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LVI: “Glory be to Thee, O Lord my God! These are the…” |
Glory be to Thee, O Lord my God! These are the
days whereon Thou hast bidden all men to observe
the fast, that through it they may purify their souls
and rid themselves of all attachment to any one but
Thee, and that out of their hearts may ascend that
which will be worthy of the court of Thy majesty
and may well beseem the seat of the revelation of
Thy oneness. Grant, O my Lord, that this fast may
become a river of life-giving waters and may yield
the virtue wherewith Thou hast endowed it. Cleanse
Thou by its means the hearts of Thy servants whom
the evils of the world have failed to hinder from
turning towards Thine all-glorious Name, and who
have remained unmoved by the noise and tumult of
such as have repudiated Thy most resplendent signs
which have accompanied the advent of Thy Manifestation
Whom Thou hast invested with Thy sovereignty,
Thy power, Thy majesty and glory. These
are the servants who, as soon as Thy call reached
them, hastened in the direction of Thy mercy and
were not kept back from Thee by the changes and
chances of this world or by any human limitations.
I am he, O my God, who testifieth to Thy unity,
who acknowledgeth Thy oneness, who boweth humbly
before the revelations of Thy majesty, and who
recognizeth with downcast countenance the splendors
of the light of Thy transcendent glory. I have
believed in Thee after Thou didst enable me to know
Thy Self, Whom Thou hast revealed to men’s eyes
through the power of Thy sovereignty and might.
Unto Him I have turned, wholly detached from all
things, and cleaving steadfastly unto the cord of
Thy gifts and favors. I have embraced His truth, and
the truth of all the wondrous laws and precepts that
have been sent down unto Him. I have fasted for
love of Thee and in pursuance of Thine injunction,
and have broken my fast with Thy praise on my
tongue and in conformity with Thy pleasure. Suffer
me not, O my Lord, to be reckoned among them who
have fasted in the daytime, who in the night-season
have prostrated themselves before Thy face, and who
have repudiated Thy truth, disbelieved in Thy signs,
gainsaid Thy testimony, and perverted Thine utterances.
Open Thou, O my Lord, mine eyes and the eyes
of all them that have sought Thee, that we may recognize
Thee with Thine own eyes. This is Thy bidding
given us in the Book sent down by Thee unto
Him Whom Thou hast chosen by Thy behest, Whom
Thou hast singled out for Thy favor above all Thy
creatures, Whom Thou hast been pleased to invest
with Thy sovereignty, and Whom Thou hast specially
favored and entrusted with Thy Message unto Thy
people. Praised be Thou, therefore, O my God, inasmuch
as Thou hast graciously enabled us to recognize
Him and to acknowledge whatsoever hath been sent
down unto Him, and conferred upon us the honor
of attaining the presence of the One Whom Thou
didst promise in Thy Book and in Thy Tablets.
Thou seest me then, O my God, with my face
turned towards Thee, cleaving steadfastly to the cord
of Thy gracious providence and generosity, and
clinging to the hem of Thy tender mercies and
bountiful favors. Destroy not, I implore Thee, my
hopes of attaining unto that which Thou didst ordain
for Thy servants who have turned towards the precincts
of Thy court and the sanctuary of Thy presence,
and have observed the fast for love of Thee.
I confess, O my God, that whatever proceedeth from
me is wholly unworthy of Thy sovereignty and falleth
short of Thy majesty. And yet I beseech Thee by
Thy Name through which Thou hast revealed Thy
Self, in the glory of Thy most excellent titles, unto
all created things, in this Revelation whereby Thou
hast, through Thy most resplendent Name, manifested
Thy beauty, to give me to drink of the wine
of Thy mercy and of the pure beverage of Thy favor,
which have streamed forth from the right hand of
Thy will, that I may so fix my gaze upon Thee and
be so detached from all else but Thee, that the world
and all that hath been created therein may appear
before me as a fleeting day which Thou hast not
deigned to create.
Cast not away, O my Lord, him that hath turned
towards Thee, nor suffer him who hath drawn nigh
unto Thee to be removed far from Thy court. Dash
not the hopes of the suppliant who hath longingly
stretched out his hands to seek Thy grace and favors,
and deprive not Thy sincere servants of the wonders
of Thy tender mercies and loving-kindness. Forgiving
and Most Bountiful art Thou, O my Lord! Power
hast Thou to do what Thou pleasest. All else but Thee
are impotent before the revelations of Thy might, are
as lost in the face of the evidences of Thy wealth, are
as nothing when compared with the manifestations
of Thy transcendent sovereignty, and are destitute
of all strength when face to face with the signs and
tokens of Thy power. What refuge is there beside
Thee, O my Lord, to which I can flee, and where is
there a haven to which I can hasten? Nay, the power
of Thy might beareth me witness! No protector is
there but Thee, no place to flee to except Thee, no
refuge to seek save Thee. Cause me to taste, O my
Lord, the divine sweetness of Thy remembrance and
praise. I swear by Thy might! Whosoever tasteth of
its sweetness will rid himself of all attachment to
the world and all that is therein, and will set his face
towards Thee, cleansed from the remembrance of any
one except Thee.
