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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Pages 282-283   

“O thou who art attracted to the Word of God!…”

O thou who art attracted to the Word of God!
Verily I read thy excellent letter, nay, rather thy brilliant, peerless pearls, which proved thy sincerity in the Cause of God, the enkindlement of thy heart with the fire of the love of God and the illumination of thy face through the light of the gift of God!
O maid-servant of God! Know, verily, I was with you in spirit during your assemblage in the meeting of the commemoration of God, the House of Agreement, under the Standard of peace, and I perceived ye with my spirit on the Mount of Salvation and shared with ye in celebrating the praise of my Lord, and I smiled with all cheerfulness, joy and gladness when I found that ye were beseeching God and supplicating before the Kingdom of God. I beseech God to guide some of 283 those who have given themselves to the Word of God, while they know not the Word. And I beg of God to give insight to every heedless one, so that he may witness the signs of his Mighty Lord in this great century wherein the Lord is glorified for the bounties and gifts which He hath bestowed on all the horizons [i.e., regions] through His Ancient Grace.
Verily I wrote an answer to the letter of ….…. and enclose it in this letter.
O maid-servant of God! By God the True One, verily Abdul-Baha invokes God to strengthen thee through the mightiest power, so that thou mayest become a star of guidance in Green Acre, to diffuse the fragrances of God, to blow forth the spirit of God, to summon people to the Word of god, and may speeches pour forth from thy pure lips as a torrent which rapidly pours down from the loftiest mountains!
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