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ISHRÁQÁT (Splendours) 98 99 100 101 |
PRAISE be unto God, incomparable in majesty,
power and beauty, peerless in glory, might and
grandeur; too high is He for human imaginations
to comprehend Him or for any peer or
equal to be ascribed unto Him. He hath clearly set forth His
straight Path in words and utterances of highest eloquence.
Verily He is the All-Possessing, the Most Exalted. When
He purposed to call the new creation into being, He sent
forth the Manifest and Luminous Point from the horizon of
His Will; it passed through every sign and manifested itself
in every form until it reached the zenith, as bidden by God,
the Lord of all men.
This Point is the focal centre of the circle of Names and
marketh the culmination of the manifestations of Letters in
the world of creation. Through it have appeared indications
of the impenetrable Mystery, the adorned Symbol,
He Who standeth revealed in the Most Great Name—a
Name which is recorded in the luminous Tablet and is
inscribed in the holy, the blessed, the snow-white Scroll.
And when the Point was joined to the second Letter
appeareth in the beginning of the Mathání,
it traversed the
heavens of exposition and utterance. Then the eternal
Light of God shed its radiance, flared up in the midmost
heart of the firmament of testimony and produced two
Luminaries. Glorified be the Merciful One, unto Whom
no allusion can be made, Whom no expression can define,
nor any assertion reveal, nor any evidence describe. He is
in truth the Ordainer, the All-Bountiful, both in the
beginning and in the end. And He provided for them protectors
and defenders from among the hosts of power and
might. Verily, He is the Help in Peril, the Mighty, the Unconstrained.
The preamble of this Epistle is being revealed twice,
even as was the Mathání
Praise be unto God Who hath manifested the Point,
hath unfolded therefrom the knowledge of all things,
whether of the past or of the future—a Point He hath
chosen to be the Herald of His Name and the Harbinger
of His Great Revelation which hath caused the limbs of all
mankind to quake and the splendour of His light to shine
forth above the horizon of the world. Verily, this is the
Point which God hath ordained to be an ocean of light for
the sincere among His servants and a flame of fire to the
froward amidst His creatures and the impious among His
people—they who bartered away the gift of God for unbelief,
and the celestial food for hypocrisy, and led their
associates to a wretched abode. These are the people who
have manifested sedition throughout the world and have
violated His Covenant on the Day when the immortal
Being mounted His throne and the Crier raised His Voice
from the haven of security and peace in the holy Vale.
O followers of the Bayán! Fear ye the All-Merciful.
This is the One Who hath been glorified by Muḥammad,
the Apostle of God, and before Him by the Spirit
and yet
before Him by the One Who discoursed with God.
is the Point of the Bayán calling aloud before the Throne,
saying: ‘By the righteousness of God, ye have been created
to glorify this Most Great Announcement, this Perfect Way
which lay hid within the souls of the Prophets, which was
treasured in the hearts of the chosen ones of God and was
written down by the glorious Pen of your Lord, the
Possessor of Names.’
Say: Die in your wrath, O malicious ones! Verily He
Whose knowledge nothing escapeth hath appeared. He
Who hath caused the countenance of divine knowledge
to be wreathed in smiles is come. Through Him the kingdom
of utterance is embellished, every receptive soul hath
set his face towards the Lord of Revelations, everyone resting
on his knees hath stood up, and every indolent one hath
rushed forth to attain the Sinai of assurance. This is the Day
that God hath ordained to be a blessing unto the righteous,
a retribution for the wicked, a bounty for the faithful and a
fury of His wrath for the faithless and the froward. Verily
He hath been made manifest, invested by God with invincible
sovereignty. He hath revealed that wherewith
naught on the earth or in the heavens can compare.
Fear ye the All-Merciful, O people of the Bayán, and
commit not that which the followers of the Qur’án have
committed—they who in the daytime and in the night
season professed belief in the Faith of God, yet when the
Lord of all men did appear, turned aside from Him and
pronounced so cruel a sentence against Him that, on the
Day of Return, the Mother Book sorely bewailed His
plight. Call ye to mind and ponder upon their deeds
and words, their stations and merits and the things they
brought to pass when He Who conversed on Sinai unloosed
His tongue, when there was a blast on the Trumpet,
whereupon all that are in heaven and on earth swooned
away except such as are reckoned among the letters of
O people of the Bayán! Abandon your idle fancies and
vain imaginings, then with the eye of fairness look at the
Dayspring of His Revelation and consider the things He
hath manifested, the words He hath divinely revealed and
the sufferings that have befallen Him at the hands of His
enemies. He is the One Who hath willingly accepted every
manner of tribulation for the proclamation of His Cause
and the exaltation of His Word. At one time He suffered
imprisonment in the land of Tá (Ṭihrán), at another in the
land of Mím (Mázindarán), then once again in the former
land, for the sake of the Cause of God, the Maker of the
heavens. In His love for the Cause of God, the Almighty,
the All-Bountiful, He was subjected there to chains and
O people of the Bayán! Have ye forgotten My exhortations,
which My Pen hath revealed and My tongue hath
uttered? Have ye bartered away My certitude in exchange
for your idle fancies and My Way for your selfish desires?
Have ye cast away the precepts of God and His remembrance
and have ye forsaken His laws and ordinances? Fear
ye God and abandon vain imaginings to the begetters
thereof and leave superstitions to the devisers thereof and
misgivings to the breeders thereof. Advance ye then with
radiant faces and stainless hearts towards the horizon above
which the Day-Star of certitude shineth resplendent at the
bidding of God, the Lord of Revelations.
Praise be unto God Who hath made the Most Great
Infallibility the shield for the temple of His Cause in the
realm of creation, and hath assigned unto no one a share of
this lofty and sublime station—a station which is a vesture
which the fingers of transcendent power have woven for
His august Self. It befitteth no one except Him Who is
seated upon the mighty throne of ‘He doeth what He
pleaseth’. Whoso accepteth and recognizeth that which is
written down at this moment by the Pen of Glory is indeed
reckoned in the Book of God, the Lord of the beginning
and the end, among the exponents of divine unity,
they that uphold the concept of the oneness of God.
