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Ḥájí Mullá Mihdíy-i-Yazdí |
Yet another who left his
homeland was Mullá
Mihdí of Yazd. Although to all appearances this excellent
man was not of the learned class, he was an expert in the
field of Muslim sacred traditions and an eloquent interpreter
of orally transmitted texts. Persevering in his devotions,
known for holy practices and nightly communings
and vigils, his heart was illumined, and he was spiritual of
mind and soul. He spent most of his time repeating communes,
performing the obligatory prayers, confessing his
failings and supplicating the Lord. He was one of those
who penetrate mysteries, and was a confidant of the righteous.
As a teacher of the Faith he was never at a loss for
words, forgetting, as he taught, all restraint, pouring forth
one upon another sacred traditions and texts.
When news of him spread around the town and he was
everywhere charged, by prince and pauper alike, with
bearing this new name, he freely declared his adherence
and on this account was publicly disgraced. Then the evil
‘ulamás of Yazd rose up, issuing a decree that he must die.
Since the mujtahid, Mullá Báqir of Ardikán, refused to
confirm the sentence of those dark divines, Mullá Mihdí
lived on, but was forced to leave his native home. With his
two sons, one the great martyr-to-be, Jináb-i-Varqá, and the
other Jináb-i-Ḥusayn, he set out for the country of his Well-Beloved.
In every town and village along the way, he ably
spread the Faith, adducing clear arguments and proofs,
quoting from and interpreting the sacred traditions and evident
He did not rest for a moment; everywhere he
shed abroad the attar of the love of God, and diffused the
sweet breathings of holiness. And he inspired the friends,
making them eager to teach others in their turn, and to
excel in knowledge.
He was an eminent soul, with his heart fixed on the
beauty of God. From the day he was first created and came
into this world, he single-mindedly devoted all his efforts
to acquiring grace for the day he should be born into the
His heart was illumined, his mind spiritual, his soul
aspiring, his destination Heaven. He was imprisoned along
his way; and as he crossed the deserts and climbed and descended
the mountain slopes he endured terrible, uncounted
hardships. But the light of faith shone from his brow and
in his breast the longing was aflame, and thus he joyously,
gladly passed over the frontiers until at last he came to
Beirut. In that city, ill, restive, his patience gone, he spent
some days. His yearning grew, and his agitation was such
that weak and sick as he was, he could wait no more.
He set out on foot for the house of Bahá’u’lláh. Because
he lacked proper shoes for the journey, his feet were
bruised and torn; his sickness worsened; he could hardly
move, but still he went on; somehow he reached the village
of Mazra’ih and here, close by the Mansion, he died. His
heart found his Well-Beloved One, when he could bear
the separation no more. Let lovers be warned by his story;
let them know how he gambled away his life in his yearning
after the Light of the World. May God give him to
drink of a brimming cup in the everlasting gardens; in the
Supreme Assemblage, may God shed upon his face rays
of light. Upon him be the glory of the Lord. His sanctified
tomb is in Mazra’ih, beside ‘Akká.
1. |
Qur’án 3:91.
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2. |
Qur’án 29:19; 53:48; 56:62.
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