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Letters from the Guardian to Australia and New Zealand

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • Australia, 1971 reprint
  • Pages:
  • 140
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Pages 15-17

Letter of September 23rd, 1936

September 23rd, 1936
Dear Miss Brooks,
Your detailed communication of July 14th written on behalf of the N.S.A. of Australia and New-Zealand, together with its enclosures have all duly arrived, and their contents read with deepest interest and appreciation by our beloved Guardian. Also the photographs and blocks have duly reached him, as well as the local Assembly reports sent under separate cover. Please accept his most sincere and grateful thanks for them all.
Regarding the proposed News Letter to be issued every three months by your N.S.A; this, the Guardian feels, is a splendid idea and can render a unique and much-needed help to your Assembly in its efforts for the establishment of the Administration, and the more effective functioning of its institutions throughout Australia and New-Zealand. Not only it has the great advantage of keeping the friends well-informed about the events and developments in the Cause, but in addition can help in consolidating the organic unity of the believers by bringing them within the full orbit of the N.S.A.’s jurisdiction. It is hoped that this body will do its utmost to maintain the publication of this bulletin, and will 16 make full use of this splendid medium for the further widening and consolidation of the foundations of the local as well as national assemblies.
As regards Mrs. …’s request that you assist her in her project of uniting the believers through correspondence; this is of course a task which is quite secondary compared to the duties and responsibilities you are called upon to discharge as secretary of the N.S.A. Your secretarial work in that body imposes upon you a paramount obligation which no other service can equal in importance. All your other Bahá’í activities should be subordinated to your work in the N.S.A. which is, undoubtedly, the most vital and urgent among them all.
Concerning the Greatest Name; this term refers both to “Alláh-u-Abhá” and to “Yá Bahá’u’l-Abhá”. The first is a form of Bahá’í greeting and should be used, while the other is an invocation, meaning “O Thou Glory of Glories!” These two words are both referred to as the Greatest Name.
The Guardian, while fully aware of the difficulties, both financial and otherwise which your N.S.A. is facing in connection with the publication of the “Herald of the South”, feels nevertheless the urge to advise you to continue with this magazine and not to feel in the least discouraged if your efforts for meeting the expenses incurred for its printing and circulation, and for raising its literary standard, do not bring the expected results. He very deeply values the self-sacrificing and sustained efforts exerted by your Assembly in this connection. May Bahá’u’lláh richly reward you for all your meritorious endeavours.
With warmest Bahá’í Greetings,
Yours in His Service,
H. Rabbani.
[From the Guardian:]
Dear and valued co-worker:
The work in which your National Assembly is engaged, and which it is prosecuting with such fidelity, diligence and perseverance is near and dear to my heart. You are laying an unassailable foundation for the erection of mighty Bahá’í institutions which future generations are destined to extend and perfect. Your pioneer work is arduous and highly meritorious. I feel proud of your achievements, realizing as I do the circumstances in which 17 you labour. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is watching over you and is well-pleased with your services. Persevere and rest assured.