A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
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“O thou Godlike person and spiritual friend!…” |
Verily God hath, through His bounty and grace, removed
the covering from off thine eyes and inspired thee
the night in which the Morn of Guidance dawned and
the Holy Spirit breathed in the being of “The Exalted,
the Supreme”
. Ye went out
, desirous to witness and
visit the Lord, and awaited the appearance of the Great
Bounty in that brilliant night. Is there any evidence
greater than this to the discerning? No, by my Beloved,
the ABHA! This is a gift to which ye have
been assigned among mankind. Thank ye God for this
bestowal in which the inspired ones glory in the kingdom
of heaven.
As to thee, strengthen thou thy back to spread that
Spirit and diffuse that Light and arise to serve the Cause
of God in His vineyard, so that thou mayest be of the
first to call in the name of God and draw nearer
unto the Kingdom of thy Lord, the Glorious, the Supreme.
Truly, I say unto thee, if thou be steadfast
in this Cause and arise with all thy power to promote
the Word in those parts, and if thou render thine utmost
efforts in breathing the Spirit of Life into the
hearts of the righteous, thou wilt find thyself assisted
by the angels of heaven and the hosts of the Supreme
Concourse; thou wilt hoist the banner of peace and
the sounds of the trumpet will be heard in the tunes of
love and union throughout those countries; thou wilt
guide people (literally, souls) to the running water of
life and lead them to the field of knowledge; thou wilt
give them to drink the wine of assurance and quicken
them with the fragrances of the Merciful One; thou
wilt clothe them with the robes of bestowal and give
them to drink the wine of faithfulness in love for Baha’,
so that they will be awakened from the sleep of selfish
desires and behold the signs of their Mighty Lord in
this exalted life. This is better for thee than all the
glory and dominion of the world.
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The BAB.
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The mother of the one to whom this Tablet was revealed was an Adventist, who, in 1844, expected to “meet the Lord in the air.” At that time the recipient was three months old.
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