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Dawn of a New Day

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Trust of India, date unknown
  • Pages:
  • 228
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Pages 28-30

Martha Root Visits India

…Miss Root is at present in Tehran and she does not know just how long she will stay, but surely before leaving for India she would inform you of her plans in time.
It is such a pity that Mr. Vakil is unwell. He is a man we cannot spare just as the passing of Syed Jenab Ali leaves a serious gap in Burma.
[From the Guardian:]
Miss Root will soon be with you, and I trust her visit may lend a fresh impetus to your work of consolidation and spread of the Cause. I will continue to pray for your efforts and activities from the depths of my heart. Be not disheartened. Persevere in your labours and rest assured that the Beloved will richly reward those who stand firm in the Faith, and those who persevere in their endeavours.
March 1, 1930
Miss Root has been delayed by the enthusiastic reception she has received in Persia and she is now planning to visit southern and eastern Persia where she has not yet been. We hope her visit to India will prove of some value in attracting the attention of the intelligent classes among the non-Baha’is, but perhaps the 29 political agitation will entirely defeat that purpose at the present time.
April 26, 1930
He was very glad to hear of the activities of Miss Martha Root in India and hopes that they will all bear some wonderful fruits for the progress of the Cause in India. It is sure that with the existence of the present political unrest in that country few are ready to pay any attention to religious matters, but among the very intelligent people there are undoubtedly people whose vision extends further than the present difficulties and desire a spiritual rebirth for that much divided and troubled nation. To these the Baha’i teachings should undoubtedly present a much desired reform movement. Anyhow Shoghi Effendi hopes that with the help of Miss Root you have been able to approach such eminent persons and have sown in their heart the seed of faith.
July 4, 1930
Concerning the trip of Miss Martha Root, we have already heard about her activities from many sources. Shoghi Effendi sincerely hopes that the National Assembly will undertake such measures as would keep up the work and produce some tangible result from her visit. It is very important to follow up the work that she started and keep in touch with the people she has been able to interest.
[From the Guardian:]
With the assurance of my deep appreciation of your many and highly successful endeavours in connection with the visit of Miss Root and of my fervent and loving prayers for your own happiness and spiritual advancement.
September 19, 1930 30