third reverting to the House of Justice.
This ruling is also applicable to the sister.
7. QUESTION: Amongst the provisions concerning inheritance
it hath been laid down that, should the deceased
leave no offspring, their share of the estate is to revert to
the House of Justice. In the event of other categories of
heirs, such as the father, mother, brother, sister and
teacher being similarly absent, do their shares of the
inheritance also revert to the House of Justice, or are they
dealt with in some other fashion?
ANSWER: The sacred verse sufficeth. He saith,
exalted be His Word: “Should the deceased leave
no offspring, their share shall revert to the House
of Justice” etc. and “Should the deceased leave
offspring, but none of the other categories of heirs
that have been specified in the Book, they shall
receive two thirds of the inheritance and the
remaining third shall revert to the House of
Justice” etc. In other words, where there are no
offspring, their allotted portion of the inheritance
reverteth to the House of Justice; and where there
are offspring but the other categories of heirs are
lacking, two thirds of the inheritance pass to the
offspring, the remaining third reverting to the
House of Justice. This ruling hath both general
and specific application, which is to say that
whenever any category of this latter class of heirs is
absent, two thirds of their inheritance pass to the
offspring and the remaining third to the House of
ANSWER: The basic sum on which Ḥuqúqu’lláh
is payable is nineteen mithqáls of gold. In other
words, when money to the value of this sum hath
been acquired, a payment of Ḥuqúq falleth due.
Likewise Ḥuqúq is payable when the value, not
the number, of other forms of property reacheth
the prescribed amount. Ḥuqúqu’lláh is payable
no more than once. A person, for instance, who
acquireth a thousand mithqáls of gold, and payeth
the Ḥuqúq, is not liable to make a further such
payment on this sum, but only on what accrueth
to it through commerce, business and the like.
When this increase, namely the profit realized,
reacheth the prescribed sum, one must carry out
what God hath decreed. Only when the principal
changeth hands is it once more subject to payment
of Ḥuqúq, as it was the first time. The Primal
Point hath directed that Ḥuqúqu’lláh must be
paid on the value of whatsoever one possesseth;
yet, in this Most Mighty Dispensation, We have
exempted the household furnishings, that is such
furnishings as are needed, and the residence itself.
ANSWER: All are charged with obedience to the
Kitáb-i-Aqdas; whatsoever is revealed therein is
the Law of God amid His servants. The injunction
on pilgrims to the sacred House to shave the head
hath been lifted.
11. QUESTION: If intercourse take place between a couple
during their year of patience, and they become estranged
again thereafter, must they recommence their year of
patience, or may the days preceding the intercourse be
included in the reckoning of the year? And once divorce
hath taken place, is it necessary that a further period of
waiting be observed?
ANSWER: Should affection be renewed between
the couple during their year of patience, the
marriage tie is valid, and what is commanded in
the Book of God must be observed; but once the
year of patience hath been completed and that
which is decreed by God taketh place, a further
period of waiting is not required. Sexual intercourse
between husband and wife is forbidden
during their year of patience, and whoso committeth
this act must seek God’s forgiveness, and, as a
punishment, render to the House of Justice a fine
of nineteen mithqáls of gold.
13. QUESTION: Is the consent of the parents on both sides
prerequisite to marriage, or is that of the parents on one
side sufficient? Is this law applicable only to virgins or to
others as well?
ANSWER: This command applieth to distances
by sea as well as by land, whether it is an hour by
steamship or by rail; the intention is the hour’s
time, whatever the means of transport. The sooner
the burial taketh place, however, the more fitting
and acceptable will it be.
ANSWER: If such property be found in the town,
its discovery is to be announced once by the town
crier. If the owner of the property is then found, it
should be delivered up to him. Otherwise, the
finder of the property should wait one year, and if,
during this period, the owner cometh to light, the
finder should receive from him the crier’s fee and
restore to him his property; only if the year should
pass without the owner’s being identified may the
finder take possession of the property himself. If
the value of the property is less than or equal to the
crier’s fee, the finder should wait a single day from
the time of its discovery, at the end of which, if
the owner hath not come to light, he may himself
appropriate it; and in the case of property discovered
in an uninhabited area, the finder should
observe a three days’ wait, on the passing of which
period, if the identity of the owner remain
unknown, he is free to take possession of his find.
