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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Pages 179-180   

“O thou who art commemorating the praises of God!…”

O thou who art commemorating the praises of God!
Verily, I read thy letter of elegant expression, for which I supplicate to God to make thee meek, humble 180 and fit for the effulgence of the light of His love among the maid-servants; and (I beg of God) to make all mankind the children of His mercy! This is the utmost mercy of Abdul-Baha for which he is endeavoring night and day and is summoning all to this fountain which is flowing with the pure water of the gift of God. Verily, I pray God to assembly all mankind in the shadow of the standard of peace and under the tents of love in the Paradise of El-ABHA; so that all of them may become the children of God and His beloved ones. Verily thy Lord is compassionate to the servants who are rightly guided.
As to thee: Appreciate the value of thy father, for he taught thee to await the manifestation of the Light of Lights. Verily he hath inhaled the fragrance of the Paradise of El-ABHA and his nostrils are therewith perfumed. Therefore, he bade thee to anticipate and prepare thyself for the appearance of the Kingdom of God.
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