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Ever since I began the writing of my narrative, it
has been my firm intention to include, in such accounts
as I might be able to relate of the early
days of this Revelation, those gems of inestimable
value which it has been my privilege to hear, from time to
time, from the lips of Bahá’u’lláh. These words, some of
which were addressed to me alone, others which I shared
with my fellow-disciples as we sat in His presence, are
mainly concerned with the very episodes I have essayed
to describe. Bahá’u’lláh’s comments on the conference of
Badasht, and His references to the tumult that marked its
closing stages, to which I have referred in a preceding chapter,
are but instances of the passages with which I hope to enrich
and ennoble my narrative.
Upon the termination of the description of the struggle of
Zanján, I was ushered into His presence, and received, together
with a number of other believers, the blessings which
on two occasions He deigned to confer upon us. Both visits
took place during the four days which Bahá’u’lláh chose to
tarry in the home of Áqáy-i-Kalím. On the second and
fourth nights after His arrival at His brother’s house, which
fell on the seventh day of the month of Jamádiyu’l-Avval,
in the year 1306 A.H.,
I, together with a number of pilgrims
from Sarvistán and Fárán, as well as a few resident believers,
was admitted into His presence. The words He spoke to us
lie for ever engraved upon my heart, and I feel it my duty
to my readers to share with them the gist of His talk.
“Praise be to God,” He said, “that whatever is essential
for the believers in this Revelation to be told has been revealed.
Their duties have been clearly defined, and the deeds
they are expected to perform have been plainly set forth in
Our Book. Now is the time for them to arise and fulfil
their duty. Let them translate into deeds the exhortations
We have given them. Let them beware lest the love they
bear God, a love that glows so brightly in their hearts, cause
them to transgress the bounds of moderation, and to overstep
the limits We have set for them. In regard to this matter,
We wrote thus, while in ‘Iráq, to Hájí Mírzá Músáy-i-Qumí:
‘Such is to be the restraint you should exercise that if you
be made to quaff from the well-springs of faith and certitude
all the rivers of knowledge, your lips must never be allowed
to betray, to either friend or stranger, the wonder of the
draught of which you have partaken. Though your heart be
aflame with His love, take heed lest any eye discover your
inner agitation, and though your soul be surging like an
ocean, suffer not the serenity of your countenance to be
disturbed, nor the manner of your behaviour to reveal the
intensity of your emotions.’
“God knows that at no time did We attempt to conceal
Ourself or hide the Cause which We have been bidden to
proclaim. Though not wearing the garb of the people of
learning, We have again and again faced and reasoned with
men of great scholarship in both Núr and Mázindarán, and
have succeeded in persuading them of the truth of this
Revelation. We never flinched in Our determination; We
never hesitated to accept the challenge from whatever direction
it came. To whomsoever We spoke in those days, We
found him receptive to our Call and ready to identify himself
with its precepts. But for the shameful behaviour of the
people of Bayán, who sullied by their deeds the work We had
accomplished, Núr and Mázindarán would have been entirely
won to this Cause and would have been accounted by
this time among its leading strongholds.
At a time when the forces of Prince Mihdí-Qulí Mírzá
had besieged the fort of Tabarsí, We resolved to depart from
Núr and lend Our assistance to its heroic defenders. We had
intended to send ‘Abdu’l-Vahháb, one of Our companions,
in advance of Us, and to request him to announce Our approach
to the besieged. Though encompassed by the forces
of the enemy, We had decided to throw in Our lot with those
steadfast companions, and to risk the dangers with which
they were confronted. This, however, was not to be. The
hand of Omnipotence spared Us from their fate and preserved
Us for the work We were destined to accomplish. In
pursuance of God’s inscrutable wisdom, the intention We
had formed was, before Our arrival at the fort, communicated
by certain inhabitants of Núr to Mírzá Taqí, the governor of
Ámul, who sent his men to intercept Us. While We were
resting and taking Our tea, We found Ourselves suddenly
surrounded by a number of horsemen, who seized Our belongings
and captured Our steeds. We were given, in exchange
for Our own horse, a poorly saddled animal which We
found it extremely uncomfortable to ride. The rest of Our
companions were conducted, handcuffed, to Ámul. Mírzá
Taqí succeeded, in spite of the tumult Our arrival had raised,
and in the face of the opposition of the ‘ulamás, in releasing
Us from their grasp and in conducting Us to his own house.
