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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas

  • Author:
  • ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

  • Source:
  • Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
  • Pages:
  • 730
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Pages 264-265

“O thou dear maid-servant of God!…”

O thou dear maid-servant of God!
In reality thou art faithful and assured, thoughtful and mentioning the name of thy Lord. All the inhabitants of the Kingdom are satisfied with thy service, and the approximate angels are opening their tongues in thy praise. These angels are spiritual and merciful powers, and in one sense the angels are those sanctified souls who have disentangled themselves from the world of possession and are confirmed with the powers of the Kingdom. However, be thou not sad. Rejoice and delight in the divine glad-tidings!
I know that thou art in difficulty, but this difficulty is conducive to the everlasting felicity and this weakness is followed by the supreme strength. Consider thou how the faithful women in the time of Christ, and after the departure of His Highness, underwent hardships! What difficulties did they not bear; and what calamities did they not endure! But that adversity and trial, 265 misfortune and derision, became the cause of imperishable and deathless glory and rest.
Do ye not look upon the beginning of the affairs; attach your hearts to the ends and results. The present period is like unto the sowing time. Undoubtedly it is impregnated with perils and difficulties, but in the future many a harvest shall be gathered and benefits and results will come apparent. When one considers the issue and the end, exhaustless joy and happiness will dawn.
Live thou as far as thou art able according to the divine commands and advices, because they are conducive to eternal life.
Caress and kiss on my behalf, with utmost love and yearning, thy two dear children. I supplicate God that they may come the servants of the Cause of God as their father and mother have, and be trained according to Bahai education, so that they may become two great signs of the love of God.