18. QUESTION: With reference to the ablutions: if, for
example, a person hath just bathed his entire body, must
he still perform his ablutions?
19. QUESTION: Should a person plan to migrate from his
country, and his wife be opposed and the disagreement
culminate in divorce, and should his preparations for the
journey extend until a year hath passed, may this period
be counted as the year of patience, or should the day the
couple part be regarded as the starting-point of that
ANSWER: The starting-point for computation is
the day the couple part, and if, therefore, they
have separated a year before the husband’s departure,
and if the fragrance of affection hath not been
renewed between the couple, divorce may take
place. Otherwise the year must be counted from
the day of his departure, and the conditions set
forth in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas observed.
ANSWER: This prostration is to compensate for
obligatory prayer omitted in the course of travel,
and by reason of insecure circumstances. If,
at the time of prayer, the traveller should find
himself at rest in a secure place, he should perform
that prayer. This provision regarding the compensating
prostration applieth both at home and on a
ANSWER: The definition of a journey is nine hours
by the clock. Should the traveller stop in a place,
anticipating that he will stay there for no less than
one month by the Bayán reckoning, it is incumbent
on him to keep the Fast; but if for less than
one month, he is exempt from fasting. If he
arriveth during the Fast at a place where he is to
stay one month according to the Bayán, he should
not observe the Fast till three days have elapsed,
thereafter keeping it throughout the remainder of
its course; but if he come to his home, where he
hath heretofore been permanently resident, he
must commence his fast upon the first day after his
ANSWER: Nine mithqáls are payable for the first
offence, eighteen for the second, thirty-six for
the third, and so on, each succeeding fine being
double the preceding. The weight of one mithqál
is equivalent to nineteen nákhuds in accordance
with the specification of the Bayán.
ANSWER: He saith, exalted be He: “If ye should
hunt with beasts or birds of prey” and so forth.
Other means, such as bows and arrows, guns, and
similar equipment employed in hunting, are also
included. If, however, traps or snares are used, and
the game dieth before it can be reached, it is
unlawful for consumption.
ANSWER: Should the teacher have passed away,
one third of his share of the inheritance reverteth
to the House of Justice, and the remaining two
thirds pass to the deceased’s, and not the teacher’s,
ANSWER: By pilgrimage to the sacred House,
which is enjoined upon men, is intended both the
Most Great House in Baghdád and the House of
the Primal Point in Shíráz; pilgrimage to either of
these Houses sufficeth. They may thus make
pilgrimage to whichever lieth nearer to the place
where they reside.
ANSWER: This is solely for service such as is
performed by any other class of servants, be they
young or old, in exchange for wages; such a
maiden is free to choose a husband at whatever
time she pleaseth, for it is forbidden either that
women should be purchased, or that a man should
have more wives than two.
ANSWER: The reference is to the law which
previously made it necessary for another man to
marry such a woman before she could again be
wedded to her former husband; this practice hath
been prohibited in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas.
ANSWER: If the teacher is not of the people of
Bahá, he doth not inherit. Should there be several
teachers, the share is to be divided equally
amongst them. If the teacher is deceased, his
offspring do not inherit his share, but rather two
thirds of it revert to the children of the owner of
the estate, and the remaining one third to the
House of Justice.
ANSWER: If there are several residences, the finest
and noblest of these dwellings is the one intended,
the remainder being distributed amongst the
whole body of the heirs like any other form of
property. Any heir, from whichever category of
inheritors, who is outside the Faith of God is
accounted as non-existent and doth not inherit.
ANSWER: The Festival of Naw-Rúz falleth on the
day that the sun entereth the sign of Aries,
even should this occur no more than one minute
before sunset.
