A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
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“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…” |
I have seen the letter which thou hast written to
Mr. ….….. The opinion (expressed therein) was
very agreeable. The Spiritual Meeting of Consultation
of New York must be in the utmost union and
harmony with the Spiritual Meeting of Consultation
of Chicago, and that which they deem advisable to
publish, these two Meetings of Consultation must
unitedly approve of it and deem its publication advisable.
Then the Meeting of Consultation must send
one copy thereof to Acca, in order that it may be also
approved of here and then returned, and that the it
may be printed and published.
To be brief, it hath been decided by the Desire of
God that union and harmony may day by day increase
among the friends of God and maid-servants of
the Merciful One, in the West. Not until this is
realized will the affairs advance by any means whatever!
And the greatest means for the union and harmony
of all is Spiritual Meetings. This matter is very
important and is as a magnet (to attract or) for divine
confirmation. If the beauty of this Divine Beloved
One—that is, unity of believers—does appear in the
ornament of the Kingdom of ABHA, it is certain that
those countries will, in a short time, become the Paradise
of ABHA and the light of Unity (or Oneness) and
Singleness will shine upon the whole world from the
West. We
are endeavoring with all heart an soul,
have no rest night and day, nor a moment of tranquility,
so that we may make the world of humanity
the mirror of the divine unity; how much more the
beloved of God! And this wish and hope shall appear
and shine forth at that time when the true friends of
God may arise and act in accord with the teachings of
the Beauty of ABHA—may my life be a sacrifice to His
beloved ones! One of the teachings is that love and
faithfulness must so prevail in the hearts that men may
see the stranger as a friend, the sinner as an intimate
fellow, may count enemies as allies, regard foes as
loving comrades, call their executioner the giver of
life, consider the denier as a believer and the unbeliever
as a faithful one—that is, men must behave in such
a manner as may befit the believers, the faithful, the
friend and the confidant. If this lamp may shine in
a befitting manner in the assemblage of the world you
will find that the regions will become fragrant and the
world become a delectable paradise, the surface of the
earth will become an excellent garden, the world will
become as one home, the different nations will become
as one kind, and the peoples and nationalities of the
East and West will become as one household. I hope
such a day may come and such lights may dawn and
such a Countenance may appear in the utmost beauty.
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Abdul-Baha himself.
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