Verily, I read your letter, which expressed your spiritual
attraction to the fragrances of God, your service
to the Cause of God, your firmness in the Covenant of
God, your joy in this blessed and great day, your union
and harmony in the religion of God, your happiness in
diffusing the light of the knowledge of God, and your
work in the Vineyard of God—the Paradise of El-ABHA.
Such prosperity, success, blessing and salvation
behooveth one like you! Blessed are ye, O ye stars
who are beaming with the light of the love of God!
Blessed are ye, O ye lamps lighted with the fire of the
love of God! Blessed ye are, O ye who are attracted
to the Kingdom of God! Glad-tidings be unto you, O
you who are severed from aught else save God! Blessed
ye are, O ye pure and chaste ones! Glad-tidings be
unto you through the gift of the Covenant, from the
light of which all regions are illuminated! Be rejoiced
that the lights of the Sun of Truth are shining forth
unto all parts; be gladdened at the gifts of your Lord,
which have surrounded all the universe; dilate your
breasts by chanting the verses of God, and console your
eyes by witnessing the bounties of the Supreme