A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“O ye shining Assembly!…” |
O ye shining Assembly!
The meeting that you organized hath attracted the
divine gaze and the subject of your conversation was
the divine commemoration. A ray from the Kingdom
of Abha fell upon that assemblage and that meeting
was adorned, and a number of souls, supplicants to
God, were gathered in that meeting. If this assembly
continues as it is befitting and behooving, great results
will thereby appear and conduce to the illumination of
those parts, spiritual progress will ensue, the lights of
the Sun of Truth will shine, hearts will be illumined,
eyes will become seeing, ears become hearing, the lukewarm
(or withdrawn ones) become aflame, the inanimate
(or numbed ones) will be enkindled in soul and
an ecstasy will come to all by which those present will
be astonished.
“O Thou Creator! Preserve and protect Thou that
assembly from grave (or general) tests and keep them
firm and constant in the Covenant and Testament.
Confer upon them such steadfastness as will enable
them to withstand doubts and root our the foundation
of calumnious rumors; for some person hath appeared
(or arisen) with the utmost falsehood, in those parts,
and publisheth false reports in some newspapers.”
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To the Cleveland (O.) assembly.
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