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“Glory be unto Thee, O Thou whose mercy hath encompassed…” |
Glory be unto Thee, O Thou whose mercy hath encompassed
all things, whose gift is made perfect, whose
power hath encircled the world, whose proof is demonstrated,
whose signs have become manifest, whose words
are promulgated, whose arguments are established and
whose ensigns are hoisted! Praise be unto Thee for
that which Thou hast bestowed! Thanks be unto Thee
for that which Thou hast granted! Glorification behooveth
Thee for Thou hast manifested Thyself! Glory
be unto Thee Glory be unto Thee! How inaccessible
is Thy station! How manifest is Thy proof and how
all-embracing is Thy munificence!
Verily the dark night hath been spreading its wings
over all the regions and the face of the heaven and earth
was hidden behind the clouds of inky gloom and blackness—wherefore the sights were veiled from beholding
the most great signs and inner perceptions were blinded
and unable to find the fire of divine guidance; souls
were wandering in the desert of error and heedlessness
and the possessors of intelligence were lost in the wilderness
of amazement and skepticism, crying and weeping
as a mother bereft of her babe—bewailing and lamenting
like unto a thirsty one in the midst of a vast and
boundless Sahara!
But through Thy greatest bounty, the glorious dawn
broke and the lightning of guidance flashed from the
Supreme Horizon upon the face of heaven! Then the
First Point (the Bab) appeared among mankind with
the glad-tidings of Thy Manifestation, the fragrances
of Thy Holiness and the verses of Thy Singleness,
spreading Thy good news, heralding Thy Name, declaring
and praising Thee in numerous epistles!
Thine is favor for this gift which hath cheered the
souls of the pure ones! Thine is generosity for Thou
hast enabled every righteous and devoted one to adore
Thee by causing the Sun of Truth to shine upon all
the regions of existence! Thine is glory and excellence!
Thine is power and beauty! Thine is sovereignty and
authority! Thine is dominion and kingdom! Thine is
exaltation and omnipresence! Thine is divinity and
lordship! For thou hast manifested Thy bounty from
the horizon of emanation, rent asunder the veil and
raised the covering from Thy illumined countenance
in the promised day and shone forth upon the world of
being with the rays gleaming from the dawn of revelation!
Then the “Resurrection” appeared, the “Day of
Judgment” became manifest, the “earth” heaved and
shook, the “mountains” were levelled, the “seas” boiled,
the “sun” was eclipsed, the “luminaries” were darkened,
the “stars” scattered, the “signs” became known, the
“bridge” expanded, the “conditions” were fulfilled, the
“balance” was set up, the “fire” burned fiercely and the
“paradise” became begemmed!—wherefore the devoted
ones entered into delectable gardens with beatitude and
the veiled ones were left to amuse themselves with their
own imaginations; the possessors of perception beheld
the lights and those whose eyes were weak vanished in
gloomy darkness before the appearance of the mid-day
Then those whose ears were unstopped and open
rejoiced in listening to the call, while the deaf (or ignorant)
were astonished , crying out, “What is the cause
of this acclamation and rejoicing?” Then the fluent
speakers loosened their tongues in thanksgiving and
glorification, while the dumb became as hard and lifeless
stones; then the souls were purified, the hearts were
attracted, the breasts were dilated, the characters were
sanctified, the secret thoughts became manifest and the
realities stepped into the arena of existence; they sought
illumination, were guided, became ablaze, enflamed and
enkindled, called forth and proclaimed, saying:
Glory be unto Him who hath shone forth the Manifest
Glory be unto Him who allayed the thirst of the devoted
ones with the Cup which is mixed with Camphire!
Glory be unto Him who extended forth the Path!
O ye merciful friends of Abdul-Baha! At this
moment a letter hath been received from America containing
the good news that that region of the Occident
hath become the Orient; that is, in that region the rays
of the Sun of Truth have appeared and shone forth
with such penetration that the bright light of the morn
of guidance hath dawned and every longing one hath
attained to the desire of this heart, and that the melody
of the Kingdom of Abha ascends continuously to the
Supreme Concourse and the soul-refreshing strains of
“Ya Baha El-Abha!” reach the ears of the peoples and
communities of that country.
According to what they have written, they have celebrated
the day of the “Birth anniversary” in twenty-four
cities by giving public feasts and beautiful receptions.
They have spent that day in the utmost joy and
happiness, they have sent out general invitations, spread
the table of gifts, engaged in the commemoration of
the True One and in imparting glad-tidings to each
other. Likewise, letters of congratulation and felicitation
have been received from these twenty-four cities
and assemblies. Consider ye what influence the penetrative
power of the Word of God hath displayed in
existence and how the universe is stirred and moved
through it! How in America on the “Birth anniversary”
such feasting and banqueting is prepared! How
the remote ones have become the near ones and how
the customs and habits of the East are spread abroad!
This is the penetrative power of the Word of God and
this is the might of the subduing desire of God!
O ye friends of God and maid-servants of the Merciful!