He extended to Us the warmest hospitality. Occasionally
he yielded to the pressure which the ‘ulamás were continuously
bringing to bear upon him, and felt himself powerless
to defeat their attempts to harm Us. We were still in his
house when the Sardár, who had joined the army in Mázindarán,
returned to Ámul. No sooner was he informed of the
indignities We had suffered than he rebuked Mírzá Taqí
for the weakness he had shown in protecting Us from Our
enemies. ‘Of what importance,’ he indignantly demanded,
‘are the denunciations of this ignorant people? Why is it
that you have allowed yourself to be swayed by their clamour?
You should have been satisfied with preventing the
party from reaching their destination and, instead of detaining
them in this house, you should have arranged for
their safe and immediate return to Tihrán.’
“Whilst in Sarí, We were again exposed to the insults of
the people. Though the notables of that town were, for the
most part, Our friends and had on several occasions met Us
in Tihrán, no sooner had the townspeople recognised Us,
as We walked with Quddús in the streets, than they began
to hurl their invectives at Us. The cry ‘Babi! Bábí!’
greeted Us wherever We went. We were unable to escape their
bitter denunciations.
“In Tihrán We were twice imprisoned as a result of Our
having risen to defend the cause of the innocent against a
ruthless oppressor. The first confinement to which We were
subjected followed the slaying of Mullá Taqíy-i-Qazvíní, and
was occasioned by the assistance We were moved to extend
to those upon whom a severe punishment had been undeservedly
inflicted. Our second imprisonment, infinitely
more severe, was precipitated by the attempt which irresponsible
followers of the Faith made on the life of the
Sháh. That event led to Our banishment to Baghdád.
Soon after Our arrival, We betook Ourself to the mountains
of Kurdistán, where We led for a time a life of complete
solitude. We sought shelter upon the summit of a remote
mountain which lay at some three days’ distance from the
nearest human habitation. The comforts of life were completely
lacking. We remained entirely isolated from Our
fellow men until a certain Shaykh Ismá’íl discovered Our
abode and brought Us the food We needed.
‘Upon Our return to Baghdád, We found, to Our great
astonishment, that the Cause of the Báb had been sorely
neglected, that its influence had waned, that its very name
had almost sunk into oblivion. We arose to revive His Cause
and to save it from decay and corruption. At the time when
ear and perplexity had taken fast hold of Our companions,
We reasserted, with fearlessness and determination, its essential
verities, and summoned all those who had become
lukewarm to espouse with enthusiasm the Faith they had so
grievously neglected. We sent forth Our appeal to the
peoples of the world, and invited them to fix their gaze upon
the light of His Revelation.
“After Our departure from Adrianople, a discussion arose
among the government officials in Constantinople as to
whether We and Our companions should not be thrown into
the sea. The report of such a discussion reached Persia, and
gave rise to a rumour that We had actually suffered that fate.
In Khurásán particularly, Our friends were greatly perturbed.
Mírzá Ahmad-i-Azghandí, as soon as he was informed of
this news, was reported to have asserted that under no circumstances
could he credit such a rumour. ‘The Revelation
of the Báb,’ he said, ‘must, if this be true, be regarded as
utterly devoid of foundation.’ The news of Our safe arrival
in the prison-city of ‘Akká rejoiced the hearts of Our friends,
deepened the admiration of the believers of Khurásán for
the faith of Mírzá Ahmad, and increased their confidence
“From Our Most Great Prison We were moved to address
to the several rulers and crowned heads of the world
Epistles in which We summoned them to arise and embrace
the Cause of God. To the Sháh of Persia We sent Our messenger
Badí, into whose hands We entrusted the Tablet.
It was he who raised it aloft before the eyes of the multitude
and, with uplifted voice, appealed to his sovereign to heed
the words that Tablet contained. The rest of the Epistles
likewise reached their destination. To the Tablet We addressed
to the Emperor of France, an answer was received
from his minister, the original of which is now in the possession
of the Most Great Branch.
To him We addressed
these words: ‘Bid the high priest, O Monarch of France, to
cease ringing his bells, for, lo! the Most Great Bell, which
the hands of the will of the Lord thy God are ringing, is made
manifest in the person of His chosen One.’ The Epistle We
addressed to the Czar of Russia, alone failed to reach it
destination. Other Tablets, however, have reached him, and
that Epistle will eventually be delivered into his hands.