When the stream of words reached this stage, the sweet
savours of true knowledge were shed abroad and the day-star
of divine unity shone forth above the horizon of His
holy utterance. Blessed is he whom His Call hath attracted
to the summit of glory, who hath drawn nigh to the ultimate
Purpose, and who hath recognized through the shrill
voice of My Pen of Glory that which the Lord of this
world and of the next hath willed. Whoso faileth to quaff
the choice wine which We have unsealed through the
potency of Our Name, the All-Compelling, shall be unable
to discern the splendours of the light of divine unity
or to grasp the essential purpose underlying the Scriptures
of God, the Lord of heaven and earth, the sovereign Ruler
of this world and of the world to come. Such a man shall
be accounted among the faithless in the Book of God, the
All-Knowing, the All-Informed.
O thou honoured enquirer!
We bear witness that thou
didst firmly adhere unto seemly patience during the days
when the Pen was held back from movement and the
Tongue hesitated to set forth an explanation regarding the
wondrous sign, the Most Great Infallibility. Thou hast
asked this Wronged One to remove for thee its veils and
coverings, to elucidate its mystery and character, its state
and position, its excellence, sublimity and exaltation. By
the life of God! Were We to unveil the pearls of testimony
which lie hid within the shells of the ocean of knowledge
and assurance or to let the beauties of divine mystery which
are hidden within the chambers of utterance in the Paradise
of true understanding, step out of their habitation, then
from every direction violent commotion would arise
among the leaders of religion and thou wouldst witness the
people of God held fast in the teeth of such wolves as have
denied God both in the beginning and in the end. Therefore
We restrained the Pen for a considerable lapse of time
in accordance with divine wisdom and for the sake of protecting
the faithful from those who have bartered away
heavenly blessings for disbelief and have chosen for their
people the abode of perdition.
O thou seeker who art gifted with keen insight. I swear
by Him Who attracted the Concourse on High through
the potency of His most sublime Word! Verily, the birds
abiding within the domains of My Kingdom and the doves
dwelling in the rose-garden of My wisdom utter such
melodies and warblings as are inscrutable to all but God,
the Lord of the kingdoms of earth and heaven; and were
these melodies to be revealed even to an extent smaller than
a needle’s eye, the people of tyranny would utter such
calumnies as none among former generations hath ever
uttered, and would commit such deeds as no one in past
ages and centuries hath ever committed. They have rejected
the bounty of God and His proofs and have repudiated the
testimony of God and His signs. They have gone astray and
have caused the people to go astray, yet perceive it not.
They worship vain imaginings but know it not. They
have taken idle fancies for their lords and have neglected
God, yet understand not. They have abandoned the most
great Ocean and are hastening towards the pool, but comprehend
not. They follow their own idle fancies while
turning aside from God, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting.
Say, by the righteousness of God! The All-Merciful is
come invested with power and sovereignty. Through His
power the foundations of religions have quaked and the
Nightingale of Utterance hath warbled its melody upon the
highest branch of true understanding. Verily, He Who was
hidden in the knowledge of God and is mentioned in the
Holy Scriptures hath appeared. Say, this is the Day when
the Speaker on Sinai hath mounted the throne of Revelation
and the people have stood before the Lord of the
worlds. This is the Day wherein the earth hath told out her
tidings and hath laid bare her treasures; when the oceans
have brought forth their pearls and the divine Lote-Tree
its fruit; when the Sun hath shed its radiance and the
Moons have diffused their lights, and the Heavens have
revealed their stars, and the Hour its signs, and the Resurrection
its dreadful majesty; when the pens have unloosed
their outpourings and the spirits have laid bare their
mysteries. Blessed is the man who recognizeth Him and
attaineth His presence, and woe betide such as deny Him
and turn aside from Him. I beseech God to aid His servants
to return unto Him. Verily He is the Pardoner, the Forgiving,
the Merciful.
O thou who hast set thy face towards the Realm on High
and hast quaffed My sealed wine from the hand of bounteousness!
Know thou that the term ‘Infallibility’ hath
numerous meanings and divers stations. In one sense it is
applicable to the One Whom God hath made immune
from error. Similarly it is applied to every soul whom God
hath guarded against sin, transgression, rebellion, impiety,
disbelief and the like. However, the Most Great Infallibility
is confined to the One Whose station is immeasurably
exalted beyond ordinances or prohibitions and is sanctified
from errors and omissions. Indeed He is a Light which is
not followed by darkness and a Truth not overtaken by
error. Were He to pronounce water to be wine or heaven
to be earth or light to be fire, He speaketh the truth and no
doubt would there be about it; and unto no one is given
the right to question His authority or to say why or wherefore.
Whosoever raiseth objections will be numbered with
the froward in the Book of God, the Lord of the worlds.
‘Verily He shall not be asked of His doings but all others
shall be asked of their doings.’
He is come from the
invisible heaven, bearing the banner ‘He doeth whatsoever
He willeth’ and is accompanied by hosts of power and
authority while it is the duty of all besides Him to strictly
observe whatever laws and ordinances have been enjoined
upon them, and should anyone deviate therefrom, even to
the extent of a hair’s breadth, his work would be brought
to naught.
Consider thou and call to mind the time when Muḥammad
appeared. He said, and His word is the truth:
‘Pilgrimage to the House
is a service due to God.’
likewise are the daily prayer, fasting, and the laws which
shone forth above the horizon of the Book of God, the
Lord of the World and the true Educator of the peoples and
kindreds of the earth. It is incumbent upon everyone to
obey Him in whatsoever God hath ordained; and whosoever
denieth Him hath disbelieved in God, in His verses, in
His Messengers and in His Books. Were He to pronounce
right to be wrong or denial to be belief, He speaketh the
truth as bidden by God. This is a station wherein sins or
trespasses neither exist nor are mentioned. Consider thou
the blessed, the divinely-revealed verse in which pilgrimage
to the House is enjoined upon everyone. It devolved
upon those invested with authority after Him
to observe
whatever had been prescribed unto them in the Book.
Unto no one is given the right to deviate from the laws and
ordinances of God. Whoso deviateth therefrom is reckoned
with the trespassers in the Book of God, the Lord of the
Mighty Throne.
