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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Page 529   

“O thou who art advancing toward the Kingdom of God!…”

O thou who art advancing toward the Kingdom of God!
Thy letter was read; its contents had bearing upon Guidance. Praise be to God! thou possessed a perceiving eye and an attentive ear! Now is the time for thee to give thanks to God with an expressive tongue; to appreciate this bounty.
Consider in what a great age thou hast stepped into the world of existence and under the shadow of what an Ensign of Guidance thou wert sheltered and attained the hope and greatest desire of the saints!
If thou dost arise to comply with that which is deemed worthy of this favor and is a duty, thou shalt observe that this Guidance is the crown of eternal sovereignty and this attainment is everlasting glory, happiness and the means of the forgiveness of sins and the lamp of eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.
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