“Be thankful to God for having enabled you to recognise
His Cause. Whoever has received this blessing must, prior
to his acceptance, have performed some deed which, though
he himself was unaware of its character, was ordained by God
as a means whereby he has been guided to find and embrace
the Truth. As to those who have remained deprived of such
a blessing, their acts alone have hindered them from recognising
the truth of this Revelation. We cherish the hope that
you, who have attained to this light, will exert your utmost
to banish the darkness of superstition and unbelief from the
midst of the people. May your deeds proclaim your faith
and enable you to lead the erring into the paths of eternal
salvation. The memory of this night will never be forgotten.
May it never be effaced by the passage of time, and may its
mention linger for ever on the lips of men.”
The seventh Naw-Rúz after the Declaration of the Báb
fell on the sixteenth day of the month of Jamádiyu’l-Avval
in the year 1267 A.H.,
a month and a half after the termination
of the struggle of Zanján. That same year, towards the end
of spring, in the early days of the month of Sha’bán,
left the capital for Karbilá. I was, at that time, dwelling
in Kirmansháh, in the company of Mírzá Ahmad, the Báb’s
amanuensis, who had been ordered by Bahá’u’lláh to collect
and transcribe all the sacred writings, the originals of which
were, for the most part, in his possession. I was in Zarand,
in the home of my father, when the Seven Martyrs of Tihrán
met their cruel fate. I subsequently succeeded in leaving for
Qum, under the pretext of desiring to visit the shrine. Unable
to find Mírzá Ahmad, whom I wished to meet, I left for
Káshán, on the advice of Hájí Mírzá Músáy-i-Qumí, who informed
me that the only person who could enlighten me as
to the whereabouts of Mírzá Ahmad was ‘Azím, who was then
living in Káshán. With him I again returned to Qum, where
I was introduced to a certain Siyyid Abu’l-Qásim-i-‘Alaqih-Band-i-Isfahání,
who had previously accompanied Mírzá
Ahmad on his journey to Kirmansháh. ‘Azím instructed
him to conduct me to the gate of the city, where he was to
inform me of the place where Mírzá Ahmad was residing, and
to arrange for my departure for Hamadán. Siyyid Abu’l-Qásim,
in turn, referred me to Mírzá Muhammad-‘Alíy-Tabíb-i-Zanjání,
whom he said I was sure to find in Hamadán
and who would direct me to the place where I could meet
Mírzá Ahmad. I followed his instructions and was directed
by this Mírzá Muhammad-‘Alí to meet, in Kirmansháh, a
certain merchant, Ghulam-Husayn-i-Shushtarí by name, who
would conduct me to the house where Mírzá Ahmad was
A few days after my arrival, Mírzá Ahmad informed me
of his having succeeded, while in Qum, in teaching the Cause
to Íldírím Mírzá, brother of Khánlar Mírzá, to whom he
wished to present a copy of the “Dalá’il-i-Sab‘ih,”
and expressed
his desire that I should be its bearer. Íldírím Mírzá
was in those days governor of Khurram-Ábád, in the province
of Luristán, and had encamped with his army in the mountains
of Khavih-Valishtar. I was only too glad to grant his
request, and expressed my readiness to start immediately on
that journey. With a Kurdish guide, we traversed mountains
and forests for six days and six nights, until we reached the
governor’s headquarters. I delivered the trust into his hands
and brought back with me for Mírzá Ahmad a written message
from him expressing his appreciation of the gift and assuring
him of his devotion to the Cause of its Author.
On my return, I received from Mírzá Ahmad the joyful
tidings of the arrival of Bahá’u’lláh in Kirmansháh. As we
were being ushered into His presence, we found Him, it being
the month of Ramadán, engaged in reading the Qur’án, and
were blessed by hearing Him read verses of that sacred Book.
I presented to Him Íldírím Mírzá’s written message to Mírzá
Ahmad. “The faith which a member of the Qájár dynasty
professes,” He remarked, after reading the letter, “cannot
be depended upon. His declarations are insincere. Expecting
that the Bábís will one day assassinate the sovereign, he
harbours in his heart the hope of being acclaimed by them
the successor. The love he professes for the Báb is actuated
by that motive.” Within a few months we knew the truth
of His words. This same Íldírím Mírzá gave orders that a
certain Siyyid Basir-i-Hindí, a fervent adherent of the Faith,
should be put to death.
It would be appropriate at this juncture to deviate from
the course of our narrative and refer briefly to the circumstances
of this martyr’s conversion and death. Among the
disciples whom the Báb had instructed, in the early days of
His Mission, to disperse and teach His Cause, was a certain
Shaykh Sa’íd-i-Hindí, one of the Letters of the Living, who
had been directed by his Master to journey throughout
India and proclaim to its people the precepts of His Revelation.
