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“O ye blessed maid-servant of the Beauty of Abha!…” 628 |
O ye blessed maid-servant
of the Beauty of Abha!
If ye have written letters to Abdul-Baha and answers
to them are delayed, know ye of a certainty that untold
hindrances have been the cause. Be ye not unhappy.
Praise be to God! that, on account of firmness and steadfastness
in the Cause of God and service to the Word of
God, spiritual letters are continually and uninterruptedly
descending from the Supreme Concourse and the Kingdom
of Abha. That holy Messenger is eternal and
perennial and His messages come to the heart successively
and the verses of oneness are read therein. Likewise,
this imprisoned one is greatly attached with his
heart and soul to the beloved ones and this very attachment
is the faithful Messenger and the manifest Tablet.
Therefore, my request is this: Should ye send a hundred
letters and no answers be received, do ye not feel
at all sad; nay, rather think of this occurrence as a
glorious proof of the power of love, as it will demonstrate
that there is no incumbency (or formality) between
us. Were there any opportunity, undoubtedly
answers would be forwarded. In brief, I beg of God
that each one of you become the sign of guidance, a
manifest book from the Supreme Concourse, attracted
with the fragrances of God and enkindled with the fire
of the love of God.
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Addressed to three maid-servants.
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