O thou who hast fixed thy gaze upon the Dawning-Place
of the Cause of God! Know thou for a certainty that
the Will of God is not limited by the standards of the
people, and God doth not tread in their ways. Rather is it
incumbent upon everyone to firmly adhere to God’s
straight Path. Were He to pronounce the right to be the
left or the south to be the north, He speaketh the truth and
there is no doubt of it. Verily He is to be praised in His acts
and to be obeyed in His behests. He hath no associate in His
judgement nor any helper in His sovereignty. He doeth
whatsoever He willeth and ordaineth whatsoever He
pleaseth. Know thou moreover that all else besides Him
have been created through the potency of a word from His
presence, while of themselves they have no motion nor stillness,
except at His bidding and by His leave.
O thou who soarest in the atmosphere of love and
fellowship and hast fixed thy gaze upon the light of the
countenance of thy Lord, the King of creation! Render
thanks unto God, inasmuch as He hath unravelled for thee
that which was hidden and enshrined in His knowledge so
that everyone may become aware that within His realm of
supreme infallibility He hath not taken a partner nor a
counsellor unto Himself. He is in truth the Dayspring of
divine precepts and commandments and the Fountainhead
of knowledge and wisdom, while all else besides Him are
but His subjects and under His rule, and He is the supreme
Ruler, the Ordainer, the All-Knowing, the All-Informed.
O my God! O my God! I yield Thee thanks that Thou
hast directed me towards Thyself, hast guided me unto
Thy horizon, hast clearly set forth for me Thy Path, hast
revealed to me Thy testimony and enabled me to set my
face towards Thee, while most of the doctors and divines
among Thy servants together with such as follow them
have, without the least proof or evidence from Thee,
turned away from Thee. Blessing be unto Thee, O Lord of
Names, and glory be unto Thee, O Creator of the heavens,
inasmuch as Thou hast, through the power of Thy Name,
the Self-Subsisting, given me to drink of Thy sealed wine,
hast caused me to draw nigh unto Thee and hast enabled
me to recognize the Dayspring of Thine utterance, the
Manifestation of Thy signs, the Fountainhead of Thy laws
and commandments and the Source of Thy wisdom and
bestowals. Blessed is the land that hath been ennobled by
Thy footsteps, wherein the throne of Thy sovereignty is
established and the fragrance of Thy raiment is diffused. By
Thy glory and majesty, by Thy might and power, I desire
not my sight save to behold Thy beauty, nor my hearing
save to hearken to Thy call and Thy verses.
O my God! O my God! Debar not the eyes from that
for which Thou hast created them, nor the faces from turning
to Thy horizon, or from paying homage at the portals
of Thy majesty, or from appearing in the presence of Thy
throne, or from bowing down before the splendours of the
Day-Star of Thy bounty.
I am the one, O Lord, whose heart and soul, whose
limbs, whose inner and outer tongue testify to Thy unity
and Thy oneness, and bear witness that Thou art God and
that there is no God but Thee. Thou didst bring mankind
into being to know Thee and to serve Thy Cause, that their
station might thereby be elevated upon Thine earth and
their souls be uplifted by virtue of the things Thou hast
revealed in Thy Scriptures, Thy Books and Thy Tablets.
Yet no sooner didst Thou manifest Thyself and reveal Thy
signs than they turned away from Thee and repudiated
Thee and rejected that which Thou didst unveil before
their eyes through the potency of Thy might and Thy
power. They rose up to inflict harm upon Thee, to
extinguish Thy light and to put out the flame that blazeth
in Thy Burning Bush. Their iniquity waxed so grievous
that they conspired to shed Thy blood and to violate
Thy honour. And likewise acted he
whom Thou hadst
nurtured with the hand of Thy loving-kindness, hadst
protected from the mischief of the rebellious among Thy
creatures and the froward amidst Thy servants, and whom
Thou hadst set the task of writing Thy holy verses before
Thy throne.
Alas! Alas! for the things he perpetrated in Thy days to
such an extent that he violated Thy Covenant and Thy
Testament, rejected Thy holy Writ, rose up in rebellion
and committed that which caused the denizens of Thy
Kingdom to lament. Then no sooner had he found his
hopes shattered and had perceived the odour of utter
failure than he raised his voice and gave tongue to that
which caused Thy chosen ones, who are nigh unto Thee,
and the inmates of the pavilion of glory, to be lost in
Thou seest me, O my God, writhing in anguish upon
the dust, like unto a fish. Deliver me, have mercy upon
me, O Thou Whose aid is invoked by all men, O Thou
within Whose grasp lie the reins of power over all men and
women. Whenever I ponder my grievous shortcomings
and my great trespasses, despair assaileth me from every
direction, and whenever I pause to meditate upon the ocean
of Thy bounteousness and the heaven of Thy grace and the
day-star of Thy tender compassion, I inhale the fragrance
of hope diffused from right and left, from north and south,
as if every created thing imparteth unto me the joyous
tidings that the clouds of the heaven of Thy mercy will
pour down their rain upon me. By Thy might, O Thou
Who art the Mainstay of the sincere ones and the Desire of
them that enjoy near access unto Thee! Thy manifold
favours and blessings and the revelations of Thy grace and
loving-kindness have truly emboldened me. How, otherwise,
can utter nothingness magnify the Name of Him
Who hath, by a word, brought creation into being, and
how can an evanescent creature extol Him Who hath
demonstrated that no description can ever express Him and
no word of praise magnify His glory? He hath from everlasting
been immeasurably exalted above the understanding
of His creatures and sanctified from the conceptions of
His servants.
O Lord! Thou beholdest this lifeless one before Thy
face; suffer him, through Thy generosity and bountiful
favour, not to be deprived of the chalice of immortal life.
And Thou seest this afflicted one standing before Thy throne;
turn him not away from the ocean of Thy healing. I entreat
Thee to enable me at all times and under all conditions
to remember Thee, to magnify Thy Name and to serve
Thy Cause, though I am well aware that whatever proceedeth
from a servant cannot transcend the limitations of
his soul, nor beseem Thy Lordship, nor be worthy of the
court of Thy glory and Thy majesty.
Thy might beareth me witness! Were it not to celebrate
Thy praise, my tongue would be of no use to me, and were
it not for the sake of rendering service to Thee, my existence
would avail me not. But for the pleasure of beholding
the splendours of Thy realm of glory, why should I cherish
sight? And but for the joy of giving ear to Thy most sweet
voice, of what use is hearing?
