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19: Praise be to Him through Whose splendours the … |
Praise be to Him through Whose splendours the
earth and the heavens are aglow, through Whose fragrant
breathings the gardens of holiness that adorn the hearts of
the chosen are trembling for joy, to Him Who hath shed
His light and brightened the face of the firmament. Verily
there appeared luminous and sparkling stars, glittering,
shining out, and casting forth their rays upon the supreme
horizon. They derived their grace and brilliance from the
bounties of the Abhá Realm, then, stars of guidance, they
poured down their lights upon this earth.
Praise be to Him Who hath fashioned this new era, this
age of majesty, even as an unfolding pageant where the
realities of all things can be exposed to view. Now are
clouds of bounty raining down and the gifts of the loving
Lord are clearly manifest; for both the seen and the unseen
worlds have been illumined, and the Promised One hath
come to earth and the beauty of the Adored One hath
shone forth.
Salutations, blessings, and welcome to that Universal
Reality, that Perfect Word, that Manifest Book, that
Splendour which hath dawned in the highest heaven, that
Guide of all nations, that Light of the world—the billowing
ocean of Whose abounding grace hath flooded all creation,
in such wise that the waves thereof have cast upon the sands
of this visible world their shining pearls. Now hath the
Truth appeared, and falsehood fled away; now hath the day
dawned and jubilation taken over, wherefore men’s souls
are sanctified, their spirits purged, their hearts rejoiced,
their minds purified, their secret thoughts made wholesome,
their consciences washed clean, their inmost selves
made holy: for the Day of Resurrection hath come to pass,
and the bestowals of thy Lord, the Forgiving, have encompassed
all things. Salutations and praise be unto those
luminous, resplendent stars that are shedding down their
rays from the highest heaven, those celestial bodies of the
girdling zodiac of the Abhá Realm. May glory rest upon
And now, O thou honoured man who hath hearkened
unto the Great Announcement, rise up to serve the Cause of
God with the resistless power of the Abhá Kingdom and
the breaths that blow from the spirit of the Company on
high. Grieve thou not over what the Pharisees, and the
purveyors of false rumours among writers for the press, are
saying of Bahá. Call thou to mind the days of Christ, and
the afflictions heaped upon Him by the people, and all the
torments and tribulations inflicted upon His disciples. Since
ye are lovers of the Abhá Beauty, ye also must, for His
love’s sake, incur the peoples’ blame, and all that befell
those of a former age must likewise befall you. Then will
the faces of the chosen be alight with the splendours of the
Kingdom of God, and will shine down the ages, yea, down
all the cycles of time, while the deniers shall remain in
their manifest loss. It will be even as was said by the Lord
Christ: they shall persecute you for My name’s sake.
Remind them of these words and say unto them: ‘Verily
did the Pharisees rise up against Messiah, despite the bright
beauty of His face and all His comeliness, and they cried out
that He was not Messiah [Masíh] but a monster [Masíkh],
because He had claimed to be Almighty God, the sovereign
Lord of all, and told them, ‘I am God’s Son, and verily in
the inmost being of His only Son, His mighty Ward,
clearly revealed with all His attributes, all His perfections,
standeth the Father.’ This, they said, was open blasphemy
and slander against the Lord according to the clear and
irrefutable texts of the Old Testament. Therefore they
passed the sentence upon Him, decreeing that His blood be
shed, and they hanged Him on the cross, where He cried
out, ‘O My beloved Lord, how long wilt Thou abandon
Me to them? Lift Me up unto Thee, shelter Me close to
Thee, make Me a dwelling by Thy throne of glory. Verily
art Thou the Answerer of prayers, and Thou art the
Clement, the Merciful. O My Lord! Verily this world with
all its vastness can no longer contain Me, and I love this
cross, out of love for Thy beauty, and yearning for Thy
realm on high, and because of this fire, fanned by the gusts
of Thy holiness, aflame within My heart. Help me, O Lord,
to ascend unto Thee, sustain Me that I may reach unto Thy
sacred Threshold, O My loving Lord! Verily Thou art the
Merciful, the Possessor of great bounty! Verily Thou art
the Generous! Verily Thou art the Compassionate! Verily
Thou art the All-Knowing! There is none other God save
Thee, the Mighty, the Powerful!’
Never would the Pharisees have been emboldened to
calumniate Him and charge Him with that grievous sin, but
for their ignorance of the inner core of mysteries and the
fact that they paid no heed to His splendours and regarded
not His proofs. Else would they have acknowledged His
words, and borne witness to the verses He revealed, confessed
the truth of His utterances, sought shelter under the
protective shadow of His banner, learned of His signs and
tokens, and rejoiced in His blissful tidings.
