A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“O thou who are enkindled by the fire of the Love of…” |
Verily, I received thy good and beautiful letter and
I found it to be a sign of thy love and an evidence of
thy being attracted to the Beauty of El-ABHA. I ask
God to make thee a caller to the Kingdom of El-ABHA,
in those regions; to give thee a draught of the wine of
grace, to attract thee to the center of guidance, to cause
thee to ascend unto the Supreme World and to confirm
thee by the fragrances of the Holy Spirit, until thou
mayest guide the people unto the kingdom of immortality,
revive the hearts by the fragrances of God
and plant the seed of guidance in the field of the souls,
by a help from thy Lord, the Merciful, the Clement.
Regarding thy visit to this region
, it is not permissible
at this time. But when the time comes, permission
will be granted thee to present thyself at this
Source of Light and Dawning-Point of the love of thy
Lord, the Forgiver.
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