Alas! Alas! I know not, O my God, my Mainstay, my
heart’s Desire, whether Thou hast ordained for me that
which shall bring solace to mine eyes, gladden my bosom
and rejoice my heart, or whether Thine irrevocable decree,
O King of eternity and the sovereign Lord of all nations,
will debar me from presenting myself before Thy throne.
I swear by Thy glory and majesty and by Thy dominion
and power, the darkness of my remoteness from Thee hath
destroyed me. What hath become of the light of Thy nearness,
O Desire of every understanding heart? The tormenting
agony of separation from Thee hath consumed me.
Where is the effulgent light of Thy reunion, O Well-Beloved
of such as are wholly devoted to Thee?
Thou seest, O my God, what hath befallen me in Thy
Path at the hand of those who have denied Thy Truth,
have violated Thy Covenant, cavilled at Thy signs, rejected
the blessings Thou didst vouchsafe, disbelieved the verses
Thou didst send down and have refused to acknowledge the
testimony Thou didst fulfil.
O Lord! The tongue of my tongue and the heart of my
heart and the spirit of my spirit and my outward and inmost
beings bear witness to Thy unity and Thy oneness,
Thy power and Thine omnipotence, Thy grandeur and
Thy sovereignty, and attest Thy glory, loftiness and
authority. I testify that Thou art God and that there is none
other God besides Thee. From everlasting Thou hast been
a treasure hidden from the sight and minds of men and
shalt continue to remain the same for ever and ever. The
powers of earth can never frustrate Thee, nor can the might
of the nations alarm Thee. Thou art the One Who hath
unlocked the door of knowledge before the faces of Thy
servants that they may recognize Him Who is the Day-Star
of Thy Revelation, the Dawning-Place of Thy signs,
the Heaven of Thy manifestation and the Sun of Thy
divine beauty. In Thy holy Books, in Thy Scriptures and
Thy Scrolls Thou hast promised all the peoples of the
world that Thou Thyself shalt appear and shalt remove the
veils of glory from Thy face, even as Thou didst announce
in Thy words unto Thy Friend
through Whom the Day-Star
of Revelation shone brightly above the horizon of
Ḥijáz, and the dawning light of divine Truth shed its
radiance among all men, proclaiming: ‘The Day when
mankind shall stand before the Lord of the worlds.’
before Muḥammad Thou didst impart this glad-tiding
unto Him Who conversed with Thee,
saying: ‘Bring
forth thy people from the darkness into the light and remind
them of the days of God.’
Moreover Thou didst proclaim
this truth unto the Spirit
and unto Thy Prophets and Thy
Messengers, whether of the remote or more recent past. If
all that which Thou hast sent down in glorification of this
Most Great Remembrance, this Great Announcement,
were to stream forth from the wellspring of Thy most
august Pen, the inmates of the cities of knowledge and
understanding would be dumbfounded, except such as
Thou wouldst deliver through the potency of Thy might
and wouldst protect as a token of Thy bountiful favour and
Thy grace. I bear witness that Thou hast in truth fulfilled
Thy pledge and hast made manifest the One Whose advent
was foretold by Thy Prophets, Thy chosen ones and by
them that serve Thee. He hath come from the heaven of
glory and power, bearing the banners of Thy signs and the
standards of Thy testimonies. Through the potency of
Thine indomitable power and strength, He stood up before
the faces of all men and summoned all mankind to the
summit of transcendent glory and unto the all-highest
Horizon, in such wise that neither the oppression of the
ecclesiastics nor the onslaught of the rulers was able to
deter Him. He arose with inflexible resolve and, unloosing
His tongue, proclaimed in ringing tones: ‘He Who is the
All-Bountiful is come, riding aloft on the clouds. Advance,
O people of the earth, with shining faces and radiant
Great indeed is the blessedness of him who attaineth Thy
presence, drinketh the wine of reunion proffered by the
hand of Thy bounteousness, inhaleth the fragrance of Thy
signs, unlooseth his tongue in celebrating Thy praise,
soareth high in Thy heavens, is carried away by the sweetness
of Thy Voice, gaineth admittance into the most
exalted Paradise and attaineth the station of revelation and
vision before the throne of Thy majesty.
I beg of Thee by the Most Great Infallibility which Thou
hast chosen to be the dayspring of Thy Revelation, and by
Thy most sublime Word through whose potency Thou
didst call the creation into being and didst reveal Thy
Cause, and by this Name which hath caused all other
names to groan aloud and the limbs of the sages to quake,
I beg of Thee to make me detached from all else save Thee,
in such wise that I may move not but in conformity with
the good-pleasure of Thy Will, and speak not except at the
bidding of Thy Purpose, and hear naught save the words
of Thy praise and Thy glorification.
I magnify Thy Name, O my God, and offer thanksgiving
unto Thee, O my Desire, inasmuch as Thou hast
enabled me to clearly perceive Thy straight Path, hast
unveiled Thy Great Announcement before mine eyes and
hast aided me to set my face towards the Dayspring of Thy
Revelation and the Fountainhead of Thy Cause, whilst Thy
servants and Thy people turned away from Thee. I entreat
Thee, O Lord of the Kingdom of eternity, by the
shrill voice of the Pen of Glory, and by the Burning Fire
which calleth aloud from the verdant Tree, and by the Ark
which Thou hast specially chosen for the people of Bahá,
to grant that I may remain steadfast in my love for Thee,
be well pleased with whatsoever Thou hast prescribed for
me in Thy Book and may stand firm in Thy service and in
the service of Thy loved ones. Graciously assist then Thy
servants, O my God, to do that which will serve to exalt
Thy Cause and will enable them to observe whatsoever
Thou hast revealed in Thy Book.
