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“O ye longing ones! O ye cheered ones! O ye attracted…” 273 |
O ye
longing ones! O ye cheered ones! O ye attracted
ones! O ye who are beseeching the Kingdom of
Blessed are ye, for ye have removed the covering;
witnessed the lights of the Sun of Truth which is
shining from the horizon of bestowal; are attracted by
the fragrances sent forth from the garden of the Kingdom;
have arisen to praise the Lord of Grandeur and
Might, and have resolved to disseminate the teachings
of God in those vast and extensive regions!
Truly I say unto you! Verily, ye have cast away
superstitions; have partaken an abundant portion from
that Reality which is shining upon all regions; have
perceived the manifest signs, have entered the ark of
salvation and attained unto eternal life, under the
shadow of the Lord of Hosts, gazing unto the Most
Honorable Station, enkindled with the fire ablaze in
the tree of existence, in the spot of Sinai; responding to
the call of the Clement One, severed from the world,
and yearning for the place of sacrifice in the path of
O ye beloved of God and His chosen ones! Trust
ye in the divine confirmation, the merciful bounty and
the supreme bestowal. Verily, He will confirm your
hearts, dilate your breasts, make your tongues fluent
and will rejoice your souls by a grace from the Compassionate
Merciful One!
I beg of God that He may make you diffusers of
His fragrances, servants of His Cause, gazers unto His
Face, speakers in His praise, and that He may protect
you against tests and trials, so that ye may become shining
lights, beaming stars, gleaming lamps and lofty
trees. Verily, this is not difficult with God!
Verily, I hope from God that ye may become my
associates in servitude to His Holy Threshold and my
partners at the entrance of the Door of His Oneness;
so that ye may equally serve in His great vineyard.
Then thank ye your Lord, for He hath favored you
with this manifest success. By God, the True One!
this cannot be equalled either by the dominion of the
world or by the gift of ruling over all regions with
pomp, glory and power! Reflect ye upon the chosen
ones of God in the earlier ages! How their worth was
unknown during their days; how they were known by
people as but ordinary individuals and unimportant
persons! Afterwards, their arguments appeared, their
lights scintillated, their stars beamed, their trees became
lofty, their mysteries gleamed forth, their fruits were
praised, their reservoirs became overflowing, their gardens
adorned, their birds warbled and their joy became
perfect in the Kingdom of their Beneficent Lord.
O my God! O my God! Guard them by the eye of
Thy protection, preserve them in the cave of Thy defence,
deliver them from the grade of the contingent
world, protect them during the violence of tests and
trials, and assist them by a power from the breath of
Thy Holy Spirit, in the world of existence! Verily,
Thou art the Beneficent, the Mighty, the Clement!
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To the West Hoboken assembly.
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