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“O thou who art attracted to the Fragrances of God!…” |
Verily I read thy excellent letter and was dilated
through its excellent contents. Know thou that the
distance of habitation doth not prevent the rising of
the lights, and that time and place only control the
bodies and not the spirits which are free from the contingent
beings, not (do they control) the realities which
are sanctified from the stains of the world. When
the Spirit is breathed in the East, its signs immediately
appear in the West and it hath a spiritual dominion
which penetrates the pillars of the world.
O maid-servant of God! Verily opposition will wax
fierce upon thee and denial and unbelief will day by
day increase. People will arise to oppression and people
will torment thee for thou hast believed in God, art
attracted to the fragrances of God and hath spoken
His praise among the maid-servants. They will
execrate, revile, curse and oppress thee with acute
tongues. Be not distressed at this; nay, rather continue
with an increased firmness and stanchness in the Cause
of God. For through calamity the heart of Abdul-Baha
is attracted; through (suffering) oppression the
breast of Abdul-Baha is dilated; through enduring afflictions
the faithfulness of Abdul-Baha is proven;
through imprisonment the soul of Abdul-Baha is
cheered; at every moment he wishes to quaff the cup
of sacrifice in the path of God.
O maid-servant of God! Opposition shall surely
pass away, the dark clouds in all regions will be dispelled
and the lights of the Covenant shall shine forth.
At that time your value shall appear among the nations
of the world and tribes and people will arise to praise
you. Take warning by the former cycles and the bygone
O maid-servant of God! Whenever sorrows and
afflictions grow violent toward thee, remember that
which we told thee during thy presence in these lands;
then thy sorrows shall be removed and thy heart shall
become dilated through the fragrances of God in these
Be thou rejoiced at the glad-tidings of God! Be
as a globe of fire from which the heat of the love of
God will be diffused. Sanctify thyself from the grades
of this world, be purified from the superstitions of
people and be characterized with spiritual qualities. Be
thou a mountain of quiescence, a sign of meekness, a
sea of patience, a light of love, a standard of utter
separation (from all else save God), so that thou
mayest become everlasting in the Kingdom of God.
Verily, the Exalted Leaf and the brilliant Leaves
remember thee by night and day. Then know thou,
verily the prison is my wonderful paradise in love for
Baha’; it is my lofty stronghold, my impregnable mansion
and glorious throne. Be not grieved thereat, nay,
rather beg of God to make me quaff the cup of sacrifice
in the path of Baha’.
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Leaf, Leaves—meaning the ladies of the Household at Acca—sister, wife and daughters of Abdul-Baha.
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