ANSWER: The used clothing of the mother should
be divided in equal shares among the daughters,
but the remainder of her estate, including property,
jewellery, and unused clothing, is to be
distributed, in the manner revealed in the Kitáb-i-Aqdas,
to all her heirs. If, however, the deceased
hath left no daughters, her estate in its entirety
must be divided in the manner designated for men
in the holy Text.
38. QUESTION: Concerning divorce, which must be preceded
by a year of patience: if only one of the parties is inclined
toward conciliation, what is to be done?
ANSWER: He saith, exalted be He: “Should the
deceased leave no offspring, their share shall revert
to the House of Justice…” In conformity
with this sacred verse, the residence and personal
clothing of the deceased revert to the House of
45. QUESTION: If, after payment of Ḥuqúq, this same sum
of one hundred túmáns is lost in its entirety, but
subsequently regained through trade and business
dealings, must Ḥuqúq be paid a second time or not?
47. QUESTION: Supposing that a man hath wed a certain
woman believing her to be a virgin and he hath paid her
the dowry, but at the time of consummation it becometh
evident that she is not a virgin, are the expenses and the
dowry to be repaid or not? And if the marriage had been
made conditional upon virginity, doth the unfulfilled
condition invalidate that which was conditioned upon
ANSWER: The determination of the degrees of
these penalties rests with the House of Justice.
54. QUESTION: He saith, exalted be He: “Should the son of
the deceased have passed away in the days of his father
and have left children, they will inherit their
father’s share…” What is to be done if the daughter
hath died during the lifetime of her father?
ANSWER: Many Tablets were revealed and dispatched
in their original form without being
checked and reviewed. Consequently, as bidden,
they were again read out in the Holy Presence, and
brought into conformity with the grammatical
conventions of the people in order to forestall the
cavils of opponents of the Cause. Another reason
for this practice is that the new style inaugurated
by the Herald, may the souls of all else but Him be
offered up for His sake, was seen to be marked by
substantial latitude in adherence to the rules of
grammar; sacred verses therefore were then
revealed in a style which is for the most part in
conformity with current usage for ease of understanding
and concision of expression.
58. QUESTION: Concerning the blessed verse, “When travelling,
if ye should stop and rest in some safe spot, perform
ye … a single prostration in place of each unsaid
Obligatory Prayer”: is this compensation for the Obligatory
Prayer missed by reason of insecure circumstances, or
is obligatory prayer completely suspended during travel,
and doth the prostration take its place?
ANSWER: If, when the hour of obligatory prayer
arriveth, there be no security, one should, upon
arrival in safe surroundings, perform a prostration
in place of each Obligatory Prayer that was
missed, and after the final prostration, sit cross-legged
and read the designated verse. If there be a
safe place, obligatory prayer is not suspended
during travel.
60. QUESTION: If, due to missed Obligatory Prayers, a
number of prostrations are required, must the verse be
repeated after each compensating prostration or not?
63. QUESTION: In the Kitáb-i-Aqdas obligatory prayer
hath been enjoined, consisting of nine rak’áhs, to be performed
at noon, in the morning and the evening, but the
Tablet of Obligatory Prayers
appeareth to differ from
ANSWER: That which hath been revealed in
the Kitáb-i-Aqdas concerneth a different Obligatory
Prayer. Some years ago a number of the
ordinances of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas including that
Obligatory Prayer were, for reasons of wisdom,
recorded separately and sent away together with
other sacred writings, for the purposes of preservation
and protection. Later these three Obligatory
Prayers were revealed.
68. QUESTION: Concerning the sacred verse: “Recite ye the
verses of God every morn and eventide.”
69. QUESTION: May a person, in drawing up his will,
assign some portion of his property—beyond that which is
devoted to payment of Ḥuqúqu’lláh and the settlement of
debts—to works of charity, or is he entitled to do no more
than allocate a certain sum to cover funeral and burial
expenses, so that the rest of his estate will be distributed
in the manner fixed by God among the designated
categories of heirs?
ANSWER: A person hath full jurisdiction over his
property. If he is able to discharge the Ḥuqúqu’lláh,
and is free of debt, then all that is recorded
in his will, and any declaration or avowal it
containeth, shall be acceptable. God, verily, hath
permitted him to deal with that which He hath
bestowed upon him in whatever manner he may
71. QUESTION: Should a person wish to fast at a time
other than in the month of ‘Alá, is this permissible or
not; and if he hath vowed or pledged himself to such a
fast, is this valid and acceptable?
