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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Page 524   

“O thou who hast turned thy face toward the Kingdom of God!…”

O thou who hast turned thy face toward the Kingdom of God!
Thy letter was received. In reality thou art spiritually hungry and athirst for the Water of Life. Therefore I send to thee spiritual food and bestow upon thee the Water of Life Eternal. That food is the divine advices and exhortations revealed in the Tablets and the spiritual outpourings of the breath of the Holy Spirit. I hope ere long it will reach thee and thou wilt behold what an exhilaration and beatitude it produceth and what cheerfulness and serenity and what heavenly emotions it createth.
Educate and train thou that dear child with the utmost perseverance.
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