Shaykh Sa’íd, in the course of his travels, visited the
town of Mooltan, where he met this Siyyid Básir,
though blind, was able to perceive immediately, with his
inner eye, the significance of the message Shaykh Sa’íd had
brought him. The vast learning he had acquired, far from
hindering him from appreciating the value of the Cause to
which he was summoned, enabled him to grasp its meaning
and understand the greatness of its power. Casting behind
him the trappings of leadership, and severing himself from
his friends and kinsmen, he arose with a fixed resolve to
render his share of service to the Cause he had embraced.
His first act was to undertake a pilgrimage to Shíráz, in the
hope of meeting his Beloved. Arriving in that city, he was
informed, to his surprise and grief, that the Báb had been
banished to the mountains of Ádhirbayján, where He was
leading a life of unrelieved solitude. He straightway proceeded
to Tihrán, and from thence departed for Núr, where
he met Bahá’u’lláh. This meeting relieved his heart from
the burden of sorrow caused by his failure to meet his Master.
To those he subsequently met, of whatever class or creed, he
imparted the joys and blessings he had so abundantly received
from the hands of Bahá’u’lláh, and was able to endow
them with a measure of the power with which his intercourse
with Him had invested his innermost being.
I have heard Shaykh Shahíd-i-Mazkán relate the following:
“I was privileged to meet Siyyid Básir at the height of
summer during his passage through Qamsar, whither the
leading men of Káshán go to escape the heat of that town.
Day and night, I found him engaged in arguing with the
leading ‘ulamás who had congregated in that village. With
ability and insight, he discussed with them the subtleties of
their Faith, expounded without fear or reservation the
fundamental teachings of the Cause, and absolutely confuted
their arguments. No one, however great his learning and
experience, was able to reject the evidences he set forth in
support of his claims. Such were his insight and his knowledge
of the teachings and ordinances of Islám that his adversaries
conceived him to be a sorcerer, whose baneful influence they
feared would ere long rob them of their position.”
I have similarly heard Mullá Ibráhím, surnamed Mullá-Báshí,
who was martyred in Sultán-Ábád, thus recount his
impression of Siyyid Básir: “Towards the end of his life, Siyyid
Básir passed through Sultán-Ábád, where I was able to meet
him. He was continually associated with the leading ‘ulamás.
No one could surpass his knowledge of the Qur’án and his
mastery of the traditions ascribed to Muhammad. He displayed
an understanding which made him the terror of his
adversaries. Often would his opponents question the accuracy
of his quotations or reject the existence of the tradition
which he produced in support of his contention. With
unerring exactitude, he would establish the truth of his
argument by his reference to the text of the Usul-i-Kafi’
and the ‘Biháru’l-Anvar,’
from which he would instantly
bring out the particular tradition demonstrating the truth
of his words. He stood unrivalled alike in the fluency of his
argument and the facility with which he brought out the
most incontrovertible proofs in support of his theme.”
From Sultán-Ábád, Siyyid Básir proceeded to Luristán,
where he visited the camp of Íldírím Mírzá, and was receive
by him with marked respect and consideration. In the course
of his conversation with him one day, the siyyid, who was
a man of great courage, referred to Muhammad Sháh in
terms that aroused the fierce anger of Íldírím Mírzá. He
was furious at the tone and vehemence of his remarks, and
ordered that his tongue be pulled out through the back of his n
eck. The siyyid endured this cruel torture with amazing
fortitude, but succumbed to the pain which his oppressor
had mercilessly inflicted upon him. The same week a letter,
in which Íldírím Mírzá had abused his brother, Khánlar
Mírzá, was discovered by the latter, who immediately obtained
the consent of his sovereign to treat him in whatever
way he pleased. Khánlar Mírzá, who entertained an implacable
hatred for his brother, ordered that he be stripped of his
clothes and conducted, naked and in chains, to Ardibíl, where
he was imprisoned and where eventually he died.
Bahá’u’lláh spent the entire month of Ramadán in Kirmansháh.
Shukru’llah-i-Núrí, one of His kinsmen, and
Mírzá Muhammad-i-Mázindarání, who had survived the
struggle of Tabarsí, were the only companions He chose to
take with Him to Karbilá. I have heard Bahá’u’lláh Himself
give the reasons for His departure from Tihrán. “The
Amír-Nizám, He told us, “asked Us one day to see him.
