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Dawn of a New Day

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Trust of India, date unknown
  • Pages:
  • 228
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Pages 12-13

Bring Together the Hindus and Mohammedans

Shoghi Effendi received your letter dated June 11th and was very glad to see the result of the election of the National Spiritual Assembly. He sincerely hopes that this year will witness a great change and progress for the Cause in India. As the friends are sincere in their love and devotion, the members of the Assembly strong in their faith and unfailing in their services, there is full assurance of an ultimate victory and final settlement of the existing difficulties. Shoghi Effendi has great hopes in you personally and trusts in your wise judgment, watchful attentiveness and absolute assurance in the Cause you serve. He wants me to assure you of his prayers.
He also hopes that the friends in India will do their very best to bring together the Hindus and Mohammedans. In such 13 cases the friends can show their good-will, devotion to humanity, and disinterestedness in the material result obtained. He will pray that … Prof. Pritam Singh will be guided in this undertaking and ably represent the spirit of the Cause as well as its teachings. Being competent themselves and having the necessary divine blessing and guidance it is sure that they will achieve much. May be this will be a good chance for attracting the attention of some of the prominent leaders to the reality of the Cause.
[From the Guardian:]
I have written in person to the Bombay Assembly and urged them most emphatically to support morally and financially the National Assembly and the National Fund. …We have to repeat and repeat over and over again until the truth, the necessity and the urgency of our Beloved’s instructions sink in the hearts and minds of the believers. I am sure you will continue to remind the friends of their primary obligations. Assuring you again of my prayers for your success in your high endeavours.
July 10, 1926