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I: From the Writings of BAHÁ’U’LLÁH 1: Let these exalted words be thy love-song on … 1 2 3 |
Let these exalted words be thy love-song on
the tree of Bahá, O thou most holy and resplendent
Leaf: ‘God, besides Whom is none other God, the
Lord of this world and the next!’ Verily, We have
elevated thee to the rank of one of the most
distinguished among thy sex, and granted thee, in
My court, a station such as none other woman hath
surpassed. Thus have We preferred thee and raised
thee above the rest, as a sign of grace from Him Who
is the Lord of the throne on high and earth below.
We have created thine eyes to behold the light of My
countenance, thine ears to hearken unto the melody
of My words, thy body to pay homage before My
throne. Do thou render thanks unto God, thy Lord,
the Lord of all the world.
How high is the testimony of the Sadratu’l-Muntahá
for its leaf; how exalted the witness of the Tree
of Life unto its fruit! Through My remembrance of
her a fragrance laden with the perfume of musk hath
been diffused; well is it with him that hath inhaled it
and exclaimed: ‘All praise be to Thee, O God, my
Lord the most glorious!’ How sweet thy presence
before Me; how sweet to gaze upon thy face, to
bestow upon thee My loving-kindness, to favour
thee with My tender care, to make mention of thee
in this, My Tablet—a Tablet which I have ordained
as a token of My hidden and manifest grace unto
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From a Tablet addressed to the Greatest Holy Leaf. (See The Bahá’í World, vol. V, p. 171)
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