A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“O thou faithful maid-servant of God!…” |
Thou hast asked about knowledge and cognition.
Read the divine books and tablets and look into he
books of proofs that have been written in presenting
this Cause. One of them is the Book of Ighan
, which
is translated into English. There is also the book
Mirza Abul Fazl and there are others written by the
believers. In the time to come, many divine books and
tablets will be translated and thou wilt read them; but
thou mayest ask God that thou mayest attract divine
knowledge by the magnet of the love of God. When
the soul becomes sanctified in every condition and becomes
pure and holy, then the door of the divine knowledge
will be opened to the face.
Thou hast written about the dear maid-servant of
God, Mrs. ….…. That one attracted unto God is
indeed always occupied in the service and she doth her
utmost to spread the divine lights; if she continueth in
the same way there will be great results in the future.
That which is of the greatest importance is to have
firmness, steadfastness and constancy.
I pray God that through the desires and the efforts
of the maid-servants of the Merciful the foot of the
mountains by the ocean’s shore
will be enlightened by
the brilliancy of the love of God in such a way that its
light may be transmitted all over the world.
You ask if, through the appearance of the Kingdom
of God, every soul hath been saved. The Sun of Reality
hath appeared to the all the world. This Luminous
Appearance is salvation and life; but only he who hath
opened the eye of reality and who hath seen these lights
will be saved.
You also ask about the eventual victory of spirituality
in the Bahai age. It is certain that spirituality
will overcome materiality and that the divine will have
the victory over the human; it is also true that by divine
education souls in every condition of existence will be
elevated, except those that are blind, deaf, dumb and
dead. How can such souls comprehend the light? The
sun lighteth up all the dark world, but the blind man
hath no portion in its brilliancy; the cloud of mercy
poureth forth streams of water, but the sterile land will
never produce plants and flowers.
If you see Mrs….….., give her my greeting
and say to her: “Thou hast come to Acca, thou hast
seen my teachings, thou hast heard my explanations and
thou hast smelled the sweet odors of the Kingdom. Do
not forget this, and try with thy heart and soul to
diffuse this fragrance to thy respected husband also.”
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During the time of Baha’o’llah’s residence in Baghdad (the Dwelling of Peace), men of learning, including Jews, Christians and Mohammedans, visited Him seeking answer to religious and scriptural questions. Such answer He gave in the Book of Ighan, otherwise known as the Book of Explanations and Assurance. It concerns the Reality and Authority of the human “Divine Manifestations.”
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“The Bahai Proofs.”
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Refers to California and the Pacific coast.
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