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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Pages 236-237   

“O thou dazzling gem by the light of the Love of God!…”

O thou dazzling gem by the light of the Love of God!
Verily I read thy beautiful, elegant and expressive letter which informed [me] of thine extreme love for God, which (love) impresseth the souls and dilateth the breasts and which causeth thy heart to become filled with the knowledge of God and overflow with the favor of God.
I ask God to make thee a sign of mercy and an exemplar of servitude to the Sublime Threshold.
Thank God for saving thee from baseness, trouble, selfishness and death, and [that He] took away the veil from before thine eyes, manifested unto thee the Beauty of El-ABHA, granted thee healing, planted in thy heart the seed of love and thereby chose thee from among the 237 maid-servants. Therefore, endeavor so that thou dedicate (thyself) entirely to God; no thought or mention should remain in thee save the name of thy Supreme Lord. Endeavor so that those countries become illumined by the light of the gift of God.
Embrace the light of thine eyes (thy son) on my behalf in the Kingdom of God.
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