1 September 1912 Talk at Church of the Messiah Montreal, Canada
From Stenographic Notes
God, the Almighty, has created all mankind from the dust of
earth. He has fashioned them all from the same elements; they are
descended from the same race and live upon the same globe. He
has created them to dwell beneath the one heaven. As members of
the human family and His children He has endowed them with
equal susceptibilities. He maintains, protects and is kind to all. He
has made no distinction in mercies and graces among His children.
With impartial love and wisdom He has sent forth His Prophets and
divine teachings. His teachings are the means of establishing union
and fellowship among mankind and awakening love and kindness
in human hearts. He proclaims the oneness of the kingdom of humanity.
He rebukes those things which create differences and destroy
harmony; He commends and praises every means that will
conduce to the solidarity of the human race. He encourages man in
every step of advancement which leads to ultimate union. The
Prophets of God have been inspired with the message of love and
unity. The Books of God have been revealed for the upbuilding of
fellowship and union. The Prophets of God have been the servants
of reality; Their teachings constitute the science of reality. Reality
is one; it does not admit plurality. We conclude, therefore, that the
foundation of the religions of God is one foundation. Notwithstanding
this, certain forms and imitations have been persistently
adhered to which have nothing to do with the foundation of
the teachings of the Prophets of God. As these imitations are various
and different, contention and strife prevail among the people
of religious beliefs, and the foundation of the religion of God has
become obscured. Like beasts of prey, men are warring and killing
each other, destroying cities and homes, devastating countries and
God has created His servants in order that they may love and
associate with each other. He has revealed the glorious splendor of
His sun of love in the world of humanity. The cause of the creation
of the phenomenal world is love. All the Prophets have promulgated
the law of love. Man has opposed the will of God and acted in
opposition to the plan of God. Therefore, from the beginning of
history to the present time the world of humanity has had no lasting
rest; warfare and strife have continuously prevailed, and hearts
have manifested hatred toward each other. The cause of bloodshed
and battle, strife and hatred throughout the past has been either
religious, racial, patriotic or political prejudice. Therefore, the
world of humanity has ever been in torment. These prejudices are
more pronounced in the Orient, where freedom is restricted. In the
nineteenth century the nations of the East were restless and in a
state of inner commotion. The darkness of imitations and forms
had enveloped religious belief. The people of religions were in
constant warfare, filled with enmity, hatred and bitterness. In the
midst of these conditions Bahá’u’lláh appeared. He proclaimed the
oneness of the world of humanity and announced that all are the servants
of God. He taught that all the religions are beneath the
shadow and protection of the Almighty, that God is compassionate
and loving to all, that the revelations of all the Prophets of the past
have been in perfect unity and agreement, that the heavenly Books
have confirmed each other; therefore, why should contention and
strife exist among the people?
As all mankind have been created by the one God, we are sheep
under the care and protection of one Shepherd. Therefore, as His
sheep we must associate in accord and agreement. If one single
lamb becomes separated from the flock, the thoughts and efforts of
all the others must be to bring it back again. Consequently,
Bahá’u’lláh proclaimed that, inasmuch as God is the one heavenly
Shepherd and all mankind are the sheep of His fold, the religion or
guidance of God must be the means of love and fellowship in the
world. If religion proves to be the source of hatred, enmity and
contention, if it becomes the cause of warfare and strife and
influences men to kill each other, its absence is preferable. For that
which is productive of hatred amongst the people is rejected by
God, and that which establishes fellowship is beloved and
sanctioned by Him. Religion and divine teachings are like unto a
remedy. A remedy must produce the condition of health. If it occasions
sickness, it is wiser and better to have no remedy whatever.
This is the significance of the statement that if religion becomes the
cause of warfare and bloodshed, irreligion and the absence of religion
are preferable among mankind.
Bahá’u’lláh has declared that religion must be in accord with
science and reason. If it does not correspond with scientific principles
and the processes of reason, it is superstition. For God has
endowed us with faculties by which we may comprehend the
realities of things, contemplate reality itself. If religion is opposed
to reason and science, faith is impossible; and when faith and
confidence in the divine religion are not manifest in the heart, there
can be no spiritual attainment.
According to the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh all religious, racial,
patriotic and political prejudice must be abandoned, for these are
the destroyers of the real foundation of humanity. He has announced
that the religion of God is one, for all revelations of it are
based upon reality. Abraham summoned the people to reality;
Moses proclaimed reality; Christ founded reality. Likewise, all the
Prophets were the servants and promulgators of reality. Reality is
one and indivisible. Therefore, the prejudices and bigotries which
exist today among the religions are not justifiable, inasmuch as
they are opposed to reality. All prejudices are against the will and
plan of God. Consider, for instance, racial distinction and enmity.
All humanity are the children of God; they belong to the same family,
to the same original race. There can be no multiplicity of races,
since all are the descendants of Adam. This signifies that racial assumption
and distinction are nothing but superstition. In the estimate
of God there are no English, French, Germans, Turkish or
Persians. All these in the presence of God are equal; they are of one
race and creation; God did not make these divisions. These distinctions
have had their origin in man himself. Therefore, as they
are against the plan and purpose of reality, they are false and
imaginary. We are of one physical race, even as we are of one
physical plan of material body—each endowed with two eyes, two
ears, one head, two feet. Among the animals racial prejudice does
not exist. Consider the doves; there is no distinction as to whether it
is an oriental or an occidental dove. The sheep are all of one race;
there is no assumption of distinction between an eastern and a
western sheep. When they meet, they associate with perfect fellowship.