O thou who hast set thy face towards the splendours of
My Countenance! Vague fancies have encompassed the
dwellers of the earth and debarred them from turning towards
the Horizon of Certitude, and its brightness, and its
manifestations and its lights. Vain imaginings have withheld
them from Him Who is the Self-Subsisting. They
speak as prompted by their own caprices, and understand
not. Among them are those who have said: ‘Have the
verses been sent down?’ Say ‘Yea, by Him Who is the
Lord of the heavens!’ ‘Hath the Hour come?’ ‘Nay, more;
it hath passed, by Him Who is the Revealer of clear
tokens! Verily, the Inevitable is come, and He, the True
One, hath appeared with proof and testimony. The Plain is
disclosed, and mankind is sore vexed and fearful. Earthquakes
have broken loose, and the tribes have lamented,
for fear of God, the Lord of Strength, the All-Compelling.’
Say: ‘The stunning trumpet-blast hath been loudly raised,
and the Day is God’s, the One, the Unconstrained.’ And
they say: ‘Hath the Catastrophe come to pass?’ Say: ‘Yea,
by the Lord of Lords!’ ‘Is the Resurrection come?’ ‘Nay,
more; He Who is the Self-Subsisting hath appeared with
the Kingdom of His signs.’ ‘Seest thou men laid low?’ ‘Yea,
by my Lord, the Most High, the Most Glorious!’ ‘Have
the tree-stumps been uprooted?’ ‘Yea, more; the mountains
have been scattered in dust; by Him the Lord of
attributes!’ They say: ‘Where is Paradise, and where is
Hell?’ Say: ‘The one is reunion with Me; the other thine
own self, O thou who dost associate a partner with God
and doubtest.’ They say: ‘We see not the Balance.’ Say:
‘Surely, by my Lord, the God of Mercy! None can see it
except such as are endued with insight.’ They say: ‘Have
the stars fallen?’ Say: ‘Yea, when He Who is the Self-Subsisting
dwelt in the Land of Mystery.
Take heed, ye
who are endued with discernment!’ All the signs appeared
when We drew forth the Hand of Power from the bosom
of majesty and might. Verily, the Crier hath cried out,
when the promised time came, and they that have recognized
the splendours of Sinai have swooned away in the
wilderness of hesitation, before the awful majesty of thy
Lord, the Lord of creation. The trumpet asketh: ‘Hath the
Bugle been sounded?’ Say: ‘Yea, by the King of Revelation!
when He mounted the throne of His Name, the All-Merciful.’
Darkness hath been chased away by the dawning
light of the mercy of thy Lord, the Source of all light. The
breeze of the All-Merciful hath wafted, and the souls have
been quickened in the tombs of their bodies. Thus hath the
decree been fulfilled by God, the Mighty, the Beneficent.
They who reject the truth have said: ‘When were the
heavens cleft asunder?’ Say: ‘While ye lay in the graves of
waywardness and error.’ Among the faithless is he who
rubbeth his eyes, and looketh to the right and to the left.
Say: ‘Blinded art thou. No refuge hast thou to flee to.’ And
among them is he who saith: ‘Have men been gathered together?’
Say: ‘Yea, by My Lord! whilst thou didst lie in
the cradle of idle fancies.’ And among them is he who
saith: ‘Hath the Book been sent down through the power
of the true Faith?’ Say: ‘The true Faith itself is astounded.
Fear ye, O ye men of understanding heart!’ And among
them is he who saith: ‘Have I been assembled with others,
blind?’ Say: ‘Yea, by Him that rideth upon the clouds!’
Paradise is decked with mystic roses, and hell hath been
made to blaze with the fire of the impious. Say: ‘The light
hath shone forth from the horizon of Revelation, and the
whole earth hath been illumined at the coming of Him
Who is the Lord of the Day of the Covenant!’ The
doubters have perished, whilst he that turned, guided by
the light of assurance, unto the Dayspring of Certitude
hath prospered. Blessed art thou, who hast fixed thy gaze
upon Me, for this Tablet which hath been sent down for
thee—a Tablet which causeth the souls of men to soar.
Commit it to memory, and recite it. By My life! It is a
door to the mercy of thy Lord. Well is it with him that
reciteth it at eventide and at dawn. We, verily, heard thy
praise of this Cause, through which the mountain of knowledge
was crushed, and men’s feet have slipped. My glory
be upon thee and upon whomsoever hath turned unto the
Almighty, the All-Bounteous. The Tablet is ended, but the
theme is unexhausted. Be patient, for thy Lord is patient.
These are verses We sent down previously, and We
have sent them unto thee, that thou mayest be acquainted
with what their lying tongues have spoken, when God
came unto them with might and sovereignty. The foundations
of idle fancies have trembled, and the heaven of vain
imaginings hath been cleft asunder, and yet the people are
in doubt and in contention with Him. They have denied
the testimony of God and His proof, after He came from
the heaven of power with the kingdom of His signs. They
have cast away what had been prescribed, and perpetrated
what had been forbidden them in the Book. They have
abandoned their God, and clung unto their desires. They
truly have strayed and are in error. They read the verses
and deny them. They behold the clear tokens and turn
aside. They truly are lost in strange doubt.
We have admonished Our loved ones to fear God, a
fear which is the fountainhead of all goodly deeds and
virtues. It is the commander of the hosts of justice in the
city of Bahá. Happy the man that hath entered the shadow
of its luminous standard, and laid fast hold thereon. He,
verily, is of the Companions of the Crimson Ark, which
hath been mentioned in the Qayyúm-i-Asmá.
Say: O people of God! Adorn your temples with the
adornment of trustworthiness and piety. Help, then, your
Lord with the hosts of goodly deeds and a praiseworthy
character. We have forbidden you dissension and conflict
in My Books, and My Scriptures, and My Scrolls, and My
Tablets, and have wished thereby naught else save your
exaltation and advancement. Unto this testify the heavens
and the stars thereof, and the sun and the radiance thereof,
and the trees and the leaves thereof, and the seas and the
waves thereof, and the earth and the treasures thereof. We
pray God to assist His loved ones, and aid them in that
which beseemeth them in this blest, this mighty, and
wondrous station. Moreover We beseech Him to graciously
enable those who surround Me to observe that which My
Pen of Glory hath enjoined upon them.
O Jalíl! Upon thee be My glory and My loving providence.
