A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“O thou fresh, slender branch saturated with the abundant…” 1 |
I ask God to continue the heavenly abundant gifts
upon thee and to grant thee more freshness, tenderness
and fineness day by day. Verily I say unto thee that
man is likened unto a tree. And as the life of a tree
and its tenderness and brilliancy depend on the abundant
rain descending from the clouds, so also the happiness
of man, his pleasure, dignity, loftiness of position
and highness of rank depend on the abundant
bounty of the Kingdom and the light of the Sun of
Truth coming from the horizon of the gift of God.
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The Recipients of the following Tablets, up to and including page 167, are unknown to the Librarian of the House of Spirituality, but have previously been published.
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