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“O ye beloved servants of Abdul-Baha and the maid-servants…” |
O ye
beloved servants of Abdul-Baha and the maid-servants
of the Merciful One!
It is the early dawn and the soul-refreshing breeze of
the Paradise of Abha is wafting upon all the contingent
beings, but it displays the effect only in pure hearts
and perfumes only the healthy mind. A seeing eye beholdeth
the splendors of the sun and a hearing ear
listeneth to the melody of the Supreme Concourse. Although
the mercy of the vernal shower and the heavenly
outpouring descend upon all the earth, yet only from a
virgin soil vegetation groweth while the brackish ground
is deprived and unproductive, for the traces of the outpouring
are not evident and manifest. Now the holy
Fragrances of Abha are diffused in every clime, but
only the spiritual souls are attracted and draw benefits.
It is hoped by this imprisoned one, from the bounty
of the Living Self-Subsistent, that, through the dominating
power of the Word of God, the nostrils of the
heedless ones becomes opened and partake a share from
the fragrances of the Rose-Garden of Mystery.
O ye friends of God! The real friends are the skillful
physicians and the divine instructions are the antidote
of the Merciful One and the remedies of the
hearts. They (the believers) heal the nostril affected
with rheum, make mindful the negligent ones, give a
share to the deprived ones and make hopeful the hopeless
ones. In this day if anyone liveth in accord with the
heavenly teachings and instructions, he shall become a
spiritual physician to the world of humanity and the
trumpet of Israfel
to quicken the dead; for the confirmations
of the Kingdom of Abha are uninterrupted
and the victory of the Supreme Concourse is the associate
of every one who is pure in heart. The weak
gnat will become the strong royal falcon and the sparrow
is transformed into the eagle soaring toward the
apex of the Ancient Glory. Therefore, look ye not
upon your own capability and merit, nay rather, lay
your confidence in the bounty and protection, favor and
grace of the Blessed Perfection—may my life be a
sacrifice to His beloved ones!—and, mounting upon the
charger of magnanimity, rush ye toward the arena of
martyrdom, so that ye may win the polo of favors in
this vast field of God!
O ye maid-servants of the Merciful One! The
queens of the world went down to the tombs and disapeared
and vanished from the face of the earth.
There remained for them no fruit, no name, no trace,
no fame and no existence. But every one of the maid-servants
in the court of Oneness shone forth like unto
the brilliant stars from the glorious Ancient Horizon,
cast their rays upon centuries and cycles, attained to
their utmost desires in the Kingdom of Abha and
drank from the wine of meeting (with God) in the
Assembly of the Almighty. These souls have taken
a share from (the benefits) of being and obtained results.
In this wonderful age, according to the divine texts,
ye must befriend all nations and communities. Ye must
not look upon violence, force, evil intentions, persecutions
or hostility, nay rather, ye must raise your eyes
to the horizon of glory [and see] that each one of
these creatures is a sign of the Lord of Signs and [has]
stepped upon the arena of existence through divine
favor and supreme energy. Thus they are known and
not unknown, are friends and not strangers. We must
deal with all according to the above criterion.
Therefore, the beloved must, with infinite kindness
and love, associate and sympathize with both friends
and strangers and not look at all upon the merits and
capabilities of the persons. Under all circumstances
they must show forth genuine love and be not defeated
by the intensity of rancor, hatred, quarrel, malice and
the grudge of the people. Should they (they people)
shoot arrows they (the friends) must administer milk
and honey; if they give poison, the believers must impart
delicacies; if they cause pain, let the beloved be a
remedy; if they strike a blow, let them become the antidote.
O my God! O my God! Verily, these are Thy
weak servants and Thy submissive, faithful ones and
Thy sincere maid-servants who are humbled before
Thy illumined Threshold, acknowledging Thy Oneness
which hath appeared like unto the appearance of the
sun in midday, listening to Thy call from Thy mysterious
Kingdom and uttering Thy prayers with hearts
overflowing with Thy love and devotion!
O my Lord! Pour upon all of them the rain of Thy
mercy, [cause to] descend upon every one the showers
of Thy bounty from the clouds of Thy munificence,
make them graceful plants in Thy divine Rose-garden
and suffer these myrtles to become verdant, green and
refreshed by the outpouring from the Cloud of Thy
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To the assembly of Zanjan, Persia.
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One of the angels of the “Resurrection day,” mentioned in the Koran.
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