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The Light of Divine Guidance (Volume 1)

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Trust of Germany (Bahá’í-Verlag), 1982 edition
  • Pages:
  • 311
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Pages 119-121

Letter of 4 June 1947 (Convention)

4 June 1947 (Convention)
Dear Bahá’í Friends:
It was with great joy that our beloved Guardian received your loving message dated April 26th, and signed by so 120 many of the dear believers. He has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.
The re-florescence of the Holy and beloved Faith in Germany, after so many bitter years of suppression and suffering, has brought great happiness to not only his heart but to the hearts of the Bahá’ís all over the world.
That you should be able, in relatively so short a period of time, and in the face of so many obstacles, to reconstitute your assemblies and National Assembly, be in a position to elect new assemblies, and to hold your Summer School and various conferences, all point the way to a brilliant future for the German followers of the Cause of God.
He urges you individually and collectively to teach the Faith constantly to your spiritually starved countrymen, to support and assist your National Assembly in carrying out its heavy responsibilities and to do all in your power to hasten the day when a befitting National Headquarters, situated in Frankfurt a.M., will have been purchased and established, one that will be commensurate with the importance of the German Bahá’í Community, the strongest and largest on the Continent of Europe.
You may rest assured that his loving and ardent prayers are offered for your progress and success in the Holy Shrines….
[From the Guardian:]
Dearly beloved friends and co-workers:
I was deeply touched by your message, and I greatly value the sentiments you have expressed, the zeal and unity you demonstrate, the deeds you accomplish, the plans you have conceived, and above all the spirit you so powerfully manifest in your diligent labours for the spread and consolidation of our beloved Faith in your promising country. The German Bahá’í community, emerging 121 triumphantly from one of the severest ordeals that have afflicted any of its sister-communities in East or West, now stands on the threshold of a new era in its development. Great tasks confront it. The establishment of a befitting administrative centre in the heart of that country, the multiplication of groups and assemblies, the dissemination of Bahá’í literature and the proclamation of the Faith to the masses are among the most urgent, the most vital and outstanding of these tasks. The entire community, however difficult the present circumstances, must arise and carry them out. Its future as prophecied by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá is glorious. Its spirit is magnificent. Its members are distinguished among the followers of the Faith throughout the world by their tenacity, their thoroughness, their great capacity and resourcefulness. Our beloved Master, who watches over them, has greatly praised them, loves them dearly, is ready to bless their labours and reinforce their exertions. Its members must rise to the height of their present and priceless opportunity. They will, I feel confident, prove themselves worthy of the great blessings showered upon them in the past by their Lord and Master.