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Unfolding Destiny

  • Author:
  • Shoghi Effendi

  • Source:
  • UK Bahá’í Publishing Trust, 1981 edition
  • Pages:
  • 490
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Pages 146-148

Letter of 18 July 1941

18 July 1941
Dear Bahá’í co-worker,
The Guardian has instructed me to answer your letter to him of May 6th, and to acknowledge the receipt of the minutes of the N.S.A. meetings held on April 25th and 27th.
He was very happy to receive your letter, and his heart rejoiced at the good news which it conveyed. The holding of a successful Bahá’í Convention during days of such stress and strain as the English believers are passing through, he considers as a triumph of the spirit of their faith in Bahá’u’lláh. They are increasingly demonstrating their right to be called champions of the Cause of God, and manifesting their ability to follow in the footsteps of the early heroes of their religion. The Guardian feels truly proud of them.
In accordance with the request you made in connection with the generous proposal of …, Shoghi Effendi cabled your Assembly his approval of their plan for establishing a building fund for a future Bahá’í property to be built in…. He feels that this demonstrates a most notable donation to the Cause of God on their parts, and wishes you to convey to them both the 147 expression of his profound gratitude for this service they are rendering the Faith in England.
These evidences of growth, in spite of the universal destruction that is holding the planet in its grip at the present time, should greatly hearten the believers. They bear witness to the future harvests which their increasing labours are sure to reap, and demonstrate the great and God-given strength which flows and will flow ever more abundantly from the springs which Bahá’u’lláh has unsealed in these days.
Shoghi Effendi assures you all of his unceasing prayers on your behalf, that God may strengthen, bless, and guide you in your great work for His Faith.
He wishes you to please convey his love to all the British believers and to assure them of his prayers for their protection and for the triumph of their labours….
[From the Guardian:]
Dear and prized co-workers,
I am thrilled by the recent evidences of the noble determination of the English believers to extend the range of their activities in these days of grave danger and widespread and ever deepening anxiety and stress. The report of your Convention sessions, of your teaching activities and of your Bahá’í publications, and other administrative undertakings, enhances my admiration and deepens my gratitude for the historic work you are achieving in these days. This feeling is shared by all those of your co-workers, both in the East and the West, who follow the progress of your work despite the formidable obstacles in your path. We all pray for your safety, for the realisation of all your hopes, and the fulfilment of the plans you have so boldly conceived and are so energetically carrying out.
Your true brother,