He received Us cordially, and revealed the purpose for which
he had summoned Us to his presence. ‘I am well aware,’
he gently insinuated, ‘of the nature and influence of your
activities, and am firmly convinced that were it not for the
support and assistance which you have been extending to
Mullá Husayn and his companions, neither he nor his band of
inexperienced students would have been capable of resisting
for seven months the forces of the imperial government. The
ability and skill with which you have managed to direct and
encourage those efforts could not fail to excite my admiration.
I have been unable to obtain any evidence whereby I could
establish your complicity in this affair. I feel it a pity that
so resourceful a person should be left idle and not be given
an opportunity to serve his country and sovereign. The
thought has come to me to suggest to you that you visit
Karbilá in these days when the Sháh is contemplating a
journey to Isfahán. It is my intention to be enabled, on his
return, to confer upon you the position of Amír-Díván, a
function you could admirably discharge.’ We vehemently
protested against such accusations, and refused to accept the
position he hoped to offer Us. A few days after that interview,
We left Tihrán for Karbilá.”
Ere Bahá’u’lláh’s departure from Kirmansháh, He summoned
Mírzá Ahmad and me to His presence and bade us
depart for Tihrán. I was charged to meet Mírzá Yahyá
immediately after my arrival and to take him with me to
the fort of Dhu’l-Faqar Khán, situated in the vicinity of
Shahrud, and remain with him until Bahá’u’lláh returned to
the capital Mírzá Ahmad was instructed to remain in
Tihrán until His arrival, and was entrusted with a box of
sweetmeats and a letter addressed to Áqáy-i-Kalím, who was
to forward the gift to Mázindarán, where the Most Great
Branch and His mother were residing.
Mírzá Yahyá, to whom I delivered the message, refused
to leave Tihrán, and directed me instead to leave for Qazvín.
He compelled me to abide by his wish and to take with me
certain letters which he bade me deliver to certain of his
friends in that town. On my return to Tihrán, I was constrained,
on the insistence of my kinsmen, to leave for Zarand.
Mírzá Ahmad, however, promised that he would again arrange
for my return to the capital, a promise which he fulfilled.
Two months later, I was again living with him in a
caravanserai outside the gate of Naw, where I passed the
whole winter in his company. He spent his days in transcribing
the Persian Bayán and the “Dalá’il-i-Sab‘ih,” a work he
accomplished with admirable enthusiasm. He entrusted me
with two copies of the latter, asking me to present them on
his behalf to Mustawfiyu’l-Mamalik-i-Ashtiyání and Mírzá
Siyyid ‘Alíy-i-Tafarshí, surnamed the Majdu’l-Ashraf. The
former was so much affected that he was completely won
over to the Faith. As for Mírzá Siyyid ‘Alí, the views he
expressed were of a totally different character. At a gathering
at which Áqáy-i-Kalím was present, he commented in an
unfavourable manner upon the continued activities of the
believers. “This sect,” he publicly declared, “is still living.
Its emissaries are hard at work, spreading the teachings of
their leader. One of them, a youth, came to visit me the
other day, and presented me with a treatise which I regard
as highly dangerous. Anyone from among the common
people who shall read that book will surely be beguiled by
its tone.” Áqáy-i-Kalím immediately understood from his
allusions that Mírzá Ahmad had sent the Book to him and
that I had acted as his messenger. On that very day, Áqáy-i-Kalím
asked me to visit him and advised me to return to my
home in Zarand. I was asked to induce Mírzá Ahmad to
leave instantly for Qum, as both of us, in his opinion, were
exposed to great danger. Acting according to Mírzá Ahmad’s
instructions, I succeeded in inducing the siyyid to return
the Book that had been offered him. Shortly after, I
parted company with Mírzá Ahmad, whom I never met
again. I accompanied him as far as Shah-’Abdu’l-’Azim,
while he departed for Qum, while I pursued my way to
The month of Shavval, in the year 1267 A.H.,
the arrival of Bahá’u’lláh at Karbilá. On His way to that
holy city, He tarried a few days in Baghdád, that place which
He was soon to visit again and where His Cause was destined
to mature and unfold itself to the world. When He arrived
at Karbilá, He found that a number of its leading residents,
among whom were Shaykh Sultán and Hájí Siyyid Javád,
had fallen victims to the pernicious influence of a certain
Siyyid-i-‘Uluvv, and had declared themselves his supporters.
