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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Page 272   

“O ye who are attracted! O ye who are united! O ye…”

O ye 1 who are attracted! O ye who are united! O ye who are believers and assured!
Glad-tidings unto you for that ye believed in God, were attracted to the Beauty of God, were directed unto the Kingdom of God and were kindled by the fire of the love of God!
Therefore, I say unto you that, verily, the angels of the Kingdom pray for the maid-servants of the Merciful; the possessors of brilliant hearts, spiritual susceptibilities, godlike feelings, heavenly attributes, holy characteristics, confident souls, perfection of humanity and sanctified and pure souls who are striving to spread the spirit of harmony—holy above qualities (pertaining to) nature and passion—spreaders of the fragrances of God severed from all else save God, banners of union and peace—signs of love and accord!
Blessed are ye for organizing the assembly of unity! I ask God to confirm you by the divine aid and strengthen you by the heavenly strength so that every one of you may become a shining star by the light of the love of God in the world, and banners moving by the breezes of love and peace on the heights of glory among mankind; and lamps brilliant by the lights of eternal majesty on the assemblies of men.
If ye keep firm in this path, ye will see by the eyes of joy signs wherefore ye will thank your Forgiving Lord, and will be confirmed by the hosts from the Supreme Concourse and angels from the Kingdom of El-Abha.
1. To the West Hoboken assembly.   [ Back To Reference]
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