Verily We have enjoined the people to do what is
meet and seemly and yet they have committed such things
as have caused My heart and My Pen to lament. Incline
thine ear to that which is sent down from the heaven of
My Will and the realm of My good-pleasure. I sorrow not
for My captivity, nor for the things that have befallen Me
at the hand of Mine enemies. Nay, My sorrows are occasioned
by those who claim to be related to Me and yet
commit that which causeth the voice of My lamentations
to be lifted up and My tears to flow. We have exhorted
them at length in various Tablets and beseech God to
graciously assist them, to enable them to draw nigh unto
Him and to confirm them in that which would bring peace
to the hearts and tranquillity to the souls and would stay
their hands from whatsoever ill-beseemeth His days.
Say, O My loved ones in My lands! Give ye ear unto the
counsels of Him Who admonisheth you for the sake of
God. He hath in truth created you, hath revealed before
your eyes that which exalteth you and promoteth your
interests. He hath made known unto you His straight
Path and hath acquainted you with His Great Announcement.
O Jalíl! Admonish men to fear God. By God! This fear
is the chief commander of the army of thy Lord. Its hosts
are a praiseworthy character and goodly deeds. Through
it have the cities of men’s hearts been opened throughout
the ages and centuries, and the standards of ascendancy and
triumph raised above all other standards.
We will now mention unto thee Trustworthiness and
the station thereof in the estimation of God, thy Lord, the
Lord of the Mighty Throne. One day of days We repaired
unto Our Green Island. Upon Our arrival, We beheld its
streams flowing, and its trees luxuriant, and the sunlight
playing in their midst. Turning Our face to the right, We
beheld what the pen is powerless to describe; nor can it set
forth that which the eye of the Lord of Mankind witnessed
in that most sanctified, that most sublime, that blest, and
most exalted Spot. Turning, then, to the left We gazed on
one of the Beauties of the Most Sublime Paradise, standing
on a pillar of light, and calling aloud saying: ‘O inmates of
earth and heaven! Behold ye My beauty, and My radiance,
and My revelation, and My effulgence. By God, the True
One! I am Trustworthiness and the revelation thereof, and
the beauty thereof. I will recompense whosoever will cleave
unto Me, and recognize My rank and station, and hold fast
unto My hem. I am the most great ornament of the people
of Bahá, and the vesture of glory unto all who are in the
kingdom of creation. I am the supreme instrument for the
prosperity of the world, and the horizon of assurance unto
all beings.’ Thus have We sent down for thee that which
will draw men nigh unto the Lord of creation.
O thou who hast fixed thy gaze upon the all-glorious
Horizon! The Call is raised but hearing ears are numbered,
nay non-existent. This Wronged One findeth himself in
the maw of the serpent, yet He faileth not to make mention
of the loved ones of God. So grievous have been Our
sufferings in these days that the Concourse on High are
moved to tears and to lamentation. Neither the adversities
of the world nor the harm inflicted by its nations could
deter Him Who is the King of Eternity from voicing His
summons or frustrate His purpose. When those who had
for years been hiding behind the veils perceived that the
horizon of the Cause was resplendent and that the Word of
God was all-pervasive, they rushed forth and with swords
of malice inflicted such harm as no pen can portray nor any
tongue describe.
They that judge with fairness testify that since the early
days of the Cause this Wronged One hath arisen, unveiled
and resplendent, before the faces of kings and commoners,
before the rulers and the divines, and hath, in ringing
tones, summoned all men unto the straight Path. He hath
had no helper save His Pen, nor any succourer other than
Those who are ignorant or heedless of the motivating
purpose of the Cause of God have rebelled against Him.
Such men are the foreboders of evil, whom God hath mentioned
in His Book and Tablets and against whose influence,
clamour and deception He hath warned His people.
Well is it with those who, in the face of the remembrance
of the Lord of Eternity, regard the peoples of the world as
utter nothingness, as a thing forgotten, and hold fast to the
firm handle of God in such wise that neither doubts nor
insinuations, nor swords, nor cannon could hold them back
or deprive them of His presence. Blessed are the steadfast;
blessed are they that stand firm in His Faith.
In response to thy request the Pen of Glory hath graciously
described the stations and grades of the Most Great
Infallibility. The purpose is that all should know of a
certainty that the Seal of the Prophets
—may the souls of
all else but Him be offered up for His sake—is without likeness,
peer or partner in His Own station. The Holy Ones
—may the blessings of God be upon them—were created
through the potency of His Word, and after Him they were
the most learned and the most distinguished among the
people and abide in the utmost station of servitude. The
divine Essence, sanctified from every comparison and likeness,
is established in the Prophet, and God’s inmost Reality,
exalted above any peer or partner, is manifest in Him.
This is the station of true unity and of veritable singleness. The
followers of the previous Dispensation grievously failed to
acquire an adequate understanding of this station. The Primal
—may the life of all else but Him be offered up
for His sake—saith: ‘If the Seal of the Prophets had not
uttered the word “Successorship”, such a station would not
have been created.’
The people aforetime joined partners with God, though
they professed belief in His unity; and although they were
the most ignorant amongst men, they considered themselves
the most accomplished. But, as a token of divine
retribution upon those heedless ones, their erroneous beliefs
and pursuits have, in this Day of Judgement, been made
clear and evident to every man of discernment and
O Jalíl! He Whom the world hath wronged now proclaimeth:
The light of Justice is dimmed, and the sun of
Equity veiled from sight. The robber occupieth the seat of
the protector and guard, and the position of the faithful is
seized by the traitor. A year ago an oppressor ruled over
this city, and at every instant caused fresh harm. By the
righteousness of the Lord! He wrought that which cast
terror into the hearts of men. But to the Pen of Glory the
tyranny of the world hath never been nor will it ever be a
hindrance. In the abundance of Our grace and loving-kindness
We have revealed specially for the rulers and
ministers of the world that which is conducive to safety and
protection, tranquillity and peace; haply the children of
men may rest secure from the evils of oppression. He,
verily, is the Protector, the Helper, the Giver of victory. It
is incumbent upon the men of God’s House of Justice to
fix their gaze by day and by night upon that which hath
shone forth from the Pen of Glory for the training of
peoples, the upbuilding of nations, the protection of man
and the safeguarding of his honour.
When the Day-Star of Wisdom rose above the horizon
of God’s Holy Dispensation it voiced this all-glorious
utterance: They that are possessed of wealth and invested
with authority and power must show the profoundest
regard for religion. In truth, religion is a radiant light and
an impregnable stronghold for the protection and welfare
of the peoples of the world, for the fear of God impelleth
man to hold fast to that which is good, and shun all evil.
