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Answer.—The change in conditions, alterations and
transformations are necessities of the essence of beings,
and essential necessities cannot be separated from the
reality of things. So it is absolutely impossible to separate
heat from fire, humidity from water, or light from the sun,
for they are essential necessities. As the change and alteration
of conditions are necessities for beings, so laws also
are changed and altered in accordance with the changes
and alterations of the times. For example, in the time of
Moses, His Law was conformed and adapted to the conditions
of the time; but in the days of Christ these conditions
had changed and altered to such an extent that the
Mosaic Law was no longer suited and adapted to the needs
of mankind; and it was, therefore, abrogated. Thus it was
that Christ broke the Sabbath and forbade divorce. After
Christ four disciples, among whom were Peter and Paul,
permitted the use of animal food forbidden by the Bible,
except the eating of those animals which had been strangled,
or which were sacrificed to idols, and of blood.
They also forbade fornication. They maintained these
four commandments. Afterward, Paul permitted even the
eating of strangled animals, those sacrificed to idols, and
blood, and only maintained the prohibition of fornication.
So in chapter 14, verse 14 of his Epistle to the Romans,
Paul writes: “I know, and am persuaded by the Lord
Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him
that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.”
The existence of the world may be compared to that of a
man, and the Prophets and Messengers of God to skillful
doctors. The human being cannot remain in one condition:
different maladies occur which have each a special
remedy. The skillful physician does not give the same
medicine to cure each disease and each malady, but he
changes remedies and medicines according to the different
necessities of the diseases and constitutions. One person
may have a severe illness caused by fever, and the skilled
doctor will give him cooling remedies; and when at some
other time the condition of this person has changed, and
fever is replaced by chills, without doubt the skilled doctor
will discard cooling medicine and permit the use of
heating drugs. This change and alteration is required by
the condition of the patient and is an evident proof of the
skill of the physician.
Consider, could the Law of the Old Testament be
enforced at this epoch and time? No, in the name of God!
it would be impossible and impracticable; therefore, most
certainly God abrogated the laws of the Old Testament at
the time of Christ. Reflect, also, that baptism in the days
of John the Baptist was used to awaken and admonish the
people to repent from all sin, and to watch for the appearance
of the Kingdom of Christ. But at present in Asia, the
Catholics and the Orthodox Church plunge newly born
children into water mixed with olive oil, and many of
them become ill from the shock; at the time of baptism
they struggle and become agitated. In other places, the
clergy sprinkle the water of baptism on the forehead. But
neither from the first form nor from the second do the
children derive any spiritual benefit. Then what result is
obtained from this form? Other peoples are amazed and
wonder why the infant is plunged into the water, since
this is neither the cause of the spiritual awakening of the
child, nor of its faith or conversion, but it is only a custom
which is followed. In the time of John the Baptist it was
not so; no, at first John used to exhort the people, and to
guide them to repentance from sin, and to fill them with
the desire to await the manifestation of Christ. Whoever
received the ablution of baptism, and repented of sins in
absolute humility and meekness, would also purify and
cleanse his body from outward impurities. With perfect
yearning, night and day, he would constantly wait for the
manifestation of Christ, and the entrance to the Kingdom
of the Spirit of God.
To recapitulate: our meaning is that the change and
modification of conditions, and the altered requirements
of different centuries and times, are the cause of the abrogation
of laws. For a time comes when these laws are no
longer suitably adapted to conditions. Consider how very
different are the requirements of the first centuries, of the
Middle Ages, and of modern times. Is it possible that the
laws of the first centuries could be enforced at present? It
is evident that it would be impossible and impracticable.
In the same manner, after the lapse of a few centuries, the
requirements of the present time will not be the same as
those of the future, and certainly there will be change and
alteration. In Europe the laws are unceasingly altered and
modified; in bygone years, how many laws existed in the
organizations and systems of Europe, which are now
abrogated! These changes and alterations are due to the
variation and mutation of thought, conditions and customs.
If it were not so, the prosperity of the world of humanity
would be wrecked.
For example, there is in the Pentateuch a law that if
anyone break the Sabbath, he shall be put to death.
Moreover, there are ten sentences of death in the Pentateuch.
Would it be possible to keep these laws in our
time? It is clear that it would be absolutely impossible.
Consequently, there are changes and modifications in the
laws, and these are a sufficient proof of the supreme wisdom
of God.
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Acts 15:20.
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i.e., of Christ, Whom the Muslims frequently designate by the title of Rúhu’lláh, the Spirit of God.
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