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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Page 169   

“O thou who art quickened by the Divine Fragrances!…”

O thou who art quickened by the Divine Fragrances!
I considered thy letter. Its expression was wonderful and indicated the brilliancy of thy heart and conscience. Be hopeful of the mercy of the Lord of Creation, whose grace is infinite and the sea of whose gift is boundless. I beg of the abundant favor of that Ancient Lord that thou mayest decorate thy spiritual reality (being) with the human perfections, be endowed with a new life, keep steadfast in the Covenant, diffuse the fragrances (i.e., teach the Truth) and deliver the Cause of God.
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