A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“O thou whose nostrils are perfumed with the Fragrances…” |
Verily, I read thy letter which contained graceful expressions
and was of a well made foundation, and I
inhaled the odor of the love of God from the garden
of its meanings and witness the lights of sincerity in
the Cause of God from the dawning-place of its mysteries.
Deliver my longings and greetings to the consolation
of thine eye
, ……, and to thy younger son, …….
Verily I love them both even as a compassionate father
loveth his dear children. As to thee, have for them
an abundant love and exert thine utmost in training
them, so that their being may grow through the milk
of the love of God, forasmuch as it is the duty of
parents to perfectly and thoroughly train their children.
There are also certain sacred duties on children toward
parents, which duties are written in the Book of
God, as belonging to God. The (children’s) prosperity
in this world and the Kingdom depends upon the
good pleasure of parents, and without this they will be
in manifest loss.
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“Consolation of the eye”—idiomatic Persian expression meaning “son.”
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To a man who was born a slave and freed by the emancipation proclamation.
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