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“O thou who art firm in the Covenant!…” |
Regarding the subject of Persia: Praise be to God!
she became the East of the Sun of Truth in this age.
The Light of Eternity dawned, the Everlasting Glory
unveiled her countenance and the Reality of the Mercifulness
became manifest. This is the prosperity of Persia.
Undoubtedly she will progress day by day under
the shade of the Blessed Tree until her illumination
shall penetrate throughout the wide expanse of the
Regarding the question of the establishment of the
National Assembly: This National Assembly
will not
bring any rapid results. Now some of the agitators are
harboring evil intentions and do not let agreement and
union be realized between the nations and the government.
They are instigating the hopeless ones at every
moment and sending them to the British Legation, while
on the other hand they ask private assistance and protection
from the government so that they may procure
wealth. Each and all of the clergy are thinking in this
However, we have nothing to do with these proceedings
and counter-proceedings. We are commanded
to quicken the souls, to train the characters, to illumine
the realm of man, to guide all the inhabitants of the
earth, to create concord and unity among all men and
to lead the world of humanity to the Fountain of the
Everlasting Glory. The reformation of one empire is
not our aim; nay, rather we invoke from God that all
the regions of the world be reformed and cultivated; the
republic of men become the manifestors of the bounty
of the most glorious Lord; the East and the West be
brought nearer together; and that Turk and Tajik,
Iran and America, India and Arabia, Japan and Persia,
China and Germany; in brief, all the nations and peoples
of the world become as one soul and one spirit, in
order that strife and warfare be entirely removed and
the rancor and hostility disappear so that all become as
the waves of one ocean, the drops of one sea, the flowers
of one rose-garden, the trees of one orchard, the
grains of one harvest and the plants of one meadow.
Regarding the statement that hath been given out as
the saying of His Majesty the Shah: This hath no
connection whatever with the Bahais; nay, rather it
hath meant the Babis. Mirza Yahya, the son of Mirza
Hadi of Doulet Abad, and a few souls of Ezelis
are living in Teheran and were at one time secret friends
of Jamal-ed-Din of Afghan, have allied themselves
with the party, which is working against the government,
and is engaged in the work of instigating and inciting
the people. His Imperial Majesty did mean
these souls, that is, the Babis, not the Bahais. But it is
an established facts that the Bahais are the well-wishers
of the nation and the government; are showing forth
obedience and displaying good intentions; are not interfering
in political matters; are engaged in the education
and spiritualization of characters and are occupied
with the training of the ignorant ones.
O thou who art firm in the Covenant! The general
historical report about the Cause of God in that country,
that thou hast forwarded to Menshadi,
very acceptable. Undoubtedly you must, every few
months, write a report about the general conditions and
attitudes of the Cause of God in America and forward
it to Acca, so that we may send it to Persia to be printed
and spread among the people.
O thou yearning servant of the Beauty of Abha!
In the time that all the ulemas and sages, leaders, merchants
and traders, nay, even the public itself from the
highest to the lowest have taken refuge in the British
Legation and began to complain and clamor that they
are oppressed, His Royal Highness Shoa-Us-Saltanah,
the son of the Shah, cried in the Assembly of Nobles:
“These ulemas and Sheite leaders were always stigmatizing
the Bahais, saying, ‘They are the ill-wishers of
the government and the corruptors of nations!’ Now
consider ye with the eye of justice! Sixty years have
rolled by and the Bahais have been the object of the
sword of affliction and the target of the arrows of oppression.
Thousands of houses have been destroyed,
children became captives, women became prisoners,
property was pillaged and not even a small children remained
safe; yet, notwithstanding all of this, not one
single Bahai took refuge under the flag of a foreign
power! Now these Sheites, though they have always
been treated with the utmost favor and benefit by the
government, yet without the slightest reason they went
under the protection of a foreign power and brought
down such humiliation and dishonor upon the nation
and the government! If they presented primarily their
petitions to the government, their wishes would be complied
with in a better and more effective way. This is
the difference between the Sheites and the Bahais!”
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Established Sept. 12, 1906.
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Followers of Subi-Ezel who disturbed the Babis by claiming to be the One promised by the Bab.
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One of the well-known Bahais in Egypt.
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