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Japan Will Turn Ablaze!

  • Author:
  • Various

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Trust of Japan, 1992 revised edition
  • Pages:
  • 113
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Pages 87-88

To the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States, 1951–1956

[Letter of February 29, 1951]

He (the Guardian) feels there is no definite action that can be taken by the Tokyo Spiritual Assembly against … any society which uses our Bahá’í ideas and principles. The best thing is for the Japanese believers, through strengthening their community, enlarging it, obtaining publicity in the press, and holding, whenever possible, dignified public meetings, to gradually assert themselves as the real body of the Faith, and make everything else appear to be mere plagiarism, a shadow of the Faith. Your Assembly should give them (the Japanese believers) as much moral support and encouragement as possible.
(February 29, 1951)
The Guardian attaches great importance to the teaching conference 1 … and feels that as many friends as possible should attend. He thinks it will be a great stimulant to the Faith, and certainly foundations can be laid for the rapid expansion of the Cause… This will be a historic event, and one that should lay the foundation for great victories in the future.
The beloved Guardian has approved the attendance of one of the Hands of the Cause in Asia … Mr. Zikru’llah Khádem…
(July, 1955) 88
1. International Bahá’í Teaching Conference, Nikko, Japan, September 1955.   [ Back To Reference]