If a dove from the West should go to the Orient, it will
associate with the eastern doves unhesitatingly. There will be no
attitude of unwillingness as if saying, “You belong to the East; I
am from the West.” Is it reasonable or allowable that a racial prejudice
which is not observed by the animal kingdom should be
entertained by man?
Consider the prejudice of patriotism. This is one globe, one
land, one country. God did not divide it into national boundaries.
He created all the continents without national divisions. Why
should we make such division ourselves? These are but imaginary
lines and boundaries. Europe is a continent; it is not naturally divided;
man has drawn the lines and established the limits of kingdoms
and empires. Man declares a river to be a boundary line between
two countries, calling this side French and the other side
German, whereas the river was created for both and is a natural
artery for all. Is it not imagination and ignorance which impels man
to violate the divine intention and make the very bounties of God
the cause of war, bloodshed and destruction? Therefore, all prejudices
between man and man are falsehoods and violations of the
will of God. God desires unity and love; He commands harmony
and fellowship. Enmity is human disobedience; God Himself is
Bahá’u’lláh has announced that inasmuch as ignorance and lack
of education are barriers of separation among mankind, all must
receive training and instruction. Through this provision the lack of
mutual understanding will be remedied and the unity of mankind
furthered and advanced. Universal education is a universal law. It
is, therefore, incumbent upon every father to teach and instruct his
children according to his possibilities. If he is unable to educate
them, the body politic, the representative of the people, must
provide the means for their education.
In the Orient women were degraded and considered subordinate
to man. Bahá’u’lláh proclaimed equality of the sexes—that both
man and woman are servants of God before Whom there is no distinction.
Whosoever has a pure heart and renders good deeds is
nearer to God and the object of His favor—whether man or
woman. The sex distinction which exists in the human world is due
to the lack of education for woman, who has been denied equal
opportunity for development and advancement. Equality of the
sexes will be established in proportion to the increased opportunities
afforded woman in this age, for man and woman are equally
the recipients of powers and endowments from God, the Creator.
God has not ordained distinction between them in His consummate
Bahá’u’lláh has proclaimed the adoption of a universal language.
A language shall be agreed upon by which unity will be established
in the world. Each person will require training in two
languages: his native tongue and the universal auxiliary form of
speech. This will facilitate intercommunication and dispel the
misunderstandings which the barriers of language have occasioned
in the world. All people worship the same God and are alike His
servants. When they are able to communicate freely, they will
associate in friendship and concord, entertain the greatest love and
fellowship for each other, and in reality the Orient and Occident
will embrace in unity and agreement.
The world is in greatest need of international peace. Until it is
established, mankind will not attain composure and tranquillity. It
is necessary that the nations and governments organize an international
tribunal to which all their disputes and differences shall be
referred. The decision of that tribunal shall be final. Individual
controversy will be adjudged by a local tribunal. International
questions will come before the universal tribunal, and so the cause
of warfare will be taken away.
Fifty years ago Bahá’u’lláh wrote Epistles to the kings and rulers
of the world in which the teachings and principles revealed by
Him were embodied and set forth. These Epistles were printed in
India forty years ago and spread broadcast.
Briefly, by the promulgation of these principles Bahá’u’lláh has
caused the prejudices which afflicted the people of the Orient to
disappear. The communities which have accepted His teachings
are now living together in the greatest love and harmony. When
you enter a meeting of these people, you will find Christians, Jews,
Muslims, Zoroastrians, Buddhists gathered together in perfect
fellowship and agreement. In their discussions the greatest spirit of
tolerance and friendship has supplanted the former hostility and
hatred witnessed among them.
I have visited America and find everywhere the evidences of just
and equitable government. Therefore, I pray God that these western
peoples may become the means of establishing international
peace and spreading the oneness of the world of humanity. May
you become the cause of unity and agreement among the nations.
May a lamp be lighted here which will illumine the whole universe
with the oneness of the world of humanity, with love between the
hearts of the children of men, and the unity of all mankind. I hope
that you may become assisted in this supreme accomplishment,
that you may raise the flag of international peace and reconciliation
upon this continent, that this government and people may be the
means of spreading these lofty ideals in order that the world of man
may find rest, in order that the good pleasure of the Most High God
shall be attained and His favors encircle the Orient and Occident.
O Thou compassionate, almighty One! This assemblage of
souls have turned their faces unto Thee in supplication. With the
utmost humility and submission they look toward Thy Kingdom
and beg Thee for pardon and forgiveness. O God! Endear this assembly
to Thyself. Sanctify these souls, and cast upon them the
rays of Thy guidance. Illumine their hearts, and gladden their
spirits with Thy glad tidings. Receive all of them in Thy holy Kingdom;
confer upon them Thine inexhaustible bounty; make them
happy in this world and in the world to come. O God! We are weak;
give us strength. We are poor; bestow upon us Thine illimitable
treasures. We are sick; grant unto us Thy divine healing. We are
impotent; give us Thy heavenly power. O Lord! Make us useful in
this world; free us from the condition of self and desire. O Lord!
Make us brethren in Thy love, and cause us to be loving toward all
Thy children. Confirm us in service to the world of humanity so
that we may become the servants of Thy servants, that we may love
all Thy creatures and become compassionate to all Thy people. O
Lord, Thou art the Almighty. Thou art the Merciful. Thou art the
Forgiver. Thou art the Omnipotent.