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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Pages 255-256   

“O thou whom I mention with my heart and tongue!…”

O thou whom I mention with my heart and tongue!
Though I do not see thee with mine eyes, I do see thee with my heart, and mention thee with the fullness of love, clemency, yearning and attraction, supplicating my Lord that we may meet together at the meeting of His Kingdom and the pavilion of His might, where we shall chant the verses of thanks for His bounty, generosity and gifts, the lights of which have shone upon all horizons and their effulgences have become intense upon the hearts of the people of harmony.
O thou my dearly beloved! Hasten! Hasten! to the gifts of thy Lord, the Merciful! Come to the Benefactor; 256 avail thyself of this opportunity and take thy portion of this Greatest Treasure in this promised day!
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