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Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas
Author: ‘Abdu’l-Bahá
Source: Bahá’í Publishing Committee, 1909 edition
Pages: 730
Page 534   

“O ye two kind and beloved maid-servants of God!…”

O ye two 1 kind and beloved maid-servants of God!
A splendour from the Supper of the Lord was cast upon the table that ye have spread and the spiritual food descended. It was on this account that the souls were rejoicing and happy and the spirits of those who were present were uplifted. The soul and heart of Abdul-Baha was present and manifest. What a happy night that was, and what a blessed feast! It became conducive to the happiness of the people of the Supreme Concourse, and the cause of joy and bliss to the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Abha. I beg of God that He may assist and confirm you so that ye may bring about such feasts.
1. Mother and daughter.   [ Back To Reference]
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