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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas

  • Author:
  • ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
  • Pages:
  • 730
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Page 28

“O ye leaves of the Paradise of El-ABHA, and the maid-servants…”

O ye leaves 1 of the Paradise of El-ABHA, and the maid-servants of the Merciful!
Verily, I read your words of thanksgiving to God, and of celebrating the praise of God, for that He hath illuminated your faces with the lights of guidance, hath transfigured Himself on your hearts with the bounties of spirit, and hath made you as lofty and magnificent trees bearing ripened fruits in the Paradise of El-ABHA. These signs will surely become manifest in your faces, these lights will shine within your hearts, the splendor of oneness will envelop you, and your brows will glitter with rays shining from the Kingdom of El-ABHA.
O maid-servants of the Merciful! Know that, verily, this day is the day of teaching, this day is the day of diffusing the fragrances of God, being severed from aught else save God, attracted to the Word of God, and clinging to the Covenant of God. There is no work greater than this. Be ye entirely spiritual, purely brilliant, cut your dependence from any other mention, thought or purpose, and confine your mentions, thoughts and occupations to spreading the fragrances of God, and devote your attention to this great work. By God, the True One, verily, the Sun of Truth will cast forth its lights in your assemblies and will make you shining lamps, glittering stars, brilliant signs, and as souls attracted to the Holy Spirit. This is the great prosperity! This is the manifest light!
Upon you be greeting and praise!
1. Leaves, i.e., women. This Tablet and the two following are to the Assembly of Teaching of Chicago.   [ Back To Reference]