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The Light of Divine Guidance (Volume 1)

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Trust of Germany (Bahá’í-Verlag), 1982 edition
  • Pages:
  • 311
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Pages 74-75

Letter of 10 August 1935

10 August 1935
Beloved Bahá’í Friends,
On behalf of the Guardian I wish to acknowledge the receipt of your beautiful message dated July 8th, and to convey to you his loving thanks and appreciation for the kind sentiments which you have been moved to express to him on the eve of the anniversary of the Báb’s martyrdom. 75
He is, indeed, very much pleased, and feels greatly encouraged, to learn of the beautiful meeting you have organized in order to commemorate this most sad and yet unique event in the history of the Cause, and sincerely trusts that the recollection of these early days of the heroic age of the Faith will have served to fill with fresh enthusiasm and renewed vigour your souls, and that as a result you all now feel the urge to play a more active part in establishing the Cause in Austria.
The Guardian has been also gratified at the news of the marriage of our dear and devoted co-worker Mr. Franz Pollinger to Miss Anny Mödlogl. He wishes them both a most happy and successful union and is praying to Bahá’u’lláh that He may continue showering upon them His favours and blessings, and thus render their lives successful and of benefit to His Cause.
With cordial greetings from the Guardian and with his best wishes and prayers for you all,…
[From the Guardian:]
Dearly-beloved co-workers:
Your message filled my heart with joy and has powerfully reminded me of the firmness of your faith, the extent of your devotion, and the degree of your self-sacrifice and endeavours for the promotion of the Cause of God. I urge you to maintain the closest contact with the believers in Germany and particularly with the National Assembly, to study and digest the chapters of Nabíl’s narrative as they appear in “The Sun of Truth” that you may obtain a fuller grasp of the purpose, the influence and the moving episodes of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh.
Your true brother,