They were immersed in superstitions and believed their
leader to be the very incarnation of the Divine Spirit. Shaykh
Sultán ranked among his most fervent disciples and regarded
himself, next to his master, as the foremost leader of his
countrymen. Bahá’u’lláh met him on several occasions and
succeeded, by His words of counsel and loving-kindness, in
purging his mind from his idle fancies and in releasing him
from the state of abject servitude into which he had sunk.
He won him over completely to the Cause of the Báb and
kindled in his heart a desire to propagate the Faith. His
fellow-disciples, witnessing the effects of his immediate and
marvellous conversion, were led, one after another, to forsake
their former allegiance and to embrace the Cause which their
colleague had risen to champion. Abandoned and despised
by his former adherents, the Siyyid-i-‘Uluvv was at length
reduced to recognising the authority of Bahá’u’lláh and
acknowledging the superiority of His position. He even
went so far as to express repentance for his acts, and to
pledge his word that he would never again advocate the
theories and principles with which he had identified himself.
It was during that visit to Karbilá that Bahá’u’lláh encountered,
as He was walking through the streets, Shaykh
Hasan-i-Zunúzí, to whom He confided the secret He was
destined to reveal at a later time in Baghdád. He found him
eagerly searching after the promised Husayn, to whom the
Báb had so lovingly referred and whom He had promised he
would meet in Karbilá. We have already, in a preceding
chapter, narrated the circumstances leading to his meeting
with Bahá’u’lláh. From that day, Shaykh Hasan became
magnetised by the charm of his newly found Master, and
would, but for the restraint he was urged to exercise, have
proclaimed to the people of Karbilá the return of the promised
Husayn whose appearance they were awaiting.
Among those who were made to feel that power was
Mírzá Muhammad-‘Alíy-i-Tabíb-i-Zanjání, in whose heart
was implanted a seed that was destined to grow and blossom
into a faith of such tenacity that the fires of persecution were
powerless to quench it. To his devotion, his high-mindedness
and singleness of purpose Bahá’u’lláh Himself testified. That
faith carried him eventually to the field of martyrdom.
The same fate was shared by Mírzá ‘Abdu’l-Vahháb-i-Shírází,
son of Hájí ‘Abdu’l-Majíd, who owned a shop in
Karbilá and who felt the impulse to forsake all his possessions
and follow his Master. He was advised, however,
not to abandon his work, but to continue to earn his livelihood
until such time as he should be summoned to Tihrán. Bahá’u’lláh
urged him to be patient, and gave him a sum of money
wherewith he encouraged him to extend the scope of his
business. Unable to concentrate his attention upon his
trade, Mírzá ‘Abdu’l-Vahháb hastened to Tihrán, where he
remained until he was thrown into the dungeon in which his
Master was confined and there suffered martyrdom for His
Shaykh ‘Alí-Mirzay-i-Shírází was likewise attracted to,
and remained to his last breath a staunch supporter of, the
Cause to which he had been called and which he served with
a selflessness and devotion beyond all praise. To friend and
stranger alike he recounted his experiences of the marvellous
influence the presence of Bahá’u’lláh had had upon him, and
enthusiastically described the signs and wonders he had
witnessed during and after the days of his conversion.
1. |
January 9, 1889 A.D.
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‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s title.
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3. |
1851 A.D.
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4. |
June 1–30, 1851 A.D.
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One of the Báb’s best-known works.
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“From his childhood, Siyyid Básir showed signs of the wonderful faculties which he afterwards manifested. For seven years he enjoyed the blessings of sight, but then, even as the vision of his soul became clear, a veil of darkness fell on his outward eyes. From his infancy, he had displayed his good disposition and amiable character both in word and deed, he now added to this a singular piety and soberness of life. At length, at the age of twenty-one, he set out with great pomp and state (for he had much wealth in India) to perform the pilgrimage; and, on reaching Persia, began to associate with every sect and party (for he was well acquainted with the doctrines and tenets of all), and to give away large religious discipline. And since his ancestors had foretold that in those days a Perfect Man should appear in Persia, was continually engaged in making enquiries. He visited Mecca and, after performing the rites of the pilgrimage, proceeded to the holy shrines of Karbilá and Najaf, where he met the late Hájí Siyyid Kázim, for whom he conceived a sincere friendship. He then returned to India; but, on reaching Bombay, he heard that one claiming to be the Báb had appeared in Persia, whereupon he at once turned back thither.” (The “Taríkh-i-Jadíd,” pp. 245–6.)
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Compilations of Muhammadan traditions.
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July 30-August 28, 1851 A.D.
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