His honor Ameen
hath mentioned you with the
highest praise and commendation, saying that, thank
God, the believers in all parts of the cities and towns
are the manifestations of bounties and the dawning-places
of justice and equity; are mindful, obedient, kind-hearted
and steadfast; are engaged in reading the verses
and occupied with spreading the signs; are in the utmost
ecstasy and exhilaration and intoxicated with the pure
wine; are active in praising and adoring the Most
Great Name and intimate in paying homage to the
Holy Threshold; are living in accord with the divine
teachings and exhortations and are in every way endowed
with all human excellences and attributes; that
they are in the utmost unity and agreement and in great
zeal and enthusiasm; are kind to every soul and treat
all the communities with exceeding joy and fragrance;
that they have sympathy even for the enemies and are
faithful friends even to the unjust; that to the outsiders
they are as relatives and to the strangers they
are a swift-healing antidote instead of a poisonous
sting; are the servants of the world of humanity and
manifestors of the attributes of the Merciful One!
Blessed are they for this testimony, which is expressive
of the beauty of their characters and the merit of their
virtues! Truly, I say, his honor Ameen is the well-wisher
of all. In the day of the Manifestation he was
the Ameen (Faithful) of the Blessed perfection
in the days of the Covenant
he is the confidant of this
yearning one. Therefore, his testimony is heard and
accepted and his evidence is praised and beloved.
O ye beloved of God! According to what is heard,
some of the ulemas of the Sheite sect (Persian moslem
mullas), as well as some leaders of the Shekhei school,
are engaged constantly in instigating revolts and have
arisen against the government with enmity and opposition,
confusing the affairs of the state more than before.
Praise be to God!
What is this heedlessness and
ignorance and what is this antagonism and insubordination!
Verily, the Persian empire hath been at all times
deprived of every bounty on account of the encroaching
influence of the ritualistic mullas! Whenever that just
government conceived a good intention to introduce reforms
and amelioration of conditions, these ignorant
leaders raised vehement opposition, protested severely
and prevented the introduction of measures which
would better conditions and spread culture and progress.
One must be just. The intention of His Imperial
Majesty is higher and purer than all the other leaders
and chiefs, for the sole desire of the throne is the
peace and security of the inhabitants and the cultivation
and betterment of the conditions of the empire.
But alas! they do not give a moment’s rest to the kind
Padeshah, in order that he may voluntarily and of his
own accord inaugurate reforms as much as may be
warranted by circumstances.
However, the inhabitants of Persia are not the only
ones who are afflicted with this ignorance and blindness.
The people of the imperial Ottoman government are
also in a state of the utmost ignorance and blindness.
Diversity of opinions and ignorance of factions do not
allow one breath of tranquility to the imperial government,
in order that it may adjust internal conditions and
rectify foreign relations. Yet, under all these conditions,
His Imperial Majesty the Padeshah f the Ottomans
is intelligently directing the affairs. The proof and
testimony of this assertion is the protection afforded
these exiled ones (in Acca) from the rebellious despotism
of the enemies. If authority were in the people’s
hands or in other hands than those of the government,
the conspiracies and seditions of inside and outside enemies
would have scattered even the ashes of this imprisoned
one to the winds. But the forebearance, intelligence,
foresight, far-reaching wisdom and discernment
of His Imperial Majesty the Padeshah of the
Ottomans have so far protected these exiled ones, notwithstanding
the attacks of the calumniators and the
party of the slanderers. We are of those who pray for
these two just kings and are grateful to these two equitable
Praise be unto God! One of the imputations of the
enemies is this: That—we seek refuge in God—we
deny the validity and truth of the Sun of Guidance, the
Lamp of the Supreme Concourse, the messenger of the
Almighty, His Highness Mohammed Mostafa—upon
Him be greeting and praise!—and that—God forbid!
—we have written books in His refutation. Woe
unto those who have arisen to spread this great falsehood
and calumny! However, all the friends of God
who are informed of the mysteries know that this exiled
and imprisoned one would readily sacrifice his life at
the dust of the Prophet’s feet. Furthermore, the
Blessed Perfection—may my life be a sacrifice to His
beloved ones—in the book of Ighan, hath established
with invincible proofs and clear arguments the prophethood
of His Highness the Messenger—may my life be a
sacrifice to Him!—and also His Highness the Supreme
(the Bab) hath invoked Him (Mohammed) in many
supplications. Notwithstanding all these evidences, the
unjust ones are crying out and secretly spreading the
falsehood that we—God forbid!—are His deniers and
the unfaithful friends (nakzeen) acknowledge these erroneous
imputations. Praise be to God! If we deny
the messengers and prophets of God, what have we to
say for ourselves? Glory be unto Thee, O my God!
Verily this is a great calumny!
To be brief, the aim is this: Though the interference
of the ignorant and fanatical leaders the country
of Persia is in a state of decadence, although the pure
intention of His Imperial Majesty the crowned Shah
is for progress. However, ye who are the well-wishers
of the government and are sincere, obedient and kind
toward it, be ye engaged always in service. Should
any one of you enter into the service (or employment)
of the government, he must live and act with the utmost
truthfulness, righteousness, chastity, uprightness,
purity, sanctity, justice and equity. But if—I seek refuge
in God—any one betray the least of trusts or
neglect and be remiss in the performance of duties which
are intrusted to him, or by oppression takes one penny
of extortion from the subjects, or seeks after his own
personal, selfish aims and ends in the attainment of his
own interests, he shall undoubtedly remain deprived of
the outpourings of His Highness the Almighty! Beware!
Beware! lest ye fall short in that which ye are
commanded in this Tablet!
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This Tablet is to the believers throughout Persia. Copy sent in bore no opening line of address.
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One of the Fountains of Paradise mentioned in the Koran.
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One of the teachers of the Bahai Revelation in Persia.
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An expression of astonishment.
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