Should the lamp of religion be obscured, chaos and confusion
will ensue, and the lights of fairness and justice, of
tranquillity and peace cease to shine. Unto this will bear
witness every man of true understanding.
We have enjoined upon all mankind to establish the
Most Great Peace—the surest of all means for the protection
of humanity. The sovereigns of the world should, with
one accord, hold fast thereunto, for this is the supreme
instrument that can ensure the security and welfare of all
peoples and nations. They, verily, are the manifestations of
the power of God and the daysprings of His authority. We
beseech the Almighty that He may graciously assist them
in that which is conducive to the well-being of their
subjects. A full explanation regarding this matter hath been
previously set forth by the Pen of Glory; well is it with
them that act accordingly.
It is incumbent upon everyone to observe God’s holy
commandments, inasmuch as they are the wellspring of
life unto the world. The heaven of divine wisdom is
illumined with the two luminaries of consultation and
compassion and the canopy of world order is upraised
upon the two pillars of reward and punishment.
In this Revelation the hosts that can render it victorious
are the hosts of praiseworthy deeds and upright character.
The leader and commander of these hosts hath ever been
the fear of God, a fear that encompasseth all things and
reigneth over all things.
Governments should fully acquaint themselves with the
conditions of those they govern, and confer upon them
positions according to desert and merit. It is enjoined upon
every ruler and sovereign to consider this matter with the
utmost care that the traitor may not usurp the position of
the faithful, nor the despoiler rule in the place of the trustworthy.
Among the officials who in the past have governed
in this Most Great Prison some, praise be to God, were
adorned with justice, but as to others, We take refuge with
God. We beseech the One true God to guide them one and
all, that haply they may not be deprived of the fruit of
faith and trustworthiness, nor be withheld from the light of
equity and justice.
The sixth Ishráq
is union and concord amongst the children of men. From
the beginning of time the light of unity hath shed its divine
radiance upon the world, and the greatest means for the
promotion of that unity is for the peoples of the world to
understand one another’s writing and speech. In former
Epistles We have enjoined upon the Trustees of the House
of Justice either to choose one language from among those
now existing or to adopt a new one, and in like manner to
select a common script, both of which should be taught in
all the schools of the world. Thus will the earth be regarded
as one country and one home. The most glorious fruit of
the tree of knowledge is this exalted word: Of one tree are
all ye the fruit, and of one bough the leaves. Let not man
glory in this that he loveth his country, let him rather glory
in this that he loveth his kind. Concerning this We have previously
revealed that which is the means of the reconstruction
of the world and the unity of nations. Blessed are they
that attain thereunto. Blessed are they that act accordingly.
The Pen of Glory counselleth everyone regarding the
instruction and education of children. Behold that which
the Will of God hath revealed upon Our arrival in the
Prison City and recorded in the Most Holy Book.
every father hath been enjoined the instruction of his son
and daughter in the art of reading and writing and in all
that hath been laid down in the Holy Tablet. He that
putteth away that which is commanded unto him, the
Trustees are then to take from him that which is required
for their instruction, if he be wealthy, and if not the matter
devolveth upon the House of Justice. Verily, have We
made it a shelter for the poor and needy. He that bringeth
up his son or the son of another, it is as though he hath
brought up a son of Mine; upon him rest My Glory, My
Loving-Kindness, My Mercy, that have compassed the
O people of God! That which traineth the world is
Justice, for it is upheld by two pillars, reward and punishment.
These two pillars are the sources of life to the world.
Inasmuch as for each day there is a new problem and for
every problem an expedient solution, such affairs should be
referred to the House of Justice that the members thereof
may act according to the needs and requirements of the
time. They that, for the sake of God, arise to serve His
Cause, are the recipients of divine inspiration from the unseen
Kingdom. It is incumbent upon all to be obedient
unto them. All matters of State should be referred to the
House of Justice, but acts of worship must be observed
according to that which God hath revealed in His Book.
O people of Bahá! Ye are the dawning-places of the love
of God and the daysprings of His loving-kindness. Defile
not your tongues with the cursing and reviling of any soul,
and guard your eyes against that which is not seemly. Set
forth that which ye possess. If it be favourably received,
your end is attained; if not, to protest is vain. Leave that
soul to himself and turn unto the Lord, the Protector, the
Self-Subsisting. Be not the cause of grief, much less of discord
and strife. The hope is cherished that ye may obtain
true education in the shelter of the tree of His tender
mercies and act in accordance with that which God desireth.
Ye are all the leaves of one tree and the drops of one ocean.
The purpose of religion as revealed from the heaven of
God’s holy Will is to establish unity and concord amongst
the peoples of the world; make it not the cause of dissension
and strife. The religion of God and His divine law are the
most potent instruments and the surest of all means for the
dawning of the light of unity amongst men. The progress
of the world, the development of nations, the tranquillity
of peoples, and the peace of all who dwell on earth are
among the principles and ordinances of God. Religion bestoweth
upon man the most precious of all gifts, offereth
the cup of prosperity, imparteth eternal life, and showereth
imperishable benefits upon mankind. It behoveth the chiefs
and rulers of the world, and in particular the Trustees of
God’s House of Justice, to endeavour to the utmost of their
power to safeguard its position, promote its interests and
exalt its station in the eyes of the world. In like manner it is
incumbent upon them to enquire into the conditions of
their subjects and to acquaint themselves with the affairs
and activities of the divers communities in their dominions.
We call upon the manifestations of the power of God—the
sovereigns and rulers on earth—to bestir themselves and
do all in their power that haply they may banish discord
from this world and illumine it with the light of concord.
It is incumbent upon everyone to firmly adhere to and
observe that which hath streamed forth from Our Most
Exalted Pen. God, the True One, beareth Me witness, and
every atom in existence is moved to testify that such means
as lead to the elevation, the advancement, the education, the
protection and the regeneration of the peoples of the earth
have been clearly set forth by Us and are revealed in the
Holy Books and Tablets by the Pen of Glory.