ANSWER: The ordinance of fasting is such as hath
already been revealed. Should someone pledge
himself, however, to offer up a fast to God,
seeking in this way the fulfilment of a wish, or to
realize some other aim, this is permissible, now as
heretofore. Howbeit, it is God’s wish, exalted be
His glory, that vows and pledges be directed to
such objectives as will profit mankind.
ANSWER: When the period is ended divorce is
effected. However, it is necessary that there be
witnesses to the beginning and end of this period,
so that they can be called upon to give testimony
should the need arise.
ANSWER: Aside from used clothing, whatever
there may be, jewellery or otherwise, belongeth to
the husband, except what is proven to have been
gifts to the wife.
80. QUESTION: If the deceased hath not settled his obligation
to Ḥuqúqu’lláh, nor paid his other debts, are these to be
discharged by proportionate deductions from the residence,
personal clothing and the rest of the estate, or are the
residence and personal clothing set aside for the male
offspring, and consequently the debts must be settled from
the rest of the estate? And if the rest of the estate is
insufficient for this purpose, how should the debts be
82. QUESTION: Concerning the first Obligatory Prayer
it hath been ordained, “one should perform it at whatever
time one findeth oneself in a state of humbleness and
longing adoration”: is it to be performed once in twenty-four
hours, or more frequently?
89. QUESTION: In the holy Tablets it hath been revealed that
when someone acquireth the equivalent of nineteen
mithqáls of gold, he should pay the Right of God on that
sum. Might it be explained how much of this nineteen
should be paid?
ANSWER: Small quantities of water, such as one
cupful, or even two or three, must be considered
used after a single washing of the face and hands.
But a kurr
or more of water remaineth unchanged
after one or two washings of the face,
and there is no objection to its use unless it is
altered in one of the three ways,
for example its
colour is changed, in which case it should be
looked upon as used.
92. QUESTION: In a treatise in Persian on various questions,
the age of maturity hath been set at fifteen; is
marriage likewise conditional upon the reaching of
maturity, or is it permissible before that time?
ANSWER: In truth, I say that obligatory prayer
and fasting occupy an exalted station in the sight
of God. It is, however, in a state of health that
their virtue can be realized. In time of ill-health it
is not permissible to observe these obligations;
such hath been the bidding of the Lord, exalted be
His glory, at all times. Blessed be such men and
women as pay heed, and observe His precepts. All
praise be unto God, He who hath sent down the
verses and is the Revealer of undoubted proofs!
ANSWER: Whatever hath been constructed for the
worship of the one true God, such as mosques,
chapels and temples, must not be used for any
purpose other than the commemoration of His
Name. This is an ordinance of God, and he who
violateth it is verily of those who have transgressed.
No harm attacheth to the builder, for he
hath performed his deed for the sake of God, and
hath received and will continue to receive his just
ANSWER: Regarding the written question on the
exchange of property held in trust to guard against
depreciation and loss, such exchange is permissible
on condition that the substitute will be equivalent
in value. Thy Lord, verily, is the Expounder, the
Omniscient, and He, truly, is the Ordainer, the
Ancient of Days.
ANSWER: Since God, exalted be His glory, doth
not favour divorce, nothing was revealed on
this issue. However, from the beginning of the
separation until the end of one year, two people or
more must remain informed as witnesses; if, by the
end, there is no reconciliation, divorce taketh
place. This must be recorded in the registry by the
religious judicial officer of the city appointed by
the Trustees of the House of Justice. Observance of
this procedure is essential lest those that are
possessed of an understanding heart be saddened.
ANSWER: If consultation among the first group of
people assembled endeth in disagreement, new
people should be added, after which persons to the
number of the Greatest Name, or fewer or more,
shall be chosen by lot. Whereupon the consultation
shall be renewed, and the outcome, whatever
it is, shall be obeyed. If, however, there is
still disagreement, the same procedure should be
repeated once more, and the decision of the
majority shall prevail. He, verily, guideth whomsoever
He pleaseth to the right way.
