A new version of the Bahá’í Reference Library is now available. This ‘old version’ of the Bahá’í Reference Library will be replaced at a later date.
The new version of the Bahá’i Reference Library can be accessed here »
“O thou maid-servant of God!…” |
Thy writing was considered. I ask God that thy
may be illumined with the light of knowledge
and faith to the extent that thy face will radiate its
glory, even as a light, when set aglow in the lamp, will
cast its rays to the surrounding regions.
I hope that the darkness of evil suggestions shall be
dispersed and that the veil of uncertainty shall be torn
asunder; that the beauty of truth may become manifest
with glory and the light of mercy become radiant. Thus
mayest thou, O maid-servant of God, with thy honorable
husband and revered son, become free from the
severe trials and appear with grace in the gatherings
of the people of God.
The nineteen-day fast
is a duty to be observed by
all. All should abstain from eating and drinking from
sunrise to sunset. This fast is conducive to the spiritual
development of the individual. The Greatest Name
should be read every day.
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The word “mind” (Persian, “dale”) is also translated “heart”; here it is mind.
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From March 2d to March 20th, inclusive. The fast is kept by refraining from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset.
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