Inspire then my soul, O my God, with Thy wondrous
remembrance, that I may glorify Thy name.
Number me not with them who read Thy words and
fail to find Thy hidden gift which, as decreed by
Thee, is contained therein, and which quickeneth the
souls of Thy creatures and the hearts of Thy servants.
Cause me, O my Lord, to be reckoned among them
who have been so stirred up by the sweet savors that
have been wafted in Thy days that they have laid
down their lives for Thee and hastened to the scene
of their death in their longing to gaze on Thy beauty
and in their yearning to attain Thy presence. And
were any one to say unto them on their way,
“Whither go ye?” they would say, “Unto God,
the All-Possessing, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting!”
The transgressions committed by such as have
turned away from Thee and have borne themselves
haughtily towards Thee have not availed to hinder
them from loving Thee, and from setting their faces
towards Thee, and from turning in the direction of
Thy mercy. These are they who are blessed by the
Concourse on high, who are glorified by the denizens
of the everlasting Cities, and beyond them by those
on whose foreheads Thy most exalted pen hath written:
“These! The people of Bahá. Through them have
been shed the splendors of the light of guidance.”
Thus hath it been ordained, at Thy behest and by
Thy will, in the Tablet of Thine irrevocable decree.
Proclaim, therefore, O my God, their greatness and
the greatness of those who while living or after death
have circled round them. Supply them with that
which Thou hast ordained for the righteous among
Thy creatures. Potent art Thou to do all things.
There is no God but Thee, the All-Powerful, the
Help in Peril, the Almighty, the Most Bountiful.
Do not bring our fasts to an end with this fast, O
my Lord, nor the covenants Thou hast made with this
covenant. Do Thou accept all that we have done for
love of Thee, and for the sake of Thy pleasure, and
all that we have left undone as a result of our subjection
to our evil and corrupt desires. Enable us,
then, to cleave steadfastly to Thy love and Thy good-pleasure,
and preserve us from the mischief of such
as have denied Thee and repudiated Thy most resplendent
signs. Thou art, in truth, the Lord of this
world and of the next. No God is there beside Thee,
the Exalted, the Most High.
Magnify Thou, O Lord my God, Him Who is the
Primal Point, the Divine Mystery, the Unseen Essence,
the Day-Spring of Divinity, and the Manifestation
of Thy Lordship, through Whom all the
knowledge of the past and all the knowledge of the
future were made plain, through Whom the pearls of
Thy hidden wisdom were uncovered, and the mystery
of Thy treasured name disclosed, Whom Thou hast
appointed as the Announcer of the One through
Whose name the letter B and the letter E have been
joined and united, through Whom Thy majesty, Thy
sovereignty and Thy might were made known,
through Whom Thy words have been sent down, and
Thy laws set forth with clearness, and Thy signs
spread abroad, and Thy Word established, through
Whom the hearts of Thy chosen ones were laid bare,
and all that were in the heavens and all that were on
the earth were gathered together, Whom Thou hast
called ‘Alí-Muḥammad in the kingdom of Thy
names, and the Spirit of Spirits in the Tablets of
Thine irrevocable decree, Whom Thou hast invested
with Thine own title, unto Whose name all other
names have, at Thy bidding and through the power
of Thy might, been made to return, and in Whom
Thou hast caused all Thine attributes and titles to
attain their final consummation. To Him also belong
such names as lay hid within Thy stainless tabernacles,
in Thine invisible world and Thy sanctified
Magnify Thou, moreover, such as have believed in
Him and in His signs and have turned towards Him,
from among those that have acknowledged Thy
unity in His Latter Manifestation—a Manifestation
whereof He hath made mention in His Tablets, and
in His Books, and in His Scriptures, and in all the
wondrous verses and gem-like utterances that have
descended upon Him. It is this same Manifestation
Whose covenant Thou hast bidden Him establish ere
He had established His own covenant. He it is Whose
praise the Bayán hath celebrated. In it His excellence
hath been extolled, and His truth established, and His
sovereignty proclaimed, and His Cause perfected.
Blessed is the man that hath turned unto Him, and
fulfilled the things He hath commanded, O Thou
Who art the Lord of the worlds and the Desire of all
them that have known Thee!
Praised be Thou, O my God, inasmuch as Thou
hast aided us to recognize and love Him. I, therefore,
beseech Thee by Him and by Them Who are the Day-Springs
of Thy Divinity, and the Manifestations of
Thy Lordship, and the Treasuries of Thy Revelation,
and the Depositories of Thine inspiration, to enable us
to serve and obey Him, and to empower us to become
the helpers of His Cause and the dispersers of His
adversaries. Powerful art Thou to do all that pleaseth
Thee. No God is there beside Thee, the Almighty, the
All-Glorious, the One Whose help is sought by all