ANSWER: Regarding inheritance, that which the
Primal Point hath ordained—may the souls of all
else but Him be offered up for His sake—is well
pleasing. The existing heirs should receive their
allotted shares of the inheritance, while a statement
of the remainder must be submitted to
the Court of the Most High. In His hand is the
source of authority; He ordaineth as He pleaseth.
In this regard, a law was revealed in the Land of
temporarily awarding the missing heirs’
inheritance to the existing heirs until such time as
the House of Justice shall be established, when the
decree concerning this will be promulgated. The
inheritance, however, of those who emigrated in
the same year as the Ancient Beauty, hath been
awarded to their heirs, and this is a bounty of God
bestowed upon them.
ANSWER: Should a treasure be found, one third
thereof is the right of the discoverer, and the other
two thirds should be expended by the men of
the House of Justice for the welfare of all people.
This shall be done after the establishment of the
House of Justice, and until that time it shall be
committed to the keeping of trustworthy persons
in each locality and territory. He, in truth, is the
Ruler, the Ordainer, the Omniscient, the All-Informed.
ANSWER: The ordinance of God is that real estate
which hath ceased to yield income, that is,
from which no profit accrueth, is not liable to
payment of Ḥuqúq. He, verily, is the Ruler, the
105. And in another Tablet, these exalted words have been
revealed: O Muḥammad! The Ancient of Days hath
turned His countenance towards thee, making
mention of thee, and exhorting the people of God
to educate their children. Should a father neglect
this most weighty commandment laid down in the
Kitáb-i-Aqdas by the Pen of the Eternal King, he
shall forfeit rights of fatherhood, and be accounted
guilty before God. Well is it with him who
imprinteth on his heart the admonitions of the
Lord, and steadfastly cleaveth unto them. God, in
truth, enjoineth on His servants what shall assist
and profit them, and enable them to draw nigh
unto Him. He is the Ordainer, the Everlasting.
106. He is God, exalted be He, the Lord of majesty and
power! The Prophets and Chosen Ones have all
been commissioned by the One True God,
magnified be His glory, to nurture the trees of
human existence with the living waters of uprightness
and understanding, that there may appear
from them that which God hath deposited within
their inmost selves. As may be readily observed,
each tree yieldeth a certain fruit, and a barren tree
is but fit for fire. The purpose of these Educators,
in all they said and taught, was to preserve man’s
exalted station. Well is it with him who in the
Day of God hath laid fast hold upon His precepts
and hath not deviated from His true and fundamental
Law. The fruits that best befit the tree of
human life are trustworthiness and godliness,
truthfulness and sincerity; but greater than all,
after recognition of the unity of God, praised and
glorified be He, is regard for the rights that are
due to one’s parents. This teaching hath been
mentioned in all the Books of God, and reaffirmed
by the Most Exalted Pen. Consider that which the
Merciful Lord hath revealed in the Qur’án, exalted
are His words: “Worship ye God, join with Him
no peer or likeness; and show forth kindliness and
charity towards your parents…” Observe how
loving-kindness to one’s parents hath been linked
to recognition of the one true God! Happy they
who are endued with true wisdom and understanding,
who see and perceive, who read and understand,
and who observe that which God hath
revealed in the Holy Books of old, and in this
incomparable and wondrous Tablet.
107. In one of the Tablets He, exalted be His words, hath
revealed: And in the matter of Zakát, We have
likewise decreed that you should follow what hath
been revealed in the Qur’án.
1. |
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2. |
First month of the Islamic lunar calendar.
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3. |
In Arabic the two verses differ in gender.
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4. |
This relates to the minimum duration of a journey which exempts the traveller from fasting.
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5. |
The vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere.
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6. |
The Tablet containing the three Obligatory Prayers now in use.
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7. |
Qur’án 2:115.
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8. |
This refers to a volume of approximately one half of a cubic metre.
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9. |
Colour, taste and smell.
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