We entreat God to graciously aid His servants. What this
Wronged One doth expect from everyone is justice and
fairness. Let no one be content with mere hearing; rather
doth it behove everyone to ponder that which this Wronged
One hath revealed. I swear by the Day-Star of utterance,
shining above the horizon of the Kingdom of the All-Merciful,
had there been any expounder or speaker discernible,
We would not have made Ourself the object of the
censure, ridicule and slander of the people.
Upon Our arrival in ‘Iráq We found the Cause of God
sunk in deep apathy and the breeze of divine revelation
stilled. Most of the believers were faint and dispirited, nay
utterly lost and dead. Hence there was a second blast on the
Trumpet, whereupon the Tongue of Grandeur uttered
these blessed words: ‘We have sounded the Trumpet for the
second time.’ Thus the whole world was quickened through
the vitalizing breaths of divine revelation and inspiration.
Such as have turned away from the Cause of God are
diligently seeking to collect the Holy Writings of this
Revelation; and they have already, through gestures of
friendship, managed to secure certain of these Writings
from those who held them in their possession. Moreover,
when they meet the followers of any religion, they hold
themselves out as believers therein. Say, die ye in your
wrath! Verily He hath appeared with so great an authority
that no man of vision, of hearing, of insight, of justice or
of equity can ever deny Him. Unto this beareth witness in
this resplendent Hour the Pen of Him Who is the Ancient
of Days.
O Jalíl! Upon thee be My glory. We exhort the loved
ones of God to perform good deeds that perchance they
may be graciously assisted and may hold fast to that which
hath been sent down from the heaven of His Revelation.
The benefits arising from this divine utterance shall fall
upon such as observe His precepts. We beseech God to enable
them to do that which is pleasing and acceptable unto
Him, to grant that they may deal equitably and may
observe justice in this all-compelling Cause, to acquaint
them with His Holy Writings and to direct their steps towards
His straight Path.
Our Exalted Herald—may the life of all else besides Him
be offered up for His sake—hath revealed certain laws.
However, in the realm of His Revelation these laws were
made subject to Our sanction, hence this Wronged One
hath put some of them into effect by embodying them in
the Kitáb-i-Aqdas in different words. Others We set aside.
He holdeth in His hand the authority. He doeth what He
willeth and He ordaineth whatsoever He pleaseth. He is the
Almighty, the All-Praised. There are also ordinances newly
revealed. Blessed are they that attain. Blessed are they that
observe His precepts.
The people of God should make the utmost endeavour
that perchance the fire of hatred and malice which smouldereth
in the breasts of kindreds and peoples may, through
the living waters of utterance and the exhortations of Him
Who is the Desire of the world, be quenched and the trees
of human existence may be adorned with wondrous and
excellent fruit. He is, in truth, the Admonisher, the Compassionate,
the All-Bountiful.
As to thy question concerning interest and profit on gold
and silver: Some years ago the following passage was revealed
from the heaven of the All-Merciful in honour of
the one who beareth the name of God, entitled Zaynu’l-Muqarrabín
—upon him be the glory of the Most Glorious.
He—exalted be His Word—saith: Many people stand in
need of this. Because if there were no prospect for gaining
interest, the affairs of men would suffer collapse or dislocation.
One can seldom find a person who would manifest
such consideration towards his fellow-man, his countryman
or towards his own brother and would show such tender
solicitude for him as to be well-disposed to grant him a
loan on benevolent terms.
Therefore as a token of favour
towards men We have prescribed that interest on money
should be treated like other business transactions that are
current amongst men. Thus, now that this lucid commandment
hath descended from the heaven of the Will of God,
it is lawful and proper to charge interest on money, that the
people of the world may, in a spirit of amity and fellowship
and with joy and gladness, devotedly engage themselves
in magnifying the Name of Him Who is the Well-Beloved
of all mankind. Verily He ordaineth according to
His Own choosing. He hath now made interest on money
lawful, even as He had made it unlawful in the past.
Within His grasp He holdeth the kingdom of authority.
He doeth and ordaineth. He is in truth the Ordainer, the
Render thou thanks unto thy Lord, O Zaynu’l-Muqarrabín,
for this manifest bounty.
However, this is a matter that should be practised with
moderation and fairness. Our Pen of Glory hath, as a token
of wisdom and for the convenience of the people, desisted
from laying down its limit. Nevertheless We exhort the
loved ones of God to observe justice and fairness, and to do
that which would prompt the friends of God to evince
tender mercy and compassion towards each other. He is in
truth the Counsellor, the Compassionate, the All-Bountiful.
God grant that all men may be graciously aided to
observe that which the Tongue of the One true God hath
uttered. And if they put into practice what We have set
forth, God—exalted be His glory—will assuredly double
their portion through the heaven of His bounty. Verily He
is the Generous, the Forgiving, the Compassionate. Praise
be unto God, the Most Exalted, the Most Great.
1. |
i.e., the letter ‘B’, the second letter of the alphabet.
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2. |
The opening chapter of the Qur’án, which begins with the letter ‘B’: Bismi’lláhi’r-Rahmáni’r-Raḥím (In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful). This chapter of the Qur’án was revealed twice, once in Mecca and once in Medina.
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3. |
The opening chapter of the Qur’án, which begins with the letter ‘B’: Bismi’lláhi’r-Rahmáni’r-Raḥím (In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful). This chapter of the Qur’án was revealed twice, once in Mecca and once in Medina.
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4. |
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5. |
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6. |
This Tablet was addressed to Jalíl-i-Khú’í, one of the early believers in Ádhirbayján, Persia. After the Ascension of Bahá’u’lláh he broke the Covenant.
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7. |
cf. Qur’án 14:33.
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8. |
cf. Qur’án 21:23.
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9. |
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10. |
Qur’án 3:91.
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11. |
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12. |
Mírzá Yaḥyá.
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13. |
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14. |
Qur’án 83:6.
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15. |
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16. |
Qur’án 14:5.
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17. |
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18. |
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19. |
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20. |
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21. |
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22. |
The Imáms.
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23. |
The Báb.
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24. |
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25. |
One of the early believers who is best known to the friends for his reliable transcriptions of the Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh. (See Memorials of the Faithful pp. 150–153.)
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26. |
Such loans as bear no interest and are repayable whenever the borrower pleases.
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