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If the earth is not cultivated, it becomes a jungle where
useless weeds grow; but if a cultivator comes and tills the
ground, it produces crops which nourish living creatures.
It is evident, therefore, that the soil needs the cultivation
of the farmer. Consider the trees: if they remain without a
cultivator, they will be fruitless, and without fruit they are
useless; but if they receive the care of a gardener, these
same barren trees become fruitful, and through cultivation,
fertilization and engrafting the trees which had bitter
fruits yield sweet fruits. These are rational proofs; in this
age the peoples of the world need the arguments of reason.
The same is true with respect to animals: notice that
when the animal is trained it becomes domestic, and also
that man, if he is left without education, becomes bestial,
and, moreover, if left under the rule of nature, becomes
lower than an animal, whereas if he is educated he becomes
an angel. For the greater number of animals do not
devour their own kind, but men, in the Sudan, in the central
regions of Africa, kill and eat each other.
Now reflect that it is education that brings the East and
the West under the authority of man; it is education that
produces wonderful industries; it is education that spreads
great sciences and arts; it is education that makes manifest
new discoveries and institutions. If there were no educator,
there would be no such things as comforts, civilization
or humanity. If a man be left alone in a wilderness where
he sees none of his own kind, he will undoubtedly become
a mere brute; it is then clear that an educator is needed.
Divine education is that of the Kingdom of God: it consists
in acquiring divine perfections, and this is true education;
for in this state man becomes the focus of divine
blessings, the manifestation of the words, “Let Us make
man in Our image, and after Our likeness.”
This is the
goal of the world of humanity.
Now we need an educator who will be at the same time
a material, human and spiritual educator, and whose
authority will be effective in all conditions. So if anyone
should say, “I possess perfect comprehension and intelligence,
and I have no need of such an educator,” he would
be denying that which is clear and evident, as though a
child should say, “I have no need of education; I will act
according to my reason and intelligence, and so I shall attain
the perfections of existence”; or as though the blind
should say, “I am in no need of sight, because many other
blind people exist without difficulty.”
Then it is plain and evident that man needs an educator,
and this educator must be unquestionably and indubitably
perfect in all respects and distinguished above all men.
Otherwise, if he should be like the rest of humanity, he
could not be their educator, more particularly because he
must be at the same time their material and human as well
as their spiritual educator—that is to say, he must teach
men to organize and carry out physical matters, and to
form a social order in order to establish cooperation and
mutual aid in living so that material affairs may be organized
and regulated for any circumstances that may
occur. In the same way he must establish human
education—that is to say, he must educate intelligence
and thought in such a way that they may attain complete
development, so that knowledge and science may increase,
and the reality of things, the mysteries of beings
and the properties of existence may be discovered; that,
day by day, instructions, inventions and institutions may
be improved; and from things perceptible to the senses
conclusions as to intellectual things may be deduced.
He must also impart spiritual education, so that intelligence
and comprehension may penetrate the metaphysical
world, and may receive benefit from the sanctifying
breeze of the Holy Spirit, and may enter into relationship
with the Supreme Concourse. He must so educate the
human reality that it may become the center of the divine
appearance, to such a degree that the attributes and the
names of God shall be resplendent in the mirror of the
reality of man, and the holy verse “We will make man in
Our image and likeness” shall be realized.
It is clear that human power is not able to fill such a
great office, and that reason alone could not undertake the
responsibility of so great a mission. How can one solitary
person without help and without support lay the foundations
of such a noble construction? He must depend on the
help of the spiritual and divine power to be able to undertake
this mission. One Holy Soul gives life to the world of
humanity, changes the aspect of the terrestrial globe,
causes intelligence to progress, vivifies souls, lays the basis
of a new life, establishes new foundations, organizes the
world, brings nations and religions under the shadow of
one standard, delivers man from the world of imperfections
and vices, and inspires him with the desire and need
of natural and acquired perfections. Certainly nothing
short of a divine power could accomplish so great a work.
We ought to consider this with justice, for this is the office
of justice.
A Cause which all the governments and peoples of the
world, with all their powers and armies, cannot promulgate
and spread, one Holy Soul can promote without help
or support! Can this be done by human power? No, in the
name of God! For example, Christ, alone and solitary, upraised
the standard of peace and righteousness, a work
which all the victorious governments with all their hosts
are unable to accomplish. Consider what was the fate of so
many and diverse empires and peoples: the Roman Empire,
France, Germany, Russia, England, etc.; all were
gathered together under the same tent—that is to say, the
appearance of Christ brought about a union among these
diverse nations, some of whom, under the influence of
Christianity, became so united that they sacrificed their
lives and property for one another. After the time of Constantine,
who was the protagonist of Christianity, divisions
broke out among them. The point is this, that
Christ united these nations but after a while governments
became the cause of discord. What I mean is that Christ
sustained a Cause that all the kings of the earth could not
establish! He united the various religions and modified
ancient customs. Consider what great differences existed
between Romans, Greeks, Syrians, Egyptians, Phoenicians,
Israelites and other peoples of Europe. Christ removed
these differences and became the cause of love
between these communities. Although after some time
governments destroyed this union, the work of Christ was
Therefore, the Universal Educator must be at the same
time a physical, human and spiritual educator; and He
must possess a supernatural power, so that He may hold
the position of a divine teacher. If He does not show forth
such a holy power, He will not be able to educate, for if He
be imperfect, how can He give a perfect education? If He
be ignorant, how can He make others wise? If He be unjust,
how can He make others just? If He be earthly, how
can He make others heavenly?
Now we must consider justly: did these Divine Manifestations
Who have appeared possess all these qualifications
or not?
If They had not these qualifications and
these perfections, They were not real Educators.
It has now been proved by rational arguments that the
world of existence is in the utmost need of an educator,
and that its education must be achieved by divine power.
There is no doubt that this holy power is revelation, and
that the world must be educated through this power
which is above human power.
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Cf. Gen. 1:26.
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Cf. Gen. 1:26.
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Divine Manifestations are the founders of religions. Cf. “Two Classes of Prophets,” p. 164.
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