Know thou that the Divine Essence, which is called the
Invisible of the Invisibles, never to be described, beyond the
reach of mind—is sanctified above any mention, any definition
or hint or allusion, any acclamation or praise. In the
sense that It is that It is, the intellect can never grasp It, and
the soul seeking knowledge of It is but a wanderer in the
desert, and far astray. ‘No vision taketh in Him, but He
taketh in all vision: He is the Subtile, the All-Informed.’
When, however, thou dost contemplate the innermost
essence of all things, and the individuality of each, thou wilt
behold the signs of thy Lord’s mercy in every created thing,
and see the spreading rays of His Names and Attributes
throughout all the realm of being, with evidences which
none will deny save the froward and the unaware. Then
wilt thou observe that the universe is a scroll that discloseth
His hidden secrets, which are preserved in the well-guarded
Tablet. And not an atom of all the atoms in existence, not a
creature from amongst the creatures but speaketh His praise
and telleth of His attributes and names, revealeth the glory
of His might and guideth to His oneness and His mercy:
and none will gainsay this who hath ears to hear, eyes to see,
and a mind that is sound.
And whensoever thou dost gaze upon creation all entire,
and dost observe the very atoms thereof, thou wilt note that
the rays of the Sun of Truth are shed upon all things and
shining within them, and telling of that Day-Star’s
splendours, Its mysteries, and the spreading of Its lights.
Look thou upon the trees, upon the blossoms and fruits,
even upon the stones. Here too wilt thou behold the Sun’s
rays shed upon them, clearly visible within them, and
manifested by them.
Shouldst thou, however, turn thy gaze unto a Mirror,
brilliant, stainless, and pure, wherein the divine Beauty is
reflected, therein wilt thou find the Sun shining with Its
rays, Its heat, Its disc, Its fair form all entire. For each
separate entity possesseth its allotted portion of the solar
light and telleth of the Sun, but that Universal Reality in all
Its splendour, that stainless Mirror Whose qualities are
appropriate to the qualities of the Sun revealed within It—expresseth in their entirety the attributes of the Source of
Glory. And that Universal Reality is Man, the divine Being,
the Essence that abideth forever. ‘Say, Call upon God, or
call upon the All-Merciful; whichsoever ye call upon, most
beauteous are His Names.’
This is the meaning of the Messiah’s words, that the
Father is in the Son.
Dost thou not see that should a stainless
mirror proclaim, ‘Verily is the sun ashine within me,
together with all its qualities, tokens and signs’, such an
utterance by such a mirror would be neither deceptive nor
false? No, by the One Who created It, shaped It, fashioned
It, and made It to be an entity conformable to the attributes of
the glory within It! Praised be He Who created It! Praised be
He Who fashioned It! Praised be He Who made It manifest!
Such were the words uttered by Christ. On account of
these words they cavilled at and assailed Him when He said
unto them, ‘Verily the Son is in the Father, and the Father
is in the Son.’
Be thou informed of this, and learn thou the
secrets of thy Lord. As for the deniers, they are veiled from
God: they see not, they hear not, neither do they understand.
‘Leave them to entertain themselves with their
Abandon them to their wanderings along river
beds where no stream flows. Like grazing beasts they cannot
tell paste from pearl. Are they not shut away from the
mysteries of thy Lord, the Clement, the Merciful?
For thy part, rejoice at this best of all glad tidings, and
rise up to exalt the Word of God and to spread abroad His
sweet savours in all that vast and mighty land. Know thou
of a certainty that thy Lord will come to thine aid with a
company of the Concourse on high and hosts of the Abhá
Kingdom. These will mount the attack, and will furiously
assail the forces of the ignorant, the blind. Erelong wilt
thou behold the flush of daybreak spreading from out the
Most Exalted Realm, and the morn encompassing all
regions. It will put the dark to flight, and the gloom of
night will fade and pass, and the bright brow of the Faith
shine forth, and the Day-Star rise and overspread the world.
On that day will the faithful rejoice, and the steadfast be
blissful; then will the slanderers take themselves off, and the
waverers be blotted out, even as deepest shadows fall away
at the first light of the breaking dawn.
O God, my God! This is Thy radiant servant, Thy
spiritual thrall, who hath drawn nigh unto Thee and
approached Thy presence. He hath turned his face unto
Thine, acknowledging Thy oneness, confessing Thy
singleness, and he hath called out in Thy name among
the nations, and led the people to the streaming waters of
Thy mercy, O Thou Most generous Lord! To those who
asked He hath given to drink from the cup of guidance
that brimmeth over with the wine of Thy measureless
1. |
Qur’án 6:103.
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2. |
Qur’án 17:110.
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3. |
John 14:11.
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4. |
John 14:10.
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5. |
Qur’án 6:91.
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