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“O thou servant of the Threshold of God!…” |
O thou servant
of the Threshold of God!
As to what thou hast written concerning “Reincarnation”:
Believing in reincarnation is one of the old tenets
held by most nations and creeds, as well as by the Greek
and Roman philosophers and wise men, the old Egyptians
and the chief Assyrians. But all these sayings and
superstitions are vanity in the sight of God.
The greatest [argument] produced by those who held
to reincarnation has been this: “That it is necessary
to the justice of God to give every one his due. Now
everybody who is afflicted by any calamity is said to have
sinned; but when a little child, which is still in the womb
of its mother and hath just been formed, is found to
be blind, deaf or imperfect, how could it have committed
any sin that we might say this imperfection is
given to it as a punishment therefore—so, though such
a child hath not done outwardly any sin in the womb
of its mother, ye [they say] it must have sinned when
it was in its former body, which hath caused it to suffer
this punishment.”
Indeed, these people have been negligent of the fact
that had the creation been carried out in a uniform
fashion, how could the statement be true, that “God
doeth whatever He wisheth and God doeth whatever He
Though the fact of “Return” is mentioned in the
Divine Books, by this is intended the return of the
qualities, characters, perfections, truths and lights (of
the past age), which re-appear in every age, and not
(the return) of certain persons and souls. For example:
If we say this lamp is the return of that of last night,
or that the last year’s flower hath returned in the garden
(this year), in this sense the return of the individual,
or identity, or personality is not meant; nay, rather, it
is intended that the same qualities and states existing
in that lamp or flower, which are now seen in this lamp
or flower, have returned. That is, the same perfections
and virtues and properties which existed in the past
springtime have returned during this present springtime.
For instance: When one says, these fruits are the same
as those of last year; in this sense, he hath reference to
the freshness and delicacy of the fruit, which hath returned,
although there is no doubt that the identical fruit
of last year hath not returned.
Have the friends of God found such enjoyments and
repose during their existence on this visible earth, that
they might wish to have their return renewed and repeated
constantly? Are all these calamities, injuries,
trials and difficulties of the once coming not sufficient for
them that they should wish a repeated life in this world?
Hath this cup been of such sweetness that they should
long for it successively and repeatedly? No! the
friends of the Beauty of El-Baha never seek any recompense
or reward except the meeting and the visit (of
God) in the Kingdom of El-Baha; and they never walk
but in the valley of desire to attain the Supreme Height.
They only wish the immortal blessing and the eternal
gift, which are sanctified above the worldly understanding.
Because, when thou lookest with the iron sight, thou
wilt find that all mankind is suffering in this earthly
world; there is no one in such tranquility that this (state)
might have been a reward for his good deeds in a former
life and there is no soul so happy that this might be the
fruit of his past pain! Had the life of a man in his
spiritual being been only confined to his life in this world,
the creation would have proved useless; the divine qualities
would have no result and effect; nay, all things,
created beings and the world of creation would have
proved abortive. I ask pardon of God for such false
imaginations and for such errors!
As the usefulness and powers of the life (of a child)
were not seen in that dark and narrow world (of the
womb), but when it is brought into this vast world, all
the use of its growth and development becometh manifest
and obvious in it, so likewise, reward and punishment,
paradise and hell, and the requital of deeds and
actions done by it in the present life become manifest
and evident when it is transferred to the world to come—which is far from this world! Had the life and
growth of the child in the womb been confined to that
condition, then the existence of the child in the womb
would have proved utterly abortive and unintelligible;
as would the life of this world, were its deeds, actions
and their results not to appear in the world to come.
Therefore, know thou that the True One possesseth
invisible worlds which human meditation is unable to
comprehend and the intellect of man hath no power to
imagine. When thou wilt purify and clarify thy spiritual;
nostrils from every worldly moisture, then thou wilt
inhale the holy fragrances diffusing from the merciful
gardens of these worlds.
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To a believer in Baku, Russia.
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Abdul-Baha elucidated Jesus’ teaching against the theory of “blindness from birth” and the defects being caused by the sin of the individual in a former state (see St. John 9:1–3), thus: “Jesus states that this defect exists in order to prove and show that the gift of sight is from God alone and is one of his bounties. Because were all created with sight the people would consider it a mere natural fact that they must be so made, and not give God